The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0648, the first sight of Kurosaki Mea

"Senior sister, do you know where Teacher Nie Kong's office is?" When he came to the classroom of Class A in the second year of the teaching building, Heisaki Mea immediately stopped Yujing Cura, who was about to leave the classroom, and asked.

"Eh, are you?" Xiao Jing asked in a daze.

"I am Heisaki Mea, a first-year student, and I have something to do with Teacher Nie Kong." Heisaki Mea said with a gentle smile.

"That's it, in that case, let me personally lead you. The school is very complicated, and I often get lost when I first came." Such a lovely girl asked Teacher Nie Kong, could it it a confession?Thinking of this, Cura Yujing began to worry about the future of Chun Cai Jiang.In order to realize the love affair of Chun Cai Jiang, he must act.Mura Yujing who thought this way said with a serious expression.

"Okay, there is Senior Sister Lao." The two women walked around the teaching building a few times one after the other and finally came to Nie Kong's office.

"It's okay to get here, thank you elder sister." Seeing Mura Yu quietly knocking on the door, Kurosaki Mea hurriedly said.

Cun Yujing pouted slightly, and reluctantly retreated to the corner wall and stared at Ya Ya and twisted Nie Kong's door lock.But Cura Yujing didn't give up, because she had a peeking trick.

The soul in her body immediately came out of her body, floated in the air, and went through the wall to Nie Kong's position.

And Yaya found it strangely that she wanted to knock on the door, but she could easily jump over the lock and open the door by gently pushing it open.It is probably because Lala and the others always kicked the door and broke the door lock.

She quietly stretched her head out and looked inside.He found Nie Kong half leaning on the chair, closing his eyes as if he was asleep.Quietly opened a slight crack in the door, Kuro Saki Mea sneaked into the house.

"Are you dreaming, teacher. It's just right, as long as you fit together, you may be able to know what kind of person the teacher is." She gently shrank into Nie Kong's arms, her eyes turned dead gray.

The crimson ponytail behind her immediately stuck to the back of Nie Kong's head and glowed with a faint fluorescence.The strange ripples, like milky white, immediately accompanied the horsetail to Nie Kong's body and shot into Nie Kong's spiritual space.She is a second-generation weapon, in addition to Xiaoan's transformation, she has more ability to control the spirit.

Naya only felt that her spiritual consciousness had come to a strange and vast space.Resplendent, with solemn majesty.In the center of the space, "Nie Kong", who closed his eyes cross-legged, shone with a gentle golden light.

At this moment, Nie Kong's primordial spirit suddenly opened his eyes as he sensed an invasion.His eyes were sharp and sharp, as if two bolts of lightning hit Ya Ya's mental body.Yaya trembled, she had never encountered such a situation.When she touched the eyes of the primordial god Nie Kong, she couldn't help but shudder, and there was a hint of horror. There was such a domineering and tyrannical person between heaven and earth.

She wanted to escape, but found that her spiritual origin could not move.Too strong, Nie Kong's soul power that has been condensed into the soul power is many times stronger than that of Ya Ya!

Perceiving the appearance of a stranger, the soul instantly appeared in front of her.The golden arm clasped her neck tightly.As long as Nie Kong squeezed it gently, he could turn Yaya into ash.

Almost immediately, Ya Ya felt cold all over.

"It's really bold. The small and weak spiritual body dared to invade my soul origin space." Nie Kong's golden eyes made faint fluctuations, and the powerful soul power made Heisaki Yaya's soul invaded by Nie Kong.

Many memory fragments are presented in his soul like a movie.I was lonely and helpless when I was born, I encountered the blind faith in her after being taken in by the owner, and the killing later, and finally came to Cainan to meet Nana's happiness...

Her secrets were not missed at all, they all appeared in Nie Kong's eyes.In the similar situation, he has a very familiar sense of sight. It turns out that her experience is the same as that of the celestial beast in Digimon.

Being lonely without the motivation to survive, it was her master who gave her a new life.After Nie Kong saw there, she understood her identity. She turned out to be Xiaoan's younger sister-Heisaki Mea.

Even her master Nemesis planned, he knew everything.Do you want Xiaoan to resume his murderous revenge plan? How could it be easy for you to succeed.Nemesis, super S, let's see who can influence them.

When Nie Kong was about to let go of Heisaki Mea, another strange soul broke into his consciousness space.It turned out to be Xiaojing, the ghost, and when she saw Kurosaki Mea's movements, she chased after her.

Seeing Nie Kong's soul, Xiao Jing's weak soul shuddered.It seemed that as long as Nie Kong stared at her, she would be wiped out.That feeling was terrifying, she didn't dare to move at all.

Her domineering and tough eyes were imprinted on the origin of her soul like a brand.

"Old... Teacher, are you okay." Because of concern for Nie Kong's safety, Xiao Jing chased her into Nie Kong's body, all to protect him.But who knows how powerful the teacher is beyond her imagination.

"You two...Don't do such silly things in the future, leave me here now." Nie Kong's soul uttered a strong pressure and shook the two women out of his consciousness.

After a moment of loss of consciousness, Kurosaki Mea found that her consciousness had returned to her body, as if she had just had a nightmare.

But looking at Nie Kong's vast and deep eyes, she knew that what had just happened was absolutely true.

"Same Kurosaki, please don't do anything out of the ordinary in the future, lest I accidentally hurt you." Nie Kong gently pushed her body away and smiled at her.

Nie Kong was almost ready to crush her and kill her, if it weren't because she wanted to know her unexpectedly, it invaded her consciousness and knew something very interesting.

"Teacher Nie Kong, you really did what your sister said. Haha...I understand." She looked at Nie Kong lightly for a while, as if trying to imprint her on her head.

Master, it seems that your plan will have a big obstacle.Teacher Nie Kong is really not easy, I almost died in his hands.Is it true that Sister Xiaoan really has nothing to do with him, so stay here.

"But... I'm becoming more and more curious about the teacher now, please take care of me in the future." She smiled calmly at Nie Kong, but she didn't know that Nie Kong had already figured out her details.

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