The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0633Taste

He was jerky and actively nibbling on Nie Kong's mouth, but he had no experience at all.Nie Kong was surprised that Wei's sudden change, how could she be so bold when she was conservative?

Nie Kong did not refuse, and the two clung to each other..

The clinging clothes gradually disappeared, and the skins of the two of them finally adhered to each other.

Could it be that Xilinu's pollen has an affective effect.Nie Kong was difficult to confirm, but only a little weird in front of him.The plot of the Love-Russian girl is a bit vague, and he can hardly remember it clearly.

"Xiaowei, haven't you always hated shameless things?" Nie Kong suppressed the passion that was about to explode, pressing her smooth shoulders and asked aloud.

"I hate shameless people. I have not changed since I was a child. But if it's a teacher, then you can forgive me." She blushed.

Although she was wondering how she could be like this, just being close to Nie Kong couldn't control herself.The effect of Silino's pollen varies from person to person. For example, Saji will be crazy, for example, the original Mikan can keep a little reserved.But it didn't change the slightest to convey the heart that Silino liked.And if her own people like it the same, it will detonate her emotions more thoroughly.

"Teacher, promise me that you can only do shameless things with me alone." Wei shuddered all over, holding his arms tightly around Nie Kong's neck.Only the attributes of a wife are the most suitable candidates for a wife.

But Nie Kong had already arrived at the target's door, and almost flinched when he heard Xiaowei's words.Sun, she is the only one who intends to do this.But how can I give up the entire forest for the sake of trees?For now, I can only conquer and completely turn Wei into his own woman.

Only closing his eyes did not stop Nie Kong's actions.She was just ashamed to death, how could she be bold just now.Before marrying the teacher, I would take the initiative to do such a shameless thing.

Xiaowei, we are in the field, how can you call out so loudly.Although there are not many people in the torrential rain, it wouldn't be good if others saw it.Nie Kong held back the extremely happiness that Wei had brought him, and blocked Wei's mouth from shouting!

After a long time, with the torrential rain stopped, Wei finally recovered his strength.When she was sober, she screamed and hugged her clothes, her cheeks hot.

She never thought that she would boldly take the initiative to do something shameless to the teacher... But that feeling was really good.

After getting dressed in a panic, she blushed and said that she must not tell Lala what happened just now.If they know, they probably don't know how to laugh at themselves.

"Well, if the teacher wants to do anything shameless in the future... just come to me, so as not to harm the school's moral issues." After throwing out these words, he disappeared in front of Nie Kong.

Nie Kong looked at Xilinu who was asleep, and he couldn't laugh or cry.Naughty ghost, it's all your reason.

Probably I drank cola, so the pollen that triggered my heart came out, which caused Wei's change.

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