The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0653, the change of Yaya

Saji dedicated her body to Nie Kong, and her original character was a bit more shy when she treated Lala and them, like a shy young wife who just married.When dealing with Nie Kong, he showed boldness, initiative and enthusiasm.Even Sa Ji had to live in Nie Kong's house in order to be able to stay with Nie Kong at all times and tear down her villa.The villa opposite her, Nie Kong discovered the next day that it had been transformed into a spacious pavilion, a beautiful recreation center.

Mengmeng was very confused, she felt that Saji had changed.Personality is one aspect, and the physical changes are equally big.Like activating the treasure hidden in the body, she glowed with the charm that a woman should have.Nana is a very innocent girl, and her life has not been affected by Saji's arrival.And with her first friend, Ya Ya, the relationship between the two women is getting better and better.

Finally, after the two women got to know each other deeply, Nana felt that the conditions were ripe.She wants to introduce her first friend to her sister and make them happy for herself.

But Yaya was a bit heavy, she had already contacted Nie Kong some time ago.His golden pupils can see through all his secrets.So Ya Ya was afraid that her identity would be discovered by Nana, and then she would lose her first friend.For the first time, Yaya, who was full of darkness, experienced the emotional fluctuations that normal humans should have.Sister Xiaoan, is this what you call warmth?But the owner clearly told me that weapons only need to kill.Full of complexity, she can only hope that Nie Kong did not know about her.

"Wow, are you Nana's new friend, so cute." Lala exaggerated and said, looking back and forth at Kurosaki Mea.

"Sister, let me introduce you to her. She is called Kurosaki Mea." Nana said with a sullen face and happily to Lala.

"When you meet for the first time, please give me some advice." Ya Ya looked at Nie Kong and greeted softly.

"Ahhhhh, you seem to be a few days ago..." Xiao Jing exclaimed when she saw Ya Ya's appearance.

"The other day, I really caused you trouble." Ya Ya apologized.

"Xiaojing, do you know her?" Chunca asked.

Xiao Jing nodded and told what had happened a few days ago, only concealing what happened in Nie Kong's consciousness space.

" have to be careful, don't be fooled by the teacher's appearance. The teacher...the teacher is...very shameless." Xiao Wei blushed and warned to Ya Ya.Until now, Xiao Wei still hopes that he will occupy Nie Kong.

"Yes...Yes, I ergonomic things to you. Didn't I tell you when you asked the other day?" Nana blushed and drank Wei's words.

"Hey, what's wrong with that. This is a natural desire as a creature, isn't it? I am also very interested, please teach me well, teacher." Her pure and pretty face exudes a pure smile.

"You...what are you talking about, Yaya." The pretty faces of the three girls nearby, Nana, Xiaowei and Haruna, turned red in an instant, and yelled in panic with embarrassment.How can that kind of thing.

"Really, what the hell is going on with that girl named Heisaki Mea, you can't care about her. There are already too many girls around the teacher who need attention." Wei blushed and whispered.

"Wow, what a bold statement. Guhehe, it seems necessary to include her on the waiting list of harem members." Mengmeng thought about it.

"Classmate Ya Ya, Nana is really happy to be friends with Ya Ya, so please get along with her in the future." Nie Kong smiled.

"Hehe, isn't it." Seeing Nie Kong as if she hadn't found her identity, Ya Ya narrowed her eyes into a straight line.Only Xiaoan, who was hiding behind, looked at them silently: "Kurosaki Mea, I don't see her intentions, as if she is waiting for something."

"Brother-in-law... Brother-in-law, it's shameful, so don't talk about this kind of thing." Nana instantly blushed and shouted at Nie Kong.Is it obvious that you treat yourself as a child? Brother-in-law is really too much.Although his chest is small, he is a few seconds older than Mengmeng.

"Indeed, I hope Nana will mature a little bit in the future." Mengmeng bent over and looked at Nana's chest carefully.

"Ah... don't stare at someone's breasts and say that, idiot." Nana was mad.

"Ah heh, I don't mean that." Mengmeng teased Nana with a smile, already used to hitting her sister.

"No, you must be laughing at me." Nana stretched her teeth and claws, rushing towards Mengmeng.The two sisters frolicked in Nie Kong's office.The later development exceeded their expectations, and they rubbed each other's tails to deal with each other, and they had a great time playing.Like the three sisters, the tail is their special point.

Ya Ya looked at her close sisters enviously, but her current sister was so indifferent to her.Although I transferred to my own class, I didn't say a word to myself.I hope that the master can implement the plan as soon as possible to bring the little sister back to the universe.

After introducing each other, only Xiao Jing's pretty face was worrisome.She understands the details of Ya Ya, and is afraid that she will harm Haruna and the others.Mr. Mimon hasn't come back so far, so how can I be good?Looking at Teacher Nie Kong's appearance, she obviously trusted her very much.

Xiao Jing was just a ghost four hundred years ago, completely without opinion.I heard from her that the previous era is almost the same as the current one, except for famine caused by rectification and drought.The fields are barren, and people suffer from hunger, like hell.

Then the villagers offered her as a tribute to the river god in order to pray for rain, which was the main reason why she became a ghost.Risha and the others, who had lost weight due to a hunger strike, turned pale with fright when they first heard of Xiao Jing's life.

Xiaojing, your life experience is really miserable.However, they don't know why Xiaojing is afraid of dogs.It is said that I am afraid that it will rush to bite myself and feel terrible.

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