The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0605, the true heart of spring vegetables

Haruna lost the memory of when Cura Yujing was possessed, and luckily her body and soul were all safe and sound.It is a pity that Haruna didn't know, the secret she had hidden in her heart was discovered by Cura Yujing.

In her spare time the next day, Haruna just came out of the bathroom when she heard someone calling her name.For fear that her face would turn blue, no one said in the bathroom just now.

"Just...someone seems to be calling my name, is it an illusion." Haruna trembling, slowly turned to the back.

"Student Haruna, it's me." A weird white shadow appeared behind her, who was floating in the air and looked at Haruna with a smile.

"Oh... are you Xiao... Xiaojing?" Haruna fell to the ground in fright, her face pale and bloodless.No wonder the spirit is weaker than ordinary people, it seems that the reason is more scared.

"Please don't be scared like that, I'll be very upset." Seeing Haruna's reaction, Murakami's crescent-shaped eyes that were smiling immediately turned into peasy eyes.

Haruna wanted to cry. Although she said so, she was a ghost.That is what Haruna fears most in her life. Even if she knows her, Haruna still feels cold on her back.

"Xiaojing, you... why didn't you go back to the old school building?" After relieving the depression and fear in her heart, Haruna asked Cura Yujing curiously.If you come out like this, how many people will be scared to death.

"Because Mimon-sensei said that I will be used for research materials, and she said that she can help me make an artificial body that contains the soul. As long as the body is completed after a while, I will be able to resurrect as a human being. When the time comes, please Please take care of Spring Vegetable Sauce." Cun Yujing's pretty face beamed with hope. After seeing the wonderful world outside, she was tired of the dark life of the old school building.She is dead, and the soul is floating in the world who knows how long it will last.If there is a chance for resurrection, how could she miss it.

"Artificial body?" Haruna whispered. Ms. Yumen is too powerful, isn't it possible to make something like that?What an incredible thing to bring back to life.

"By the way, Chun Cai Jiang, you just muttered to Teacher Nie Kong in the bathroom. Has the relationship between the two of you progressed?" Cun Yujing changed the subject and asked with interest.

"Eh, why mention me and Teacher Nie Kong?" Chun Cai stammered.

"Sorry, actually I know the mood of Chuncaijiang. When I was attached to your body yesterday, I once sneaked into your deep consciousness. There are beautiful memories of you."

After Haruna heard her words, her pupils shrank and her face slowly rose up with a flush like a hot sun.Flustered and shy, there are no words to express her feelings.

"You... how can you be like this..."

Seeing her reaction, Mura Yujing immediately explained in a panic: "I didn't have any strange intentions, but if I didn't release the possession at that time, I would die. I want to sneak into your deep consciousness, and thus Wake you up..."

"That's it." Gentle Haruna has accepted her excuse.

"Well, even if I die, I won't tell others." Cura Yu said quietly.

But although Cura Yujing didn't speak bluntly, the girls had already understood seven to eighty points from what she said yesterday, but Haruna didn't have the memory of that time.

"You are dead if you say anything, you are already a ghost." Haruna smiled bitterly, but was not angry with her.

"Chuncajiang, you really like Teacher Nie Kong, right?" Cun Yujing asked later.

"Well... I like it the most." After a moment of silence, Haruna's pretty face showed unprecedented tenderness, and she gently said her hidden secret.

"Wow... that's right. Well, in order to apologize for the troubles caused yesterday, I will cheer for Chun Cai Jiang's love affair." Cura Yujing said excitedly.

"But I can't do that. Lalajiang likes the teacher as much as I do. Lalajiang is my best friend. How can I snatch the teacher from my friends." Chun Nai gently pressed her palm on her chest and said softly .

Lalachan, Lunchan are more active than they are.I am inferior to Lara, and my face is not cute, how can I succeed.She has no confidence, no courage to destroy the current happy life.If you confess, the relationship will break.

"But... but others like them. If you don't express your true thoughts, then I think I will regret it later." Cura Yujing preached very seriously.

Xiaojing retains her pre-death concept 400 years ago. She feels that it is not wrong for boys to have a group of girls. Polygamy is normal.

"And I feel that Teacher Nie Kong would like spring vegetable sauce very much."

The teacher likes himself?Haruna was stunned.Recalling the gentle behavior that the teacher had done to him a few times ago, the very intimate Xiao Haruna called... Haruna felt inexplicably happy in her heart, is it true?

"Will...Will it?" Haruna questioned.

"Perhaps, or should I help you be attached to Teacher Nie Kong's body to check his deep consciousness?" Cun Yujing's eyes sparkled and made her own suggestion.By the way, Teacher Nie Kong is so charming, I always think about approaching him deliberately.If it can be attached to him, it would be so comfortable.

"No, how can Xiaojing deliberately peek at other people's secrets, let alone the teacher... If he really likes me, one day I will understand his mind." Haruna stopped.

Fortunately, Chunca made a sound to stop Cun Yujing, otherwise, if she dared to possess Nie Kong based on her soul cultivation, it would definitely be the result of her soul flying away.Nie Kong's primordial spirit would treat the possessed strange soul as a seizure, and defend and destroy her weakly.

"But in this case..." Cun Yujing still wanted to say, she wanted to see Haruna happy.

"So I'm very troubled, but being able to care about the teacher secretly, I think it's enough." Haruna whispered.

"In this case, I can only cheer for you secretly." Xiao Jing could only encourage.

"Hmm..." Believing that time goes by, the teacher will choose the girl he really likes.As the wife of Saruyama's civet cat said, the happiness of the teacher is the most important thing.

Madame Tanuki has gained her own happiness, and Saruyama likes their mother and child very much.With her example, I believe that I will also be happy in the future.

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