The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0609, Lun's plan

The morning sun is shining, and the lovely girl with light blue hair is waiting on her way to school.

"The teacher is really slow today. Will she have already gone to school first? According to the love divination of Galaxy Mail Order, if we can go to school together today, the relationship will develop very auspiciously." She seemed to think of some happy scenes. His eyes narrowed into a line.

It took too much time to stick to Nie Kong's bed early in the morning because of getting Lara.I had already woken up, Rafi said he wanted to continue playing the H game which was very happy.

Nie Kong was afraid that Bula would find out, and quickly grabbed Lala's tail.I wanted to take advantage of her weakness, but Lala Qiao's face was getting redder and red.

After what happened last night, she knew what she needed.It's just that although Lala is already a woman, she was confused and didn't learn the experience of last night.

"Ahhhhhh, I clearly remembered that Nie Jun got into my body from here last night, why didn't I see the passage?" Chunzhen said that and almost made Nie Kong vomit blood.

Listening to the sound of Bra's footsteps approaching, Nie Kong hurriedly suppressed his burning impulse.Remind her to get dressed and prepare for school.The two sneaked out of the bedroom, but luckily they didn't meet Bra.

Then after a raging disturbance, the time was already ten minutes later than usual.Almost late, as the monitor, Chunca missed the opportunity to accompany Nie Kong to school.And Saji also took the lead in leaving with regret.Lun was not constrained by school time and was still waiting by the roadside.

"It's all my fault that brother is too leisurely. Now we are going to be late." Bla complained to Nie Kong.

"Okay, let's sit on it then-Mr. Slippery Skateboard." He smiled and pulled out, naturally taking out a huge skateboard.Before Nie Kong and the others agreed, they had already held them both.

The skateboard slammed out of flames and rushed to the school at a very fast speed.

"Hi, Jun Nie."

Lun, who was waiting at the corner of the street, happily greeted him when he saw Nie Kong appear.It's just to welcome Lun, the force brought by that super high speed.Lun's petite body turned a dozen times on the spot.

"Lala, do you always go against me?" Several wells appeared on Lun's forehead, looking very angry.She recalled the tragic memories of her childhood, the more she felt annoyed.

So that Lun was late that day, Kollala actually asked her hypocritically why she was late.It was all her fault, and Lun felt it necessary to give Lala a bitter taste.Defeat Lara and win the teacher's love.

"Really, I have to find a way to teach her a lesson. But I'm the only one..." Lun, who was thinking about the problem, came to the bathroom, just about to go in and clean up, and three lovely girls greeted him.She seemed to be complaining, saying that Lara had ruined her time with Nie Kong.

"She is a fool queen in the third grade. Does she also like the teacher's Saki Tenjoin? The enemy of the enemy is my friend. Maybe you can try."

Her pretty face flashed with excitement, and she greeted Sa Ji with a smile: "Sa Ji-senpai, I understand your mood very well."

"Student Lun, what's the matter with you?" Saji asked.

"I've always wanted to teach Lala a lesson. Sister, do you want to cooperate with me to play a prank on Lala?" Lun said with a smile.

"Mischief? Stop kidding, how could I do such a naive thing." Sai Ji proudly said.

"Please, senpai, you are necessary for the power of being the best beauty and intelligence in Japan." Ren said pretending to be worship.She knows Saji's character well, and the fool queen is too easy to deceive.

"No. 1 in Japan...Intelligence and beauty?" Sai Ji's pretty face bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and she chuckled: "Since you say that, then I can't refuse it?"

The two women finally united their fronts and jointly dealt with the enemy Lala.There is only one purpose-to make her make a fool of herself in front of Nie Kong.

"So, what are we going to do?" Saji asked.Although she agreed, she found it interesting.Now Teacher Nie Kong is paying more and more attention to Lara, and she will really lose if she continues.

"Actually, I already have a combat plan. In simple terms, it can be divided into Plan A and Plan B. Plan A is to squeeze the tail, and I will attract her attention, and the combat execution will be handed over to the senior sister. When I was a child, I happened to be I understand that the tail is Lala's weakness." Lun Gu said hehe.

"So, what about Plan B?" Saji asked excitedly.

"After plan A is successful, plan B will be implemented, but some props are needed. I have already mailed it to Yinhe. Let's talk about it when it comes." Lun treacherously laughed.

So the battle between the two women began. They set the time to eat lunch during their lunch break.They were almost accompanied by Nie Kong, and Lala would of course be with them.

"Nah...Nie Jun, let me feed you." Leaning on Nie Kong's left, Lala Qiao's face fed Nie Kong with joy.Seeing this scene, they immediately strengthened their determination.

Lun pretended to be careless and spilled the lunch on Lala's tail.

"Wow, sorry Lalachan, are you okay."

"Well, just got the tail, don't mind." Lala didn't seem to dare to touch it, but shrank slightly.

"Oh, let me clean it for you." Saji giggled, her hands already holding the soft tail of Lara.As if she was about to eat and dry the food spilled there, she gently held the tail of the heart of spades in her hand.

"Ahhh... the" Lala was shaking all over, her pretty face immediately turned red.Her eyes were filled with mist, and she let out a cry like the H time last night.

Saji’s pretty face showed a triumphant smile, "Eh, haha, let the pain in my hands as much as you can, Lala. Teacher, have you seen it, Lala looks ugly..."

"Oh, there's no way, it's soiled." Lun said gleefully.

"" Lala's body was tightening, and her tail flicked out.Saji was bounced back by the force and directly hit Ren's body.The two women fell into a ball and crashed a big hole in the wall.

Nie Kong just wanted to stop it, but it was already half a step too late.Although Lala's tail is very sharp, it is still powerful when it feels comfortable.In H, Nie Kong had already noticed.

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