The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0646, the rocket invented by Lala

"Little Nana, what's the matter with you?" Seeing her worried sister sitting in her seat in the second-year Class A classroom, Lala asked concerned.Although careless, Kollala loves her two younger sisters very much.

"Ahaha...really?" Although she felt sore, hopeful flashed in Nana's eyes.

"Stop it, that kind of shameless thing really can't stand it. Besides, the breasts will gradually grow bigger sooner or later, don't rush for a while." Xiao Wei came to Nana with his huge breasts, but Instead, it stimulated her.Are you talking cold words? Are you talking cold words?

Although she was often teased by Mengmeng before, Nana didn't pay much attention to her words.Only after Nie Kong took off his clothes and saw on Christmas Eve,

"Xiaowei is right, Nana will have a body like Lara sooner or later, you are biological sisters..." Bla nodded.

"Master Bula, you are wrong. Master Lala's figure was inherited from her beautiful mother since childhood." Pei Kai meant very clearly.

"Sure enough, as long as a boy can't resist Lara's figure, right?" Wei Yang said with envy.

"It's hateful that the three sisters are the only exception for my figure. It's too much." Nana pouted, her tone full of irritation.She is obviously Mengmeng's sister, but she seems to be much more naive than her.Others always treat her as an adult and themselves as a child.

After hearing Nana's words, Risa and the others began to sympathize with her.Only Xiao Jing was confused. She had been dead for many years, and she didn't understand why everyone wanted her breasts to become bigger.

"That's the case, since Little Nana cares so much, let her help you realize it." She blinked and smiled at Nana.

"Does your sister already have a solution?" Nana said excitedly.

"Hee hee, look at my universal development tool. Wait a moment, I will make a machine that can make a female figure bigger." Lala finished with a confident smile, and then started to smash herself.

Bula's back was a little cold, and Lala's invention was N times more dangerous than his own.Fortunately, it is not used by yourself, otherwise it would be terrible.Bula believes in his invention more than Lara.

After more than ten minutes of tinkering, the unidentified objects like rockets and missiles slowly perfected in the hands of Lara.

"Okay, it's done." Lala wiped the sweat from her forehead, eager to try.

"Sister, what is it?" Nana asked Bra and the others, and its shape was terrible.

"Hee hee... it's called the chest chest rocket king. It can adjust the hormones in the body of the person who is hit, and transform into his ideal body." Lala said triumphantly.

Bla wiped his cold sweat, who would dare to use the dangerous rocket-shaped props.Right, Nana.But Nana's words made Bla's eyes widen.

"Wow...Sister-sama, are you right." Staring at the rocket, Nana's eyes sparkled.At this time, the thought of getting bigger breasts had already influenced Nana's thinking.Crazy, really asking for trouble.

Bula is very dissatisfied with Nana. Lara's previous inventions are all tragedies, except for the magnet that can stick to Dad.

"Of course, that's a tool that I carefully invented for Nana, absolutely no problem." Lala believes.

"The classroom is too cramped. Let's go to the rooftop and re-experiment it." Who knows what will happen, if it explodes in the classroom, it will be bad. Bra calmly put forward a suggestion, fearing that it will be burdened by the props.

"Okay, let's go." Lala hugged the rocket and set off towards the rooftop humming a song.Simply pulling and pulling, but I never thought that my invention would fail.The women were curious about the tools that Lala had invented, so they followed closely.

Chuncai and Lidou are students on duty in the classroom, and they have to clean up the garbage in the classroom together during lunch break, so they didn't see Lara's meaningful invention.

Lisha, Weiyang, Bra, and the only four women followed, and immediately arrived on the roof of the teaching building.The classmates who were resting on the rooftop were immediately shocked when they saw the rocket pulling their hands, which saved a lot of trouble.

"Are you ready? Use it to make a breast that Nana likes, so you will be happy." Lala patted Nana's head, lovingly said.

"Sister-sir..." Nana was very touched. It's great that my sister can be her own sister.Think about them running away from home, they feel lonely because their sister is not there.

Although Lara is lively and innocent and loves to cause trouble, she can exaggerate the surrounding atmosphere and become lively like a pistachio.With her, don't worry about getting bored.

"Hehe...If it really gets bigger, can Nana let me rub it." Risa smiled at Nana.

"For the sake of your help, I can only rub it two or three times." Nana looked at the situation of her breasts getting bigger, and said with pride.

"Don't say it too early, let's talk about it after the results of the experiment come out." Braper said coldly.

"No problem...Nana, hurry up and prepare, I'm going to launch the chest-chested rocket." Lala said with joy.

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