The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0619, Lala's two sisters?

The castle of the Great Demon King Kyoko stood on the edge of the cliff, and Nie Kong and the others found it as soon as they arrived.The crow made a horrible cry, and a gloomy breath came over his face.

"Great, you guys are finally here." Pei Kai, who was waiting outside the castle, saw Nie Kong and the others appear, and threw himself into Nie Kong's arms excitedly.

"Peikai, where's Lala?" Nie Kong asked.

"Before I escaped, Master Lala was sleeping in the castle. I will take you to the place where Master Lala is. Come on." While speaking, Pei Kai grabbed Nie Kong's finger and broke into it. castle.

After Pei Kai’s explanation, Nie Kong confirmed that it was not Lala’s invention that brought them here, but someone else.Their main task is to save Lara, and through the game to interpret the brave to save the princess.

Just appearing on the first floor of the castle, the dark scene of "enemies appeared" once again appeared in the air.With the appearance of fonts, many level 99 monsters stuck in front of them.

Although they fought a lot of monsters before passing through the forest, Bra and the others were only level 10.Facing level 99 monsters, if they follow the rules of the game, they can only be abused.

The little dark golden hair danced, like a meat grinder, harvesting the monster that came back in front.Although many monsters were killed, the data showed that Xiaoan's level was level one.

Nie Kong threw out a purification technique for the monster surrounded behind, and then it was completely purified.Haruna and their eyes widened, and there was worship in them.

"The teacher's profession is God, it stands to reason that the game will set personal professions based on reality as a reference material. Perhaps teacher, reality has the essence of God, hehe..." Haruna thought with joy.

"Woo...Wait for a long time for you, don't want to take a step forward." It was two monsters who said that they looked like wild wolves, and they looked very familiar to Nie Kong-the principal and Saruyama.

Nie Kong was a little speechless, the two of them were actually villains, and the Big Wild Wolf really fit their temperament.

"Xiao Anchan, please sign on my body." After seeing the girls, the principal pretended to be a gray wolf and rushed towards Xiaoan like a hungry tiger.

"Tianzhu..." Xiaoan's hair changed into two or three-meter-sized fists, turning the two of them into two shining stars in the sky.

"Hee hee, I really like Jun Nie. I thought I could stop you for a while. And the job that was transferred is actually a super bug god, and it really fits me very well." Just after killing the principal's Great Wild Wolf enemy, Silver bells of laughter came from the empty hall.A chair suddenly appeared in front of them, and Magic Kyoko was looking at Nie Kong with a smile.

"You can be a god, but Kyoko has unlimited HP. Have you decided how to answer, my handsome Nie Jun." Kyoko winked at Nie Kong mischievously.

Although Kyoko is made virtual, it looks like a real person.And how does the character say, it seems to be as true as it was printed based on someone.

"You don't have to think about that kind of thing at all, just hand it over to Lala." Nie Kong shook his head and said.

"Then you guys want to fight with me, but I have already said that I have unlimited HP. Or Nie Jun, you actually like lesbians, is that right?" Kyoko suddenly said this sentence words.

Haruna and Saji's daughters all stared at Nie Kong, their eyes gleaming.

"You are just a virtual created character, you can't compare with Lala at all." Nie Kong said.His flawless answer made the girls present feel relieved.

"Nie Kong, there is no need to explain clearly when dealing with the enemy, as long as you knock it down, let's talk." Xiao An's right hand formed a knife, and he started cutting against Kyoko's body.

But it was very strange that there was no blood coming out of the wound.Kyoko's mouth was smiling, and her body returned to its original shape in an instant.Xiaoan's attack had no effect at all.

"Suddenly, it's too much. If that's the case, please hang up." Kyoko, who moved to Xiaoan, snapped his fingers with both hands.

The sky full of flames filled the entire castle in an instant.The castle slowly disappeared in the flames, although the temperature was not hot at all, but their HP was rapidly decreasing.

"If you hang up, you have to come back again, and it will take three years to come to the castle without my help." Kyoko smiled and looked at Nie Kong and the others.Three years? I'm afraid Nie Kong will teleport directly.

Nie Kong wasn't in the mood to accompany her to continue playing. He directly extinguished the flames of the castle with a purification technique.Then a big recovery technique restored the girls to their best condition.

"So strong, you really are really strong. But although you are better than me, I have set an infinite HP..." Kyoko calmly said.

"Nevertheless, my profession just restrains your skills-sealing technique!" Although Nie Kong's voice had just fallen, his hands glowed with dazzling white light, and Kyoko was submerged.

"What..." Kyoko's pretty face flashed in surprise, but Nie Kong didn't expect this trick.

As the white light gradually compressed, Kyoko formed a white light spot.

"Kyouko was knocked down..." Black lettering appeared again in the air, and then Lara, wearing a princess costume, appeared in front of them.On her left and right, there are two monsters in white robes.

"Hehe... Brother-in-law is really as powerful as the rumors. It's been a long time since I saw you, sister." The two people who accompanied Lala on the left and right suddenly lifted the white robe.The two girls who appeared in front of Nie Kong were cute girls with pink hair like zippers.And the appearance of the two people is very delicate and similar, like a doll.However, although the appearance is similar, the temperament they give is quite different.

The girl with the long head and the double ponytail is a bit lively, but it is straightforward to racially boyish.The figure is the same level as Xiaoan, and the chest should be flatter.The other girl with short hair was slightly quiet, but her eyes flashed a little slyly.Although he is young, he has a great body. Compared with the one just now, it is like a copy of Lala's childhood.

The two women wore exactly the same princess costumes, and it was so cute standing together.

"Lala... Could it be that they belonged to you..." The girls were all stunned, and they couldn't help but ask when looking at the similar three women.

"Well, they are my twin sisters." Lala introduced happily.

"Hello, my name is Nana Beria. Debby Luke. I am the second queen of Deb Luke. Please take care of it when we meet for the first time." The double ponytailed Lolita opened her small mouth and showed a little girl. Cute tiger teeth.

"I am the third emperor Mengmeng Beria Debiluk. Brother-in-law, please take care of me." She blinked her eyes and looked at Nie Kong with a slightly mischievous expression.

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