The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0630, see Kyoko

They are so outstanding that the crowd can't hide their glow.Slowly, more and more people on the street looked at the three of Nie Kong, and an absolutely unexpected but familiar character appeared.

He was holding a book with a three-dot picture of a girl on the cover in both hands with a plump pig face, and his mouth was drooling.When he saw the two women, his eyes instantly became peach-hearted.

"Wow... isn't that Kyoko and Lunchan? Actually both appeared, I...I..." He opened his mouth and panted directly, and stretched out his hands towards Nie Kong and the others.

"Ah... it's the principal, a pervert every time." Lun said nervously.In order to deal with perverted principals, she can be said to have mailed a lot of props to deal with people like them.

Nie Kong was helpless, the principal's nature really remained the same.The M attribute plus perversion is really terrible.Compared with the current Saruyama, it can be good, after all, I have a family...

"Wow, this is no longer the time to put on clothes. Lunchan, Kyoko, please sign on your body." He pulled the corner of his clothes violently, and quickly finished transforming into a perverted state.

"Ah, let's run away quickly." Before Nie Kong had time to make a move, Lun took his hand and ran away.The three rushed into the empty alley around the corner, followed by the bare principal.

But when they turned the corner, what appeared in the front was a dead end with no intersection, and the principal's whine came from behind.

Seeing the principal acting like an idiot, Lun could only draw out a bomb with a skeleton painted on it.It's scary just looking at it.

"Lunchan, that's..." Kyoko asked silently.

"The idiot purchased by Galaxy Mail repelled the bomb. If he uses it, he should be able to repel the principal." After Lun explained, he was just about to wait for the principal to show up and throw it at him.But the bomb felt a little slippery, and Lun didn't notice the bomb for a while before it slipped out of her hand.

"Boom..." Along with the explosion, a huge pink smoke from the bomb enveloped the two women.This is a fool to repel the bomb, it is obviously a smoke bomb.

"It doesn't matter you two." Nie Kong hurriedly reached out and grabbed the two women, and pulled them out of the smoke.But Nie Kong found that the graceful bodies of the two women slowly appeared in his eyes.I saw the clothes they were wearing melted away and turned into air!All their fair and smooth skin was exposed.

Nie Kong stared at the bodies of the two women in a daze. He didn't expect such an accident to happen suddenly.The figures of the two women have their own beauty, and their bodies are well-proportioned.The youthful scent hits his face, with the unique fragrance of his daughter's family.

The shy expression with a half-revealed body is really charming.

"Why... why did the clothes disappear." Kyouko's pretty face blushed instantly when he noticed Nie Kong's gaze.In a panic, she stretched out her hand to cover her chest and immediately squatted down.

", could it be that I made a mistake and took out the clothes to destroy the bomb." Lun's eyes turned into peas, his embarrassed expression was very cute.The body showed to Nie Kong that she didn't care much.As long as it's Nie Jun, that's fine.

"But, why would you buy that kind of weird props?" Nie Kong found that the trouble Lun caused was a lot more than that of pulling.It would be even more speechless if he knew that Meigan became smaller because of Lun.

"Oops, the perverted principal is about to chase. Nie Jun, you help us block it." Kyoko hurriedly pulled Lun and hid behind Nie Kong, Nie Kong only felt softness coming from behind.

"Wow, so you guys are hiding here. Don't hide and seek, please sign my body." The principal appeared, and he jumped into the air and pounced on the two heads exposed behind Nie Kong.

Nie Kong's eyes made a faint wave, and the principal who rushed towards him stopped strangely in the air.

Kyoko hiding behind gave out a ball of sparks from her index finger, and then fired at the principal.With a loud bang, the fireball hit the principal's body and immediately broke out and drowned him.The perverted principal was finally burned by Kyoko to be inhuman form.

"You two continue to hide here. I'll go to a nearby store to buy you clothes." Nie Kong told the two women hiding behind, dragging the principal with severe burns and leaving.He didn't feel sorry, because the body parts of the two women had been clearly printed in his mind.

The two women hiding in the corner stretched out their heads, blushing, watching Nie Kong leave.

"The body... was completely seen by the boy." Kyoko hugged her knees and said quietly.

"Yes... I'm sorry Kyoko, it's all my fault." Ren apologized.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Since it's him, it doesn't matter. Nie Jun, he is very handsome. Such a boy is really rare, he is considerate and so gentle." Kyoko smiled blushingly.

"Um, that actually... Nie Jun is not my boyfriend... I'm sorry I deceived you." Seeing the sincere and frank Kyoko, Lunzi said.

"I guessed it, Jun Nie, he treats me with the same gentle attitude towards you. Lunchan, tell me more about him, and I will support your love in the future." Kyoko said curiously.

"Yeah." Ren slowly told Kyoko all about Nie Kong. When he heard the trouble caused by Lalaqi's strange invention, and Ren secretly fought against Lala, Kyoko smiled very much.

Did so many happy things happen to Lun? I really envy her for having this group of friends.Compared with myself, there are too few friends.Although she has the blood of a human being on earth, she belongs to half an alien after all.

"If you have time, can Ren introduce them to me?" Kyoko asked curiously.

"Okay, they like Kyoko very much," said solemnly.The two women whispered, talking about Nie Kong.

When Nie Kong suddenly appeared with a few sets of clothes, he almost didn't shame the two women to death.What they talked about is a secret among best friends.After this incident, the relationship between the two women is getting better and better.

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