The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0603, two loli who ran away from home

The drawbacks of Bianbian Mao Maojun, invented by Bula, finally appeared, and the transformation can only last for half a day.Moreover, something went wrong at the most critical moment, no wonder Nie Kong felt cold in his back.If you encounter that kind of situation, you will definitely be scared to death.His hobbies are normal, and he hasn't reached the perverted level of Saruyama.

Poor Saruyama was about to rush into the girl, but how could she know that the lovely girl suddenly turned into a beast?

Thinking that he had just confessed to it personally, Saruyama knew that he was finished.I am a sheep into the mouth of a tiger, and it seems to be a local product.Buy one get one free, Saruyama made it.

Since he could not resist the huge civet cat, he could only bear it silently.The most tragic thing is that after being strongly abused by a civet cat, Saruyama actually felt happy, or pleasure for short.That's right, Saruyama has a very cheap M attribute, which is purely M.Of course, he will feel happy if he is forced to bow by the civet cat.

A fierce gasp rang for half an hour, and the two in the bushes were all satisfied.Seeing Saruyama's happiness, Tanuki blushed and said, "Suanshan-kun, please take care of it from now on. If possible, I want to give birth to Saruyama-kun with a baby." Tanuki felt so happy that he could get his wish.

"Oh my God, please kill me." Saruyama yelled up to the sky.What kind of freak would it be if a child was born.Is it a civet cat or a human?Just thinking about it, Saruyama felt terrible

Their relationship has been raw rice and cooked rice, which Saruyama cannot deny.Although he became a man as he wished, Saruyama felt unspeakable.The process was very happy, but it was painful afterwards.

Saruyama tidied up his clothes, and Tanuki hugged him and forced him back to the school health room.At this time, Li Dou was coaxing Saruyama's cheap son inside, and could not rush home in time.

After seeing their "intimate" appearance, Li Dou was shocked, but seeing Saruyama's depressed expression, Li Dou did not ask much.After putting the children into Tanuki's arms, Li Dou hurriedly said goodbye to them.

He is very strange, the civet cat alien should have become human with the help of classmate Bra, how can it be restored to its original state?It seems that Saruyama-classmates have a bad relationship with women, and it is really hard to enjoy the gentleness of a normal girl.

I thought that Saruyama would have fun, but things are unpredictable.Don't be sad Saruyama, I have had a worse experience than you, I will accompany you in pain.

After two or three minutes of silence for his friend, Li Dou hurried back home.It is estimated that my sister Meigan has already made dinner and is waiting for him to eat dinner at this time.

The alien assassin's affairs finally come to an end, and the mother and son Tanuki have decided to live in Saruyama's home.It was Saruyama's parents who saw the monster-like civet cat, and their feet were so frightened.

In the early morning of the next day, the students were very surprised to find that Saruyama's spirit was a little sluggish, and the whole person looked a little weak.Risa smiled, it seems that the two had a great time last night.

Seeing the happy ending, Lala chuckled heartlessly and asked Saruyama how he felt after having a wife and children, which caused Saruyama to complain and growl.

Nie Kong shook his head. Sure enough, the prop invented by Bula was flawed.It would be nice if the changes can be restored with their own wishes, but the transformation can only last for half a day.He was a little curious, how did Saruyama conquer the beastly big civet cat.Nie Kong may never have thought that it was the civet cat who had conquered the M-attributed Saru Mountain.

Just when Nie Kong and the others were living happily, they were far away on the planet Debby Luke in the universe.Standing deep in the central palace, two very cute loli are lying on the bed and talking.They have the same pink hair, but only ear length.The pretty faces of the two women are similar to those of Lala. One loli has great breast development, while the other looks very poor.After the palace lost its sister Lala, the source of the excitement and joy, it looked very deserted.

"Dad is really too much. He always forces us to learn those boring court etiquette. I really envy Sister Lala, who can go to other planets to play." Said a certain Lolita, who was very poor and milky.

"Yeah, I really want to see what kind of marriage partner my sister has chosen. Dad actually agreed, and I am more and more curious." Loli, who has breasts different from her age, folded her hands on her chest, her eyes gleaming .

"My sister chooses it herself, so what can be better. Nah... Mengmeng, why don't we escape from the palace and visit the earth where my sister is. The future brother-in-law must be approved by us." It seems that something has been thought of Interesting things, Lori said with excitement.

"Hmph, I think Nana mainly wants to escape the court etiquette that Dad forced us to learn. But you have a great idea. Why can my sister leave, we have to learn those boring knowledge?" Mengmeng said dissatisfied.

"But, if I find out for my father..." Nana hesitated as if thinking about the bad situation.

"What are you afraid of? With the special abilities of the two of us, how could Dad find out?" Mengmeng believed.She has the ability to communicate with plants, while Nana has the ability to communicate with animals.The two women relied on their innate abilities to conquer many strange partners.

Their age was in the period of rebellion, and they could not stand the strict education of King Debby Luke and wanted to leave.Nana used her ability to communicate with plants and the two women escaped from the tightly guarded palace.

The escape tool is simple, it is a civilian spaceship that everyone can own on the planet Debby Luke.The two girls learned about them since elementary school, but they can simply operate it and leave.

An intelligent spacecraft can automatically start a space jump after entering the coordinates of the target.After being free, the two women were full of excitement and full of curiosity about the upcoming journey.

The planet Debby Luke sounded an S-class siren, and the whole planet was looking for the whereabouts of the two princesses.Qiduo didn't expect that all of his three daughters had left him, making him angry.

He issued a reward announcement for the whole universe, hoping that someone could find the traces of the two women.

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