The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0603, strange little spring vegetables

"Wow..." Two dog barks came from the school, which immediately attracted Haruna's attention.Dogs are her favorite animals, and she has a Boston Terrier named Malone.

"Wild dog? I probably got lost and ran in from somewhere." Haruna followed the voice and saw the little white dog barking frantically."What's the matter, it's so loud."

Its eyes seemed to slowly turn to Haruna, and ran in her direction, with a fierce light in her eyes.Haruna was a little afraid to step back, but her body suddenly became very stiff.The wind whistling, Haruna's eyes slowly lost her look.The puppy looked around, seeming to wonder how his goal disappeared.

In the window on the second floor of the teaching building, Mr. Yumen just noticed Haruna's quiet look in a daze, and said strangely: "She should be a classmate of Xilianji, what happened?"

After a while, Haruna finally patted her chest after watching the dog leave.Looking at the teaching building with people coming and going in front, Haruna smiled and ran into the teaching building.

"Good noon, everyone, you seem to be more energetic than usual." Her eyes were bent into crescent shapes, and she came to Lala happily.

"Why do you always think that Haruna's character is different from usual." Bula thought confused.

"Ahaha, Haruna is also very energetic." The nervous Lala didn't notice anything abnormal, and replied with a smile.

"Chun...cai, what's wrong, I look good." Two paws suddenly attacked from behind.Holding her flushed face tightly, she turned her head and saw Lin Sha and Wei Young who were smiling evilly.

"Haha...itchy. Okay, it's your turn next." Haruna couldn't help but tears flowed out of her smile.She broke free of the little hands of the two women, and unexpectedly, she rubbed her backhand towards the inner yarn.

"Wait...Wait a minute, what's going on, even Chuncai comes to this set." Wei Yang said dumbfounded.

"But to be honest, the performance of the spring vegetable sauce is too strange, it has changed like a person." Bula thought suspiciously.

"Look at the move, since I have been counterattacked, how can we not counterattack." Although Risa was surprised, the smile on the corner of her mouth grew thicker.Her hands rubbed Haruna's breast again, and the tingling sensation made her laugh.The three women became a group, but fortunately no man saw their bold and exciting behavior.

"Wait for me, how can you do that kind of shameless things during your lunch break. As the class leader, Xiliansi classmate, how can you do this?" Standing in front of them with hands on hips was from the class. Yui Furukawa, member of the discipline committee.

"Then you come together." Haruna laughed and threw herself behind Wei, putting her hands in her clothes.

"You...what are you doing, stop me quickly." The chest was touched by others, but the whole body felt hot.She blushed and scolded loudly.

"Oh, so cute, what's this?" Haruna looked confused and looked at the white bra that he had just taken out of Wei's clothes, and put on a confused and cute look.

"Could it be that it's mine..." Wei touched herself and found that her self-reality had disappeared.hand

"Give me back." Wei grabbed his bra in shame and glared at Haruna.

"That's so cute, what the hell is it?" Looking at Wei with pure eyes, there was only a feeling of powerlessness.

"Are you talking about it, you also wear it."

"Really?" Haruna opened her clothes and was as surprised as she found the New World when she saw her lace bra.

The women hurriedly suppressed the corners of her clothes and hurriedly said, "Chuncajang, you're pretending to be a fool." They finally confirmed that Chuncai is different from usual.Become cheerful and lively, personality is very close to Lala.

"Teacher Nie Kong, I finally found you." The door of Nie Kong's office was knocked open with a clang. The first thing Nie Kong saw was Chuncai's cheerful smile, and she followed Bra and the others. Few women.

"What's wrong, is Xiao Chuncai looking for something to do with me?" Nie Kong asked, looking at Chunca in surprise.

"Yes, I want to say something to you personally. Actually, I have always liked you." Her eyes were misted, and her pretty face was blushing.

Nie Kong was a little bit dumbfounded. Chuncai had always been a stubborn and timid personality... actually confessed to him personally that the sky is about to fall.Nie Kong carefully observed her in front of him, wanting to see who dared to pretend to be Chuncai.

Spiritual consciousness scanned her body, and he noticed the familiar soul fluctuations.Nie Kong finally realized that she was actually occupying Chuncai's body.

"Huh...huh, what are you talking about Chuncaijang." The girls behind were all dumbfounded, and it was Blair who asked first.

"Hehe... I'm sorry, did you scare you?" Haruna blushed and shook her hands and explained with a smile: "Actually...I always wanted to experience the confession once, no, it should be said. Feel the speed of your heartbeat."

"Chuncajang, what the hell is going on?" Risa asked madly, shaking her shoulder.

"Actually, I am Xiaojing, the ghost." Haruna was finally happy to tell the truth.

"Don't you mean... Xiaojing from the old schoolhouse?" Risa asked tremblingly when she found herself a little scared.

"Well, it's been a long time since I met everyone. Since I met you, I have been yearning for the bright time outside. This morning, I finally took action and slipped out of the old school building. Then I encountered a puppy hunt , So I hid in the body of classmate Haruna." Cura Yujing said indifferently.

"Can you actually possess a human body? It's strange..." Lala was very curious and surrounded the village Yujing, with the urge to study her.

"I also felt very confused at first, but I was happy to get the body I have been missing for a long time. But this will cause trouble to Haruna, and I should go back to the old school building." Cura Yu nodded his head and closed. Her eyes.

Nie Kong and the others looked at Chuncai quietly, and did not disturb her.The room became silent. After a long time, she opened her eyes and touched the back of her head. She didn't mean to say, "That... how can I leave?"

The women sweated violently and had the urge to fall.

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