The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0617, transfer?

"Master Nie Kong, there is a town on the opposite side."

Kujo Rin pointed to the front, showing a surprised expression.The architecture of the town is very old, just like a medieval European village.Saji was very curious, she happily took Nie Kong to the town.Perhaps for Saji, now is the time for the two of them to meet alone.

"Welcome to the town of Stottat." Just arriving at the entrance of the village, a farmer carrying a fork appeared and said hello to Nie Kong and the others.Seeing Nie Kong and the others quietly watching him, he repeated it several times.

Like the online game novels that Nie Kong had read before, here is a real and illusory world—a world created by trapped space and virtual technology.

"Teacher..." As soon as he arrived in the town, a gentle voice dedicated to Haruna came to his ears.Following the voice, three young and beautiful girls greeted us.Sure enough, his daughter Bra, Haruna and Xiao Wei were all there.

"What about Lala, didn't she stay with her brother? It was set to clear the customs to leave here, what the hell she was doing." Bula exclaimed.No need to guess, she had expected it to be an invention made by Lala.

"Don't be angry, Lala's purpose may just be that we experience real RPG games happily. In short, let's enjoy the game now." Nie Kong said with a light smile.

"But... but what should I do, I have never played RPG similar games since I was young." Haruna said weakly.

"My situation is the same as that of Haruna. I only watched my brother play. What are we going to do now?" Wei said.When the three women saw Nie Kong, they were relieved.

"As long as you follow the development route of the plot, there will definitely be special reminders. Let's look around the town now." Nie Kong said with great experience.The girls didn't have any opinion, they looked forward to Nie Kong.

Although it is a town, there are only a dozen NPCs.

"Are you travelers? You can't win the battle if you don't set a career when you travel. Go to the door of the village, there is a special transfer house." When they met a middle-aged aunt, they finally triggered the RPG plot.Although a little speechless, let's take a look, what kind of profession can I change into?

When I came to the so-called transfer house, its sign was painted with an unrestrained bunny girl icon, like a bar.

Wei blushed and cursed inwardly: "I don't know how to be ashamed."

"I can only go in." As he said, Nie Kong opened the door of the transfer house.But as soon as the door was opened, five or six identical short bunny girls appeared.They smiled and greeted Nie Kong enthusiastically.

"Welcome to the transfer room, where you can transfer to your own suitable occupation. After setting the occupation, you can use the corresponding skills. Do you want to transfer?"

"Please start."

The bunny girl pulled the lever, and the magic circle was shining with fierce white light.When the light dissipated, their clothes all changed.Chun Nai Jiang is wearing a sexy female rider outfit, which is super cute.Lara is a mechanical armor, only covering three important points.

And Wei was wearing a Chinese-style cheongsam with severely diverged thighs, with white thighs showing on both sides.Raise your legs slightly, and you might expose the trousers inside.

Saji is wearing a black mage robe, but she only wears a three-point pose inside.Kujo Rin belonged to a swordsman and had a delicate sword in his hand.And Ling is a priest, wearing a sacred white dress.

On the other hand, Nie Kong is the most common, his clothes are full of majesty.There is a word of God engraved on the back, ancient and majestic.

Xilian Temple Haruna: Knight LV1.Saji: Magician LV1, Furukawa Yui: Fighter LV1.Bla: Mechanic LV1.Kujo Rin: Swordsman.Aya: Pastor.Nie Kong: God LV1.

"What a shameless dressing." Yui Furukawa expressed a rather dissatisfied protest.

"Occupation is selected according to personal characteristics, so now you start your adventure, your mission is to defeat the Great Demon King in the north." The six bunny girls said in unison. After speaking with a smile, Nie Kong and the others appeared in the forest outside the town.

Adventure is like a real RPG, through the adventure to increase the level of equipment to have the ability to defeat the devil.Except for Nie Kong, his own abilities are already super abnormal.

The certified suitable class will actually be the highest god in the game class.

"Let's go then." Kujorin took the brunt, holding a sharp sword to clear Nie Kong and the others.Wei blushed and said that he was going to be behind Nie Kong, saying that he would prevent Nie Kong from seeing his trousers.

No wonder she had such thoughts, and the cheongsam would become severely distracted as she moved.The trousers inside are really looming.On the other hand, Saji was very natural, almost didn't take off the mage robe outside.

But the monster appeared behind Nie Kong, only to feel that something was scratching her waist.Blushing and glaring at the back, he realized that it was a monster with three eyes.

"What are you doing, shameless..." Although it is a monster, Yui is still ashamed and angry.She shook off the cheongsam and kicked the monster who was harassing her.

Although the monster looked scary, it was killed by Wei in one move.With a few clangs, several coins dropped.

Seeing Nie Kong's appreciative gaze, his pretty face blushed slightly while pressing the corner of the skirt.

As a magician, Saji looked at Yui, her pretty face flashed in dissatisfaction.In this case, I have to show more perfection to Master Nie Kong.Saji quickly took out her magic book and began to study the first spell of the magic book.

"Just use this." After choosing magic, Saji chanted a very strange spell.When the wand was waved, the five women standing in the front tragedy.As if there were two magic hands specifically targeting their breasts.With a "pop", the button on the girl's body broke open, and all kinds of white breasts were exposed in front of Nie Kong's eyes.

"Ah..." Accompanied by shy screams, the girls all lost their fighting power, and they all squatted on the ground with blushing faces and chests.

Nie Kong was dumbfounded, really admiring Saji's ability to use such great magic.

"What are you doing, I don't have the shame." The teacher saw the chest again, but he felt that his heart was bumping like a deer.

"Ah, how could it be such a magic?" Saji was also dumbfounded.

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