The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0647, poor pear bucket

After hearing what Lala said, Bula and the others took a few steps back tacitly, leaving a great distance for Nana.The women looked at each other, and they all laughed awkwardly.It seems that they have lingering fears about Lala's invention.

Nana didn't have the slightest worries, it was obvious that the excitement had filled her head.

"My sister, come on, you have to aim at it." She put her hands on her hips in an arrogant posture toward the rocket.

"Hmm...Let's launch, Mr. Rocket." Lala pressed the button on the front of the rocket with fighting spirit, only to hear the sound of Didi like a countdown.The huge rocket mounted on the rooftop expelled intense flames quickly.

The powerful flames gave it a driving force, but when Nana was about to welcome it, the Rocket Jun actually turned a corner and flashed past Nana.It smashed around the campus like crazy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, did you miss it?" Lala said strangely when she looked at the missing Rocket Master and touched her head.Bula and the others almost fell, and pulling your nerves is too much.

"My sister...what can I do now." I have clearly reminded you, my sister, you did it on purpose.Nana pursed her mouth and looked at Lara with a pitiful bow.

"That... should I make another one?" Lala said embarrassedly.

"I said it's not the time to talk about this now, it would be troublesome if your Rocket Master hits someone else." Wei reprimanded with her hands on her hips.

"Follow it, and see if it works by the way." Although Lala's invention is more dangerous, it won't kill people, it's a prank at best.Bla looked at the disappearing rocket and made his own suggestions.

"Let's do what Sister Bra said." Nana said helplessly.But Risha and Wei Young were not surprised as if they had already expected the outcome of the incident.

It's rare to be on duty with Haruna, Li Dou felt very excited.He must seize the opportunity to express his feelings to Chuncai.The atmosphere is a bit dull and tense, but if you don't seize the opportunity, you have to confess your failure like before.

"Leave the next work to me, Yuuki-san, go and rest." Holding the trash basket, Haruna said to Li Dou.

", how can I just leave it to you, I'll help you." Li Dou reached out and grabbed one side of the trash basket, and said nervously to her.

"Well, anyway, after throwing away the trash, I will temporarily complete the duty on duty." Chuncai had no objection, and the two carried the trash basket to the back of the teaching building and dumped them in the bucket for special disposal.

With the two alone, Li Dou knew that if he lost this opportunity, he would regret it later.Looking at Haruna's back, he gritted his teeth and called out: "Xilian Temple...I...I have something to say to you."

The voice was very small, Haruna turned around and said bewildered: "Yucheng-san, are you calling me?"

"Yes... yes, I have been... always to you since I first saw you..." Li Dou suddenly raised his head and looked at the spring vegetables in front of him.

But he didn't finish, what was ushered in was Haruna's panic expression.

"Student Yucheng, run away quickly."

Before Li Dou could say the next sentence, the huge rocket that fell from the sky slammed into Li Dou.

"Boom..." The huge explosion flooded Li Dou, and Li Dou was crying in his heart.From the beginning to the present, how did my confession to Haruna fail because of accidents.

"It's okay, Li Dou." The smoke dissipated, but Chun Cai suddenly covered her mouth when she saw Li Dou.The classmate Li Dou in front of him has turned into a lovely girl!From her pretty face, Li Dou's shadow can be vaguely seen.

" hurts." She cried out painfully, but Li Dou was shocked when she heard her delicate voice.She reached out and touched her body..

"No... no more?" Li Dou was stupid at such a shocking discovery.Oh my God, how could I become a girl? Are you having a nightmare?

Seeing Haruna's strange expression, Li Dou screamed sadly, covered her breasts and fled away from her sight.

"Ahhhhhhhh, did Mr. Rocket turn Yucheng's classmate into a girl?" Lala, who was chasing after him, saw the consequences of her invention, and a lot of question marks popped up in her head.

"Woo...My sister's invention is really effective." Nana said blankly.

Bula was completely speechless to Lala, and her invention really made a joke again.Lin Sha and Wei Young covered their stomachs and laughed desperately.

"It turned out to be Lala, it's no wonder that something like that would happen." Haruna's pretty face smiled bitterly, but it was really difficult for classmate Li Dou.

"It seems that the invention has an unexpected effect. It shouldn't have an effect on boys." Lala said in confusion.

" can be changed back to the original, otherwise there will be one more female classmate in our class." Wei Yang desperately suppressed a smile and asked Lala.

"I think just a little bit of investigation, you can know how to change back to the original state, should it." Lala said embarrassedly.

It's just poor Lidou, who has been a girl for a while.It's just that she never expected that she ran into someone she didn't want to meet while running wildly on campus.

"Oh... I'm very sorry." She just wanted to apologize, but when she saw the person in front of her, her face turned green.It is a perverted principal, he is staring at Li Dou's body with saliva.

"Wow, what a cute girl. Now is not the time to talk, please play with me." He suddenly hugged Li Dou's body and made a pretty bold move.

", stop it quickly." She pushed the principal's body hard, but found the principal hugged tighter and tighter.The girls passing by looked at the two of them, pointing at them.

Because Li Dou wore boy clothes, they thought they had some kind of relationship.

"Wow, give me a kiss." The headmaster's mouth made a chirp, and that disgusting mouth was already printed on Li Dou's neck and cheeks.

"Stop...stop." Li Dou let out a sad scream when his body was molested by the principal.The memory that had been forgotten before, now began to surround him like a nightmare.It is estimated that that unforgettable memory will accompany him forever.

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