The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0616Game world tour

"Master Sustin, there is a call from Master Cheetah, please answer it immediately." At the transit station in outer space, Sustin, who was eating ramen, immediately threw away the dishes and chopsticks when he heard what he said.

"OK." Sustin pressed the button, and saw a small figure on the screen.

"Master Cheetor, are you looking for something to do with me?" Seeing the queen of Debby Luke, Sustin knelt in front of him on one knee.

"Sustin, how is my daughter Lala doing?" Cheetos asked the question he cared for the first time when he was out of business.

"Don't worry, my husband-in-law likes Lala very much, and they have a great time." When Sastin returns to Earth in time, he always visits Nie Kong and the others to get a basic understanding of Lala's situation.Almost all the candidate husbands-in-law were killed, Master Nie Kong defeated all his opponents and won.

But it was the first time to see the huge piranha at the door, Sustin directly took out his weapon to kill it.But Sustin was very tragic, Xilinu directly turned him into a star.After landing, he was bitten by wild dogs and was taken to the police station as a weird by the police.

"That is her husband-in-law chosen by herself, so she is satisfied. When the time is sufficient, she will bring them back to the wedding and inherit my position by the way." Cheetah nodded in satisfaction.

"Congratulations, Master Chiduo, you can finally relax." Sustin said with excitement on his face.

"Haha... His strength is enough to take on my position, and he may do better than me. Although the universe is unified, there are many problems that need to be addressed." Chiduohaha laughed.

"I will tell them what you have said." Sustin said heavily.

"By the way, I have another very important thing for you." Cheetah suddenly stopped laughing, as if remembering something to tell Sustin.

"Please give your instructions, Master Cheetor."

"Mengmeng and Nana, they ran away from home. Where can they go except for sister Lala? If you find them, catch them back for me immediately." Cheetah said with a headache.

"Could it be that the reason why the two princesses left was..." Sustin recalled the same scene as when Lara was a child, and hesitated.

"You guessed it, they hate studying... But I spent 10 years in politics in the war-torn universe. It is very important to work hard to understand the changes of the times." Qiduo sighed.

In the game space, three young girls suddenly landed from the sky, all Nie Kong knew.

"It's Sa Ji, why are you here too?" Nie Kong grabbed Sa Ji's little hand and curiously asked them.

"We opened the invitation letter in the envelope and suddenly came to this strange world. But I am very happy to have Master Nie Kong with me." Sa Ji looked at Nie Kong joyfully, as if she was in a dream.

He was fortunate enough to be with Master Nie Kong alone, and in such an elegant environment.Really...I really hope Master Nie Kong can continue just now, it's so exciting.

"Sahime-sama, the invitation says that the world here is an RPG game world, and you cannot return to the original world until you pass the level successfully." Kujo Rin solemnly said.

"RPG game?" Sai Ji let out a laugh, proudly said: "It's too simple for me, Lord Nie Kong, I will protect you..."

Nie Kong didn't care, his teleportation could return to the original world at any time.It would be weird if the mere space barrier could stop him.

At this moment, a dark scene appeared in the sky, and five words were written in it: "The enemy has appeared." Then I saw a rabbit-like monster rushing towards Nie Kong and the others.

"Careful, Lord Sahe?" Kujo Rin stopped in front, and his left hand was split into a stomach monster.But after the monster was knocked down, his body disappeared out of thin air, and there were still three or four copper coins in place.

Now Nie Kong finally confirmed that they have come to a virtual world of games.Spiritual sense covers every corner of the world, and he weirdly discovers that all the girls he knows in the world of Love-Ru are in this world.

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