The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0632, Wei's affection detonated

Wei stared at the ten fingers in front of him and counted one by one: "I will marry the teacher when I grow up, and I won't marry the teacher when I grow up." Looking at Wei who turned around, Nie Kong was a little speechless.It's just a word from a passerby, but are you serious?

"Oh, little Xilinu is gone. What a mess, where did you go." Suddenly realized that he had free hands, only said in surprise.

Patron looked at Wei, but he had forgotten the existence of Xilinu.But that little girl can run very fast.I didn't pay attention for a while, and disappeared from sight.

"She must not be too far away, let's look around." Nie Kong said.

"Hurry up, look at the sky and prepare to rain." Wei said full of self-blame.

"It's okay... That girl might be too excited when she came out for the first time." Nie Kong didn't have the slightest worry. It was easy to find Xilinu with his spiritual sense.The two left the park, and as expected, the disappeared Silino was found in the shop at the intersection ahead.

She was pouring a bottle of drink into her mouth.Behind her, the boss scolded Sirino who drank his sales drink privately.

"Well... it's delicious." Xilinu giggled, but had already drunk most of the drink.She spit out the sweet smell of the drink like a full burp.

"I'm really sorry, we will pay." Wei who came first hurriedly took out his wallet and paid for the drink for Shilinu.However, it was very strange to discover that she could drink Coke.

"Speaking of teachers, how can plants drink Coke?"

"It's a long story. Lala used to feed her all kinds of food before, so that she developed the habit now..." When she first saw Lala feeding her ramen, she could He was shocked.Wei was not surprised, if it was Lala, then whatever happened was normal.

"Wow... hiccups."

Shilinu burped full, and drank all the remaining Coke in the bottle.Nie Kong could feel her body swaying.

"What's wrong, is it drunk?" Nie Kong said blankly.

"Huh, Coke?" Wei looked at Xilinu, who was exactly the same as the drunk, half-believing.

The two immediately rushed in front of her and found her blushing and her eyes blurred.He looked at Xilinu amusedly. Drinking Coke makes him drunk. You are too cute.

"It seems to be true, Xiao Xilinu is drunk," Yui said with a wry smile, never expecting such a thing to happen.Lolita who is drunk with coke, how many believe it?

Even so, Silino still wandered with her shallow consciousness.Nie Kong was about to hug her, only to find a faint chill on his face.Accompanied by the slurping sound, Dou Da's raindrops fell densely from the sky, and the gloomy sky finally began to rain heavily.

"Really, why is it so sudden..." Wei put his hands on top of his head, but the raindrops were too dense.

Nie Kong hugged Xilinu tightly, then grabbed Wei's right hand and said, "Xiao Wei, let's go to the children's hut in the park just now to hide from the rain."

Wei Xiao's hand shrank, her pretty face with a faint pink color: "Hand...hand is held by the teacher again."

The two got into the small decorated house at the fastest speed, but although they were very close, the raindrops still drenched most of their clothes.And Xilinu was protected by Nie Kong, without any drops of water.Only the graceful outline of the body was clearly displayed.

He seemed to be aware of Nie Kong's gaze, but he screamed and stretched out his hands to block him in front.Her pretty face flushed, and she was thinking wildly in her mind: "Lone...lone man and widow, like...if the teacher does something shameless to me...what should I do?"

But Nie Kong did not do that. He reached out his hand and took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her.

"Teacher, it's so gentle..." She silently said thank you, and then took the handkerchief.She felt that a strange feeling was sprouting and growing, would it be like it?Hiding in a dark and small room, outside is pouring rain without a shadow.

At this time, Silino, who was drunk, seemed to start an unexpected change.The blooming flowers in her head suddenly closed into a flower bone, and then sprayed out pink pollen.

Pink smoke filled the decorated house, drowning the two of them inside.After spraying the pollen, Xilinu fell asleep irresponsibly.

Nie Kong was already immune to toxins, and he didn't think there was a problem with the pollen, but it smelled of fresh fragrance.

But after only inhaling the pollen, Nie Kong found that a beautiful flower slowly emerged from her head.

"Xiao Wei, are you okay?" Nie Kong asked tentatively.

"It's okay, I just feel a little hot."

Wei felt her heart beating faster and faster, just seeing Nie Kong, she suddenly felt an uncontrollable heat all over her body.Although the clothes were clammy, they couldn't stop her hot emotions.

"Could it be that the rain caused a cold and fever?" Nie Kong stretched out his hand, brushed away her bangs and touched her smooth forehead.It feels very cold and there is no sign of fever.

It's just that when Nie Kong touched her body, only his whole body was shaken.Silino will release special pollen after drinking Coke, which will spread her mind to others.

She stretched out her hands, and to Nie Kong's accident, she wrapped his arms around his neck.Very tight and powerful.She slowly raised her head, her eyes blurred and said: "Teacher, do you hate Wei?"

"No, how could I hate Xiaowei." Nie Kong wanted to push her away and check her weird love, but he came across a place that shouldn't be touched.

Nie Kong hurriedly shrank his hands, but out of accident, he pressed his body tightly against Nie Kong's palm.Her pretty pink face slowly approached Nie Kong, and finally her lips pressed against his mouth.The fragrance of the girl rushed to her face.

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