The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0620, Nana and Mengmeng

"I didn't admit it, he can only be regarded as sister's fiancé alternate." Nana secretly glanced at Nie Kong and whispered.

"Hehe...I think Brother-in-law is good." Mengmeng looked at Nie Kong with curious eyes.

"This is the first time I have heard that Lara has a sister." Bula said silently.

"Eh, haven't I told you?" Lala tilted her head, thinking, her pretty face appeared very confused.

"Emperor Sister likes to do her own way as always, there is really no way she can do it." Nana put on a small adult appearance, and Mengmeng chuckled.

"Mengmeng, Nana. Compared to that kind of thing, I want to know what the whole thing is all about this time?" Lara asked her two sisters with an embarrassed face.

"We just want to know about the people on Earth around my sister. As long as they are in a special environment, we can observe their character." Perhaps more important is to understand whether Nie Kong is sincere to his sister. Unfortunately, Nie Kong's answer was ambiguous.Nana was a little annoyed, and the plan to deploy her heart was too little.

"Thanks to this, we can learn that my sister has made so many friends." Mengmeng smiled gently.

"Could it be that you two made this kind of world just for this, it's a bit too much," Wei said with a little dissatisfaction.

"In fact, it's not what you said, we just simply modified a set of game software in my sister's research room." Mengmeng replied with a chuckle. It's really cute and cute.

The three sisters of Lala can be said to have their own personalities. The older sister Lala is innocent and nervous. The second sister, Nana, is probably a bit arrogant. Mengmeng has the cuteness of a normal girl.

"Have I ever made this kind of thing?" Okay, even Lara herself has forgotten.


Nie Kong had the impression that when Lala first came, he was obsessed with the game of the earth, so he made it specially.

"Well... it seems that there is such a thing, but it was too troublesome, so I gave up halfway through it." Lala suddenly realized.

"But, it's really hard work. To complete it, it took me a long time. I also decided to make Kyoko a great demon king, and successfully blocked the actions of my sister, it was a great success. Me. , Isn't it great." Nana laughed very proudly with her hands on her hips.Without noticing at all, the dream behind her was already on the verge of blackening.

"It's too much..." Mengmeng seemed to be very excited, and she locked Nana's neck with her hands.

"Obviously it is a game that I have studied for a long time and completed alone, and I also came up with the idea. And Nana only knows to play on the earth, and the only place to contribute is to send the invitation letter to people whom my sister knows..." Meng Meng said. The harder you use, the more you are probably out of anger.

"Ula, I'm dying."

" fights, and let everyone go back to the original world as soon as possible." Lala showed the majesty of her sister and shouted at the two women.

"Yes, elder sister." It seems that he was aware of his gaffe, and the blackened Mengmeng spit out his tongue and returned to a gentle expression.

"In any case, I can finally return to the original world." Wei felt that after coming here, he had never encountered good things.I was in front of the teacher again and again, showing a shameless side.

"Yeah." With Lala, Chunca was already numb to all kinds of weird things.

"Sorry, my sister has caused you a lot of trouble." Lara said in distress.

"It doesn't matter, Lalachan doesn't need to apologize, anyway, we haven't encountered any danger." Nie Kong said without paying attention.

"Nana, the game has ended successfully, hurry up and take out the remote control." Mengmeng said obediently.

"Know it, it's true, Mengmeng, you just pretend to be obedient." Nana rubbed her neck with dissatisfaction in her tone.She took out the teleport phone from her pocket and pressed the teleport button.


"What's the matter?" Mengmeng asked aloud.

"It's just that the teleportation system can't be activated, it's weird." Nana fiddled with the phone, but it didn't move at all.There are spatial fluctuations that affect it, so that it loses its effect.

While Nana was bewildered, the blue sky suddenly cracked long black cracks.The mountains and the earth are cracked, just like the last days.

"What's the matter, the space is actually cracked." Bula asked hurriedly.

"Ah wow, what's the matter, what's the matter." Seeing the horrible scene before them, two loli hugged each other in a panic.

"The program has been messed up, causing the program defect to collapse. The distortion space can't be maintained, and if we continue, we will definitely get lost in another dimension." Nie Kong saw it for the first time, and Lala showed such a serious expression.

Just after she finished speaking, she saw Lala's princess dress slowly disappearing with her voice.

"Lala, your clothes... disappeared." Haruna said hurriedly.

"By the way, clothes are part of the information." Lala explained immediately.

Hearing Lala's words, Wei and Haruna's women all flushed and covered their chests.

"Old... Teacher, please don't look at the girl's place." Only stammered.How could this happen? I will definitely get used to it if we continue to do more things like this.

"Oh, my sister is all our fault." Nana looked at Lara with pitiful eyes.

"The space is about to collapse. You hurry up in a circle and grab my hand, and I will take you away." Seeing Nie Kong's calm expression, the girls shyly listened to his instructions without worrying about the clothes disappearing cleanly.

The girls held Nie Kong in the middle hand in hand, Nie Kong was able to carefully see their completely exposed figure before him.The cuteness of spring vegetables, the plumpness of Lala, the symmetricalness of Bula...

Nie Kong felt the girl's meaty smell coming over his face, and he was about to smoke him drunk.Only dare not look directly at Nie Kong, she closed her eyes tightly in shame.Haruna is also shy, and her heart is like a deer.

"So embarrassing, teacher...the teacher saw his body..."

Lala, Bula, and Saji seemed very natural, and even took the initiative to get close to Nie Kong.

And Mengmeng and the others are a little curious, can he really take us out of here?

"It's going to start." Nie Kong directly used the teleport ability to take them back to the real world.

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