The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0621, stay on the earth

He took the girl back to the original world Nie Kong's villa. They had the illusion of being in a dream.Just because they didn't wear clothes, they screamed and hurried away from Nie Kong's sight.

Bula reluctantly led Haruna and them to her bedroom, and then prepared clothes for them.Bula found out why there were always girls coming to borrow her clothes during this time.What a cheap dad, I showed him everything.Mengmeng and Nana became more and more surprised, and Nie Kong's abilities were beyond their expectations.

Lala smirked and threw herself into Nie Kong's arms, her hands hung on Nie Kong's neck, without any shame.Her plump figure and white skin clung to Nie Kong.After his development, Lala's figure is getting better and better.

The two loli faces were red, dumbfounded with the affection of the two.

"Speaking of elder sister, has the relationship with the brother-in-law moved towards the direction of the marriage contract?" Mengmeng gently covered her small mouth, her eyes gleaming and they looked at Nie Kong and asked excitedly.

"Mengmeng you...what are you talking about, how can you do that...that kind of thing before getting married!" Nana blushed and accused Nie Kong, perhaps because she couldn't stand the stimulation of her words.

"Okay Pei Kai, help Lala transform into a dress pattern." Nie Kong could only suppress the rising thoughts and said to Pei Kai.

"Yes, Lord Nie Kong." After Pei Kai finished speaking, he wrapped the lesbians and turned them into daily household clothes.Lala pouted, perhaps regretting not being able to play a very happy game with Nie Kong.

"Mengmeng, Nana, why did you two suddenly come here?" Nie Kong asked.

"Yes, if you want to come, just say it first." Lala was very happy that the two younger sisters could see her.

"No, it's because we ran out in a panic." Nana explained with sweat on her forehead, shaking her hands and barely smiling.

"In a panic?" Lala asked suspiciously.

Mengmeng immediately covered Nana's mouth, and quickly explained: "No...nothing, I just want to surprise you. Besides, we are very curious about the brother-in-law..." She blinked at Nie Kong, cleverly. The virtuous appearance is very attractive.

Nana murmured: "Mengmeng is pretending to be obedient again..." But this time, the fiancé selected by her elder sister herself is much better than the one selected by her father, which gave her a bright feeling.And after understanding, she discovered that Nie Kong had a profound and unpredictable ability that surpassed the earth.Hmm... can only be considered barely.

"Master Mengmeng, Master Nana..." Suddenly three dark shadows flickered from the skylight at the door, and Sustin led two of his men into the villa.

"Satin, what are you doing?" Lala asked with two or three question marks on his head.

"Crap, Sustin is here." Nana looked at Mengmeng with a flustered face, but she saw Mengmeng's eyes turned into peas.Seems to have lost his mind, what should I do?

"I just communicated with King Debby Luke some time ago. The two ran away from home because they hated studying! And Wang specially asked me to take you back when he found you." Sustin said seriously.

"Is that so?" Lala was not particularly surprised. Her previous experience was similar to that of her sister.She is on a blind date, and her sister hates tedious studying.

"But... the teacher keeps teaching the history of the universe and the useless etiquette repeatedly, so annoying." Nana frowned.

"This is..." Lala covered her mouth and chuckled.

"When I was young, Master Lala often ran away from home. But ah, King Debby Luke spent ten years rectifying the turbulent universe. Now is the time to work hard... Then two, the spacecraft for the return journey is ready. Okay, please come back with me." Sustin pointed to the sky, but when he finished his speech with lofty ambition, Nana and Mengmeng had disappeared without a trace.

"Captain Sustin, they have already escaped." The two men looked at him speechlessly.

"Oops, let's chase..." Sustin flashed an awkward smile before leading the two of them out of the villa.To be honest, Nie Kong liked the two loli, after all, they were his own sister-in-law.Although she is still young, she will definitely become a beauty like Lala when she grows up.

"Hey, what should Nie Jun do? It's really troublesome." Lala felt a little headache for the two sisters who had run away from home.

"Actually, it depends on their own wishes. Here you can also learn a lot of knowledge that is not available in the palace, and make friends with them. For example, like Lala." Nie Kong stroked Lala's hair. Said softly.

"Well, Nie Jun, I'll listen to your arrangements. But can my sister and the others resist Sustin?" Ramen said with concern.

"I guess it's okay, they have abilities that you don't know." Nie Kong smiled.

Among them, sister Nana, can have the ability to talk to animals.My sister Mengmeng can talk to plants.The two women can gather many powerful partners in the universe through their abilities.

It's a pity that their abilities were born in the wrong dimension. If those two abilities were used in the Pokémon world, they would definitely be invincible.

"I'm so worried, Nie Jun, let's follow them and take a look." Lala shook Nie Kong's arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay." Nie Kong didn't comment, anyway, the girls were now hiding in Bla's house changing clothes.

When Nie Kong discovered the two women, the three of Sustin had already been knocked out.In front of the river, a 6-meter-old wild boar and plants with many vines are harassing the three of them.

"It's amazing, have both of them made precious animals and plants and become friends?" Lala exclaimed.

"Hehe, victory..." Nana posed a scissor shape with both hands in a proud posture.

"King Debby Luke, we received a communication from Sustin." At the Devil Luke Palace, suddenly a soldier appeared respectfully in front of the short man.

Could it be said that Sustin has completed his entrustment, Cheetah refreshed: "Take it over."

I saw a real and clear image appeared in front of him, two pink-haired loli with cute smiling faces.

"My father, we will stay on Earth for the time being, please don't worry about us."

And behind them are the three of Sustin tightly bound.Sustin cried out to Cheetah with a weeping face: "Wang, I'm sorry I didn't succeed..."

Cheetah was furious. He pointed to Sustin and couldn't help cursing: "You trash!"

The seemingly helpless drew two loli giggles.

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