The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0608The sick Lala is well

Lala boldly showed everything she had carefully guarded, and dedicated her best things to Nie Kong.

"Lala, you are ill now, how do you fit to do such a thing with a variety of personality changes?" Nie Kong pressed her white jade shoulders and suppressed the majestic demands.

"No problem, I feel the same as usual. The only difference is that whenever I see Nie Jun, I feel hot all over, and I have the urge to rub Nie Jun into my body."

Nie Kong didn't have any problems, but Lala, who was pushed to this state, felt a little regretful."But is this your real intention? I'm afraid it was due to the change brought about by your cold."

"I have never changed my mind towards Nie Kong. Hehe, we have concluded a marriage contract."

"Okay, but don't tell Bra about what I will do later." Nie Kong made his request.

"Well, it belongs to our secret." Lala's little pink mouth let out a grinning laugh.

Lala felt a faint pain pierced her body instantly, feeling sore and uncomfortable.Her eyes were confused for a moment, what Nie Jun was doing to her body.

"That's only two people who like each other can play..."

The coquettish Lala suddenly transformed into a pure Lala, but Nie Kong was relieved.This kind of lesbian is the real lesbian.

" it H's game." Lala remembers the memory just now, but her personality has completely changed.Seeing Nie Kong being so close to herself, she felt very happy at this time.

The pretty face is blushing, although she has become a real woman, but the innocent pretty face is still unchanged.If you look closely, you can see the amorous feelings between the corners of the eyebrows, which are characteristics that only women have.

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