The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0601, it's Bla's turn to invent

"It's so romantic. I didn't expect that Saruyama-san would perform a human-beast love that crosses racial barriers." Risa thought so, and immediately comforted: "Don't worry too much, we will try to help you get Saruyama-san. What's more, You guys look very good." Risa's words were approved by the girls.Especially Bra, feels the same.Come on, as long as there is love, nothing can stop you.

"But... Mrs.'s appearance is probably the main reason that Saruyama can't accept it." Li Dou said his own opinion. He knows his friendly and wretched character.

"It's true that you need to make some changes if you want to get the approval of Saruyama students." Nie Kong said.

"Eh...then what should we do." Lala said with confusion.Nie Kong shook his head. You can only be thankful that you will be reborn on Earth in your next life.

"Hehe..." Just as everyone was thinking, Bla suddenly laughed.

"Qiangqiang... In such a difficult time, it's my turn to launch the changeable cat cat S version invented by Bula." She took out a radio pistol from her mobile phone screen like a pull.

When Nie Kong forced her to practice, she used that pistol to become a cat lady like Tacheng sisters.And now there is an additional S version, you think it is a mobile phone.

In fact, Nie Kong really wanted to complain about the invention of the two women. It was really ridiculous.

"Nah...Bullah sauce, what does it do?" Lala asked eagerly with green light in her eyes.The girls of Chuncai were very surprised. It was the first time that they heard that Bra sauce was able to invent something like Lala sauce.

"It used to be that I took the genes of my grandfather's pet kitten, and the props invented by integrating the technology I developed can turn people into cats. But after my improvement, I can now take the genes of any animal." Said confidently.

"Could it be said that the purpose of Bulajiang is to turn Saruyama into a civet cat? It really is a good idea." Xiaolun said happily.

"No. Now that I have decided to take action, how can I force him to agree? I want Saruyama-san, and I willingly agree to do souvenirs." Bula put on a gesture of pulling wind.

Hearing Bra's words, the civet cat mother flashed a surprise smile immediately.Is it possible to get Mr. Saruyama willing to be the father of the child? I am so happy.

"Bulachan, hurry up and talk about it." Lisa asked all the women with curiosity. It would be too bad to change his mind.

"Hehe...Although Xiaolun didn't guess it just now, but it's very close. I want to use the changeable cat cat S version to adopt human genes and turn the civet cat mother into a human girl." Bula said happily.

"So, I guess Saruyama will go crazy when he sees a girl expressing love to him." Li Dou agreed.

Nie Kong felt a bit chilly in his back. If they could believe their invention, the sow would already be able to climb trees.Brah, you tell your shortcomings so you can feel at ease.

"Okay, now I'm starting to collect genes, who wants to..." Bula Gang said, and the women of Haruna took a step back at the same time, highlighting the pear bucket looking around.

And Nie Kong's own genes are under his control. Dr. Gallo of the Red Ribbon Legion failed to extract his genes, let alone Bra.

"Eh, I...I..." Li Dou looked around in a panic, wanting to say that she didn't want to.

"Student Li Dou, you are indeed Saruyama's best friend. In that case, use your gene to change the civet cat mother." Bua Shen nodded his head with approval, then raised his radio pistol and aimed at Li Dou.

The pistol has changed a lot, with a blue button added next to the red button.Nie Kong guessed that one is collection and the other is release.When the two are combined, they can possess the abilities that Brah said.

"Ah..." The dazzling white light shone, Li Dou frightened her hands in front of her.But after the light passed, he didn't seem to feel pain.Confused opened his eyes and found that Bra had collected his genes in the pistol.

He moved his body, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he found that there was nothing special.

"After the collection is completed, it is released immediately. Mother Tanuki, do you agree to take the initiative to seek the consent of Saruyama classmates after becoming a girl like us?" Bula asked.

"But if he finds out it is me in the future, will he be angry?" Tanuki hesitated.

"No problem, no problem. By that time, the rice is already raw and cooked. I see Saruyama-classmates, there is no choice anymore, hehehe..." Risa showed a black-bellied evil smile, who knows where her mind jumped. .

Nie Kong was dumbfounded. Is it uncooked to cook mature rice? I think it's the overlord's bow.

"Thank you, I will try my best to bring happiness to Saruyama. Well, I am willing to become a human being like you." The female civet said with a touch of emotion.

"OK, ready to launch." Bla squinted his left eye, posing for a shooting very sexy.She looks so cute.

After aiming, launch.Bla pressed the red button, and the dazzling light immediately wrapped the civet cat tightly.When the light dissipated, there was a superb mother lying in the bed.

She was naked, her breasts as huge as Teacher Yumen were completely presented in front of Nie Kong and the others.The figure is very plump, maybe because of the new birth.As for the appearance, it was three to four points similar to Li Dou.

It looks like Li Dou's sister, Li Dou was shocked.Suddenly, he felt that there was goose bumps all over his body, and the girl who was transformed in his appearance was going to be shameless to Saruyama?

"It's very beautiful, it can definitely attract Saruyama." Haruna insisted.

"Really." She touched her body, seemingly satisfied with the new change.

"It shouldn't be too late, you can get dressed and act quickly." Bla looked very anxious, and seemed to regard her as more important than her own?

"That's right, Saruyama may now confess like a girl in a school, and then avoid using it as a souvenir. As for your children, Lidou will take care of you temporarily." Risa said on her own behalf, and she would prefer to see it with her own eyes. To a plot that develops like a TV series.

The civet cat's physique is really strong, and his body can move freely just after giving birth.After passing through the clothes Lala found, she left the health room with a little fear.

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