The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0654Dating with Lisha?

"Ah, it's Xiao Lun." Lun's concert was shown in front of the electronic screen in the commercial street.Lala pulled the corner of La Niekong's clothes, and said with excitement: "Nie Jun knows, her new song this time is sung together with Xiao Gong Gong." She said Xiao Gong Gong is naturally Magic Kyoko.

"Yes, she works very hard."

Lun succeeded, and she has become the most famous idol of the Queen of Love.Now she rarely comes to school to study. If she didn't often go to Nie Kong's villa, Nie Kong thought she would forget them.As the price of being famous, her spare time will become very small.Once upon a time, that naughty girl has become a star that has attracted much attention.

"It's great to be able to be friends with Xiao Gonggong." Lala's eyes sparkled, looking forward to Lun watching TV.

"Don't be envious, ask her to bring Kyoko along when Lun arrives, and buy things quickly now," Nie Kong said.


"Speaking of which, Master Lala, it seems it's time to play Magic Kyoko now." Pei Kai reminded.

"Ah, awful." Lala yelled out of awakening.

Nie Kong is really helpless with her preferences, why would you like that kind of unnutritious TV series?Magic Kyoko, just cute Kyoko is selling cute.

"It's really no way for you, just leave it to me to buy things, you go back first."

Hearing Nie Kong's words, her eyes radiated infinite surprises.

"Thank you, Nie Jun." She hugged Nie Kong's neck, kissed Nie Kong's mouth hard, and then jumped back happily.Lala is really innocent, without the slightest worry, she must guard her smiling face.

"Hey...little sister, can you play with me for a while?" In the street, a young man with long hair followed the lint and tried to strike up a conversation.

"It's so noisy, I'm not interested in a flashy man like you." Risa frowned, and immediately quickened her pace.

"Don't say that." The man behind did not mean to give up, and continued to follow the inner yarn.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of him, Risha looked around.That kind of clingy mangy dog, Risha felt more hateful than the perverted principal.

"Teacher?" Seeing Nie Kong Lisha's eyes lit up, she immediately had an idea.

"My dear, you are so slow." Li Sha hurried to Nie Kong, and flew into his arms.She hugged Nie Kong's neck and said sweetly: "Okay, let's start dating."

"What's wrong, lining..." Nie Kong was inexplicable, not understanding what happened to the lining.

Lin Sha took Nie Kong's arm, naturally there was no jerky.Seeing the closeness of the two of them, the young man following them left with an uncomfortable feeling.

"Ha...I'm saved." Risa sighed in relief, but her hands didn't let Nie Kong go.

"Lisha, what the hell is going on." Nie Kong said his question.

"It's tiring that the hit-and-stalker stared at me. Teacher, thank you." Risa said with a smile.He doesn't look in the mirror to see himself, it's worse than the teacher.

"It shows that the lining is attractive." Nie Kong said with a light smile.

"Hehe...really." Li Sha's pretty face opened up when she heard Nie Kong's praise.

"Since it's okay, then I have to go." Seeing Nie Kong's back left, Lin Sha felt an inexplicable sense of loss.

"Wait, let me return your help." She took Nie Kong's arm and prevented him from leaving.Nie Kong turned around and saw Li Sha winking his right eye cutely.

She dragged Nie Kong to the strangely decorated store, without giving Nie Kong a chance to object.

"Hey, here is..." The sign was written with cute words, and Nie Kong could vaguely see the words maid coffee.

"Alright, go in quickly." Li Sha pushed Nie Kong, and the two came to the cafe.Seeing guests coming, the cute girl dressed as a maid greeted them with a smile.

"Welcome home, Master. Huh... How come the teacher and Risa are together?" The girl in the maid costume said in surprise.

Nie Kong recognized the familiar pretty face.It would actually be the best friend of Lisha."Wei Young, what do you dress up like."

"Hehe... Teacher was taken aback, you didn't expect Wei Young to be interested in this department, right." Risha smiled.

"Master, what do you want?" Wei Young cried in a soft voice.

"If you want others to know that your student calls the teacher the master, I will definitely be scolded to death." Nie Kong said helplessly.

Upon hearing Nie Kong's words, the two women were stunned at the same time, then they covered their stomachs and laughed.

"Oh, this is this kind of shop," Wei Yang said with a blushing face.

"Hehe... Teacher, you are deliberately selling cute, but it's so cute." Risa's heart beat, and strong emotions emerged like spring water.

"In order to thank the teacher, I have a treat. Wei Young, take two copies as usual."

"Yes, master."

Wei Young nodded and left with a little bit of reluctance.It's a pity, why didn't I have the opportunity to accompany the teacher alone.

Before long, Wei Young arrived with two delicate cakes and hot coffee.After speaking slowly, Wei Young left Nie Kong and the others.Although she wanted to chat with Nie Kong, she had work to do.

"Teacher, try it. The cakes here are very distinctive." It's no wonder that Lisha always yells to lose weight. She likes the cakes here.

Nie Kong slightly cut open the cubes, and after tasting it, he found that the taste was indeed ok.

"I didn't expect that I would go out on a date with the teacher." Li Sha said to Nie Kong with a smile while eating dessert.The tone seemed to be joking, and seemed to be serious.

"Hey, how did it become a date?" Nie Kong almost choked, Li Sha's thinking jumped too fast, right.

"Doesn't the teacher like to date? But then again, I have never seen a teacher date with Lalachan." Lisa looked at Nie Kong strangely.

"is it."

"Hehe, although Xiao Lala is a good girl, she is a bit childish after all. Looking at the teacher, you are the kind of boy who has no dating experience. Oh, I really worry about the future of you two."

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