The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0606, Lara's Krote cold

"Lala, it's time to get up, otherwise it's almost time for class." Nie Kong pushed open the bedroom door and shouted inside.He scanned the very strange bedroom that she had remodeled, and then stopped his gaze on her.

At this moment Lala was planning to order Pei Kai to change his school uniform, so that his beautiful body was completely presented in front of him.

"Ahhh...I'm changing my clothes, Nie Jun, you're going out for me." Lala's pretty face showed a faint blush, while her left hand was covering an important part of her body, her right hand picked up the objects next to him to move towards Nie. Sora threw it crazy.

"Okay, remember to hurry up." Nie Kong hurriedly closed the door. Although Lala reacted somewhat strangely and shyly, he didn't care.After Lala changed clothes, the dining table was set for a hearty breakfast.

Looking at Nie Jun sitting in front of her, she said with some expectation in her eyes, "Hey... Nie Jun, can you teach me to cook next time."

"It's okay, but it's okay, but why do you suddenly want to learn cooking?" You have no talent for cooking at all, can you eat the food you make.Nie Kong remained skeptical about whether he could teach Lala..

"Thank you, Nie Jun." When Nie Kong was looking at her carefully, Lara suddenly panicked and ate breakfast with his head buried.Her performance was ashamed of a woman's feelings.

Numerous question marks appeared in Bula's head. Today's Lala has become weird. Could it be that she was possessed by a ghost like a spring vegetable sauce.She looked at her father with bewildered eyes and motioned to him to see what was going on.As if he knew his daughter's thoughts, Nie Kong shook his head and said that Lala's soul was not unusual.

Before leaving home, Nie Kong couldn't help but ask: "Lala, are you angry with me?"

"I'm sorry, Jun Nie, I'm not angry. It's just...just a little bit shy, Nie Kong is really good." Lala glanced at Nie Kong in a panic, then hurriedly cast his eyes away.

"Lala would actually show shyness?" Nie Kong gave an initiation like five thunders, his head as if there were 100,000 grass and mud horses running around.How is it possible, Lala, are you sure you are not joking with me?

Bula snorted and thought to himself: "Hmph, Lalachan, you really know how to pretend, I'll see when you can pretend? You are so nervous, who would believe that you are shy?"

Nie Kong just wanted to ask, a girl's voice came in his ear.

"Master Nie Kong, good morning." Sai Ji's voice interrupted him.Nie Kong can only stay there for a while, and then ask carefully what happened to Lala.

"Good morning, Saji-senpai, Rin-senpai, Aya-senpai." She smiled shyly and bowed to the three girls, very ladylike.

Saji's head is also confused, is her enemy Lara like that?Also feeling strange is the oncoming Haruna trio. They were all surprised to see Lala's performance.

Then there was Lian. When he knelt on one knee in front of Lala and began to confess, Lala hid behind Nie Kong and looked at Lian dodgingly.

"Please don't do this, I feel embarrassed."

Lian’s eyes lost consciousness in an instant, and two lines of tears burst forth in an instant, "How could the beautiful Lala be shy, I'm very sorry to interrupt..." Unable to withstand the blow, he crawled and disappeared into Nie Kong and the others. Sight range.

"Lala sauce, you are really different from usual." Haruna said worriedly.The cheerful Lala, how did her personality become the same as her own?

"Really, I didn't think so." Lala said in a low voice.

"Master Lala, your body temperature seems to be much higher than usual, how does your body feel?" Pei Kai, who was wearing Lala's hair, said aloud.

"Body temperature?" Nie Kong stretched his hand to Lala's forehead, and felt hot when he slightly touched her jade-like skin.

"It's so hot, is it a fever?"

"Is it hot?" Lala pressed her head against Nie Kong, her posture very intimate.

"Ahhhhh, Nie Jun's forehead is so cold." Lala said in a low voice, blushing.

"What? It turns out that Lala is sick, so it's no wonder that she is so well-behaved." Risa grasped Lala's little hand, but she felt relieved.

"But is it really okay, Lala sauce." Haruna asked worriedly.

"No problem, I feel the same as usual." Lala gently covered her mouth and smiled.

"Anyway, you should go back to the classroom first. I will take Lala to the health room." After Nie Kong finished speaking, he grabbed Lala's little hand and disappeared before their eyes.Saiyans who are as strong as Wukong will die from viral heart disease, which shows the danger of the virus.Perhaps only Nie Kong's vampire bloodline is immune to viruses and toxins.

Lun stomped his feet, his pretty face a little unwilling.Most of the teacher's attention was only noticed by Lala who showed various unexpected behaviors.Lala, you really are my strongest opponent.

"It seems that I had a Korot cold. Once I got it, my personality would be completely changed to another person with fever. It should be a cold virus outside the universe. I don't know who brought the earth to Lara. "Ryoko Mito immediately smiled after checking Lala's physical condition.

"Ryoko, you are the number one doctor in the universe. You can definitely cure a small illness," Nie Kong said.

"Although there is a vaccine, it will take two or three days to send it. Don't worry, this is not a life-threatening disease. If the vaccine arrives, my assistant Xiaojing will inform you." Ryoko looked at the mid-air Mura Yujing with Said with a smile.

" did I become the teacher's assistant?" Cura Yujing stammered.

"Why, isn't Xiao Jing willing to help me?"

", I'm very happy to be able to help the teacher." Cura Yujing hurriedly replied, indeed she wanted a place to shelter after her resurrection.Unexpectedly, Mr. Mito was so thoughtful, Mura Yujing was a little moved.

"Okay." Nie Kong nodded, he found it very interesting to experience Lala's different personality.

"Since the teacher has said so, then I am going back to the classroom." Lala smiled softly at Nie Kong and quietly moved away.

"Ah, this kind of lesbian is also very cute. Teacher Nie Kong, you have to treat her well." Ryoko smiled.

"Yeah." Nie Kong nodded, but did not refute Ryoko. Anyway, Ryoko is a cosmic person, she can easily accept three wives and four concubines.

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