The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0629, the first sight of Kizaki Kyoko

Saji's father seemed to have misunderstood and did not give him a chance to explain.Did he think that Nie Kong was dating Saji?Saji was very happy when she heard her father's words.And Lala murmured when she heard Liu Wo's words, and murmured that Nie Jun was already engaged to her.But seeing Saji solve her troubles, she was mostly happy.

Shaji's runaway incident came to an end for a while, and she became more and more clingy because of her father's instructions.If it was a little reserved before, now it has all been let go.What's more, she appeared in front of Nie Kong while wearing a pure white princess dress at school and holding a small aristocratic umbrella in her hand.According to her, it was specially customized in the UK, hoping that Nie Kong could discover her hidden beauty.Although the behavior was a little silly, she was a little infatuated.Only when Wei saw Saji's clothes, she immediately urged her to affect the school's morals.

The noisy school life feels more and more intense.Nie Kong felt that with them, he might be able to stay young forever.

After the youth of Digimon, the growth of the cross, the perfection of the daddy... Now he is the father of the child.Nie Kong is no longer as anxious to the girls as the Digimon World.Thinking back to the first forced push, Nie Kong felt very shy.Fortunately, he can bring happiness to Huaxian Beast.After too many people or things, growth is an inevitable result.He can taste the ideals of all kinds of girls in the second dimension, which are still engraved in his mind.

"Teacher..." Lun's voice immediately interrupted his nostalgia, and followed the voice to look at her.Lun appeared in front of Nie Kong, dressed in a cute sleeveless blouse and a green skirt.

The cute and energetic face was full of smiles, shaking his right hand to say hello to Nie Kong.

"What's wrong with Lun, suddenly came to me." Nie Kong asked strangely.

Lun Qiao flushed slightly, and said in a low voice, "I want to ask the teacher, can I be my boyfriend for a day."

"Hey, why did you suddenly want me to be your boyfriend for one day?" Nie Kong was very surprised. Is there such a saying? I have heard of one-night love.

"It's like this... Yesterday, when I was backstage, I talked to a friend about love, and I lied to her to say that I had a boyfriend. Today, because we both didn’t have a job, I told her to meet up. The topic of..." Lun blushed and explained to Nie Kong.

"So, did Lun choose me?" Nie Kong suddenly realized that he was pretending to be a boyfriend.However, Lun seemed to only know two boys, one was like his brother, and the other was Nie Kong.

"Doesn't the teacher like it? But as long as I conceal it from the other person, otherwise I will be treated as a vain girl who only speaks big words." Her eyes were misted and she looked at Nie Kong with tears.

"Don't cry, I promise you." Nie Kong reached out and wiped her tears, comforting her.

"Long live..." Lun hugged Nie Kong excitedly, there was no slightest crying.She blinked her eyes and looked at Nie Kong and continued, "So as not to be exposed, can I call teacher Nie Jun?"

"Well, yes. If you are not at school, you can call me Nie Jun." Nie Kong nodded and responded.

"Hehe...Nie Jun." She felt very happy when she tried to call Nie Kong intimately.Lala sauce, I can already be like you.

He took Nie Kong's arm to the agreed position, waiting for Lun's legendary friend.Ten minutes later, they met a girl with short black hair.She is wearing short three-quarter jeans and a cute white T-shirt on her upper body.Although the collocation is simple and plain, she can't hide her beauty in the slightest.

"Come here, Kyoko is here." After seeing her, Ren yelled at her.

"Could it be that she is the Kizaki Kyoko of the Blazing Magical Girl?" Nie Kong was very surprised, could it be said that Ren's friend is her-the protagonist of Blazing Magical Kyoko.Although I learned on TV the other day that Ren participated in the plot of the villain of Magic Kyoko, I didn't expect the two of them to become close friends.It is not the game character Mengmeng made by them, but the real person.If Lala saw it, she would be very excited.

"Hello... the first time I met, my name is Kizaki Kyoko. Are you Nie Jun who Lunchan often mentions?" She came to Nie Kong and the others with a smile and gentle.After seeing Nie Kong clearly, Kyoko was obviously stunned.Lun Jiang's boyfriend is so handsome, and it makes her feel bright.Having said that, although Lun is very cute, the two lack a sense of harmony when standing together.When I stood on his left, I finally felt coordinated.A green leaf cannot match a flower.

"Kyouko, this is my boyfriend Nie Jun." Lun held Nie Kong's arm intimately, and she didn't look like she was acting as a fake.Nie Kong's arm was sinking into Lun's breasts.

"When meeting for the first time, my name is Nie Kong, please give me more advice." Nie Kong introduced himself by the way, and indirectly got to know Lala's idol Kyoko through Lun.Sure enough, it is an idol, she looks very cute.Compared to Billun, it is not inferior.Nie Kong had experienced her figure, and knew that she was full of plumpness hidden in her clothes, even though it was only a virtual character in the game.

"Hehe, let's go shopping together for the three of us now." Although it was just a temporary measure to show off to Kyoko, it is great that Nie Jun can be his boyfriend for a day.Although Lala was very close to Nie Jun, she obviously didn't enjoy the current treatment.

"Hmm..." Seeing Ren's happy appearance, Kyoko deeply blessed her.

"By the way, does it matter if you two entertainers go out shopping?" Nie Kong asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter, Kyoko said that it would be safer to come out with an open mind like this. Now, where are we going to play Jun Nie during the great weekend." Lun asked excitedly.

"I'm sorry to disturb you on the date." Kyoko apologized.Although she was curious about Ren's boyfriend and met, she was afraid that she would become a light bulb.

"It's okay, we can play together. Since there is no purpose, let's go shopping in the commercial street. If you are tired, go to the cafe to rest." Nie Kongwen said.

"En..." The two women nodded, and accompanied Nie Kong to walk slowly in the street.Although not many of them could not recognize the two women, the three still attracted a lot of attention.

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