The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0602, poor Saruyama

Li Dou looked at the sleeping baby in her arms with helplessness, regretting that she could not see the progress of the matter with her own eyes.And just as Risa expected, Saruyama Man School confessed to the girls.

"Senior Tenjoin, please associate with me." The first person who went out and met Sajime's third daughter, Saruyama stared at her with a pitiful light.But when Saji heard what Saruyama said, a tic-tac-toe appeared on her forehead.After angrily slapped Saruyama twice, he said to Rin that they were left to deal with.

Kujo Rin and Fujisaki Aya immediately beat him up, and they confessed their failure for the first time.Saruyama, with a blue nose and swollen face, came to the classroom and saw Yui who was sitting still and staring at the student's demeanor.

"Please, please associate with me."

Saruyama put on a serious expression, hoping to attract Yui.But Wei directly hit him with an uppercut and hummed: "Never." Saruyama's expression became uglier than crying.

He gritted his teeth and would never admit that he could not find a girl to date.He changed his strategy, and he confessed once after a girl.But the girls answered almost the same, all of them were NO.

His crazy behavior caused a sensation among the school girls.The passing girls spared him one after another.

Poor Saruyama looks very ugly, and his character is famous in the school. How could there be girls willing to accept him?After repeated blows, Saruyama felt discouraged.

Dragging his tired and injured body, he has begun to despair of his future.Can it be said that apart from it, no one really likes him?

Finally unable to endure the injury, he slowly collapsed in the corridor of the school.Although his eyes circled, he still kept saying: "Please associate with me..."

"It's okay." Suddenly some familiar voice reached Saruyama's ears, awakening him from the abyss of despair.He opened his eyes and saw a girl squatting in front of him on one knee, and tenderly extended a hand to him.

Although her appearance is not beautiful, she looks so cute in the eyes of Saruyama, rescuing him like an angel.With some familiar cheeks, she is comparable to the figure of Mikado-Sensei...yes, she is a civet cat after her transformation.Due to the use of Lidou's genes, she became medium-looking.And the figure is so great, nowhere can Saruyama stand it.

Saruyama's nostrils were spraying heat, and it was full of blood and blue in an instant.

"Can you stand up, if you don't hurry up and get a treatment..."

Saruyama grabbed the outstretched little hand with both hands, and said with impulsive desire in his eyes, "Please associate with me." That was his heartfelt remark, and he found that he was really moved.

The original Saruyama would like Lidou's changed pears, but now the civet cat uses Lidou's genes, no wonder he will be fascinated by him.

"Are you... are you serious? Are you willing to associate with me?" Tanuki looked surprised and inexplicably surprised, her tone was a little panic.Unexpectedly, Mr. Saruyama was really willing to be a child's father.

"Very serious, okay to be my girlfriend." Saruyama grabbed her hand, sparks in her eyes.She has a great body and a cute face.If she could be her own girlfriend, Saruyama would be drooling.

How did he expect that the girl in front of him was transformed from a civet cat.

"In that case, I will announce the marriage contract. Mr. Saruyama, please take care of it in the future." Tanuki hugged Saruyama with excitement and couldn't wait to announce.

"Well... I'll take you to the health room, first introduce you to my friends." Saruyama said eagerly.

I finally have a girlfriend, don't envy Li Dou.Saruyama was laughing wildly, it was a blessing in disguise.

"No... don't let it go, let's talk about it when you have time. The two of us are going to date like lovers?" Tanuki said blushing.She remembered Risha's suggestion to cook the rice as soon as possible.

"Okay... OK, let's date, date." Saruyama regained his spirit, and immediately left the health room clean.He grabbed Tanuki's little hand and set off to the outside of the school.

Hiding in a hidden corner, Haruna and the others are very happy to see things go so smoothly.

"Saruyama really agreed, it seems that our efforts were not in vain." Bragan said.She succeeded, but when will she wait.

"Hehe... to avoid the discovery of the truth, Saruyama will turn his face, mother civet cat really wants to act." Risa said with green light in her eyes.

"Mama civet cat is an outdoor group living in groups, it is really possible that some exciting things will happen." Wei Yang expects inexplicably.You guys are so lustful, what is the beauty of the two beastly loves of Saruyama.

"Since it has been successful, let's not disturb their date." Haruna replied weakly, how can we spy on other people's dates.

"Chunca is right, you hurry back to the classroom to go to class." Nie Kong said with a stern face to avoid scenes that are inappropriate for children.


The five girls could only suppress curiosity and obediently returned to the classroom of Class A in Year 2.

The date of the two went smoothly. First of all, Saruyama took the civet cat mother to the cinema to watch the movie.But unexpectedly, Saruyama actually watched several games in a row.When it was dark, they came to a nearby park.

At this time, Saruyama finally revealed his true essence.When the two sat side by side in the chairs, Saruyama embraced the civet cat with both hands, his eyes turned into hearts.His wretched face slowly approached the civet cat, saying that he was about to kiss her.

What made Saruyama very excited was that she did not resist herself.He finally dedicated his first kiss to her.The latter thing was more unexpected by Saruyama, she was actually more active than herself.

As she said, their race is very free and casual in that respect.The two kissed fiercely, and then hugged and rolled in the dense grass of the park.

"I'm finally becoming a man, Mom and Dad, thank you for giving birth to me." The clothes slipped slowly, and Saruyama's moved tears filled his eyes.Such a cute girl will finally become her true lover.

The intense breathing slowly resounded, and with the habitual meowing, the two finally merged into one.But at this moment, the girl pressing on the ground... actually turned into a familiar civet cat...

He paled with fright, as if he had seen a ghost.

"How is it possible, you...who are you?"

"Ahhhhhh, how come you have turned into a recovery. But I still love you, go ahead and Saruyama-san." Forcibly hugged Saruyama, the civet cat's huge body suppressed him.


Accompanied by happy meows and Saruyama's painful howls, Saruyama-classmates were poorly bowed by Tanuki Overlord.

No wonder the voice is so familiar, she turned out to deceive such a cute girl.Saruyama felt like crying without tears, and had the urge to kill him.

The drawbacks of Bra’s invention finally appeared, and the transformation can only last for half a day.

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