The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0657, the tyrannical Yaqinda

"By the way, Ryoko, you must have something to see me, right?" Tia Yu asked in a daze.Although she was very happy that Ryoko was able to visit her, it must have been a very important thing to tell her so much.

I'm already so down and out, but can I help Ryoko.Since the destruction of the institute, she has been living in seclusion.

"Tia, you have been very smart since before, but it's not very reassuring to do things recklessly. When I heard from you that I was picked up by a strange research institute, I felt uneasy. It turns out I didn't Wrong, the research institute you belong to Tia is very dangerous. You have been entrusted by them to create weapons that are profitable for war. Although your intention is not like this." Ryoko sighed.Ryoko deeply sympathizes with her.Looking at the simple house where she lives now, it can be seen how hard she lives.Over the years, Tia, you have suffered.

"Ryoko, can it be said that it is about Eve?" The golden shadow was originally called Eve, which was made by implanting a nanomachine based on Tiayo's own gene.With a trembling tone in her tone, she asked Ryoko.

"Yes, she now lives on a planet called Earth in the galaxy. She used to live in the dark, and she has changed a lot. Tia, I hope you can enlighten the child to get rid of the darkness completely." Ryoko said very solemnly.

"But... but I don't have the face to face her anymore. After all, it's all my reasons that caused her to look like now." Tia had a bitter expression on her face, and she was worried about what happened more than ten years ago.

"Could it be that you are willing to watch Eve become a golden shadow forever? If there is no Tia, she will definitely be induced by the second generation of nano-transformation weapons to live in the dark again." Ryoko persuaded.

"The second-generation weapon? The dark organization has been destroyed, how could it be possible." Tia was taken aback.

"Well, she is also a very famous black Saki Mea in the universe, a second-generation weapon made based on the data of the golden shadow. And her nature is influenced by others, and the darkness is terrible. If there is Tia, it must be There is a chance to save those two children. So, please come with me to meet them on earth. After many years, I believe Tia must really want to see Eve." Ryoko said softly the purpose of coming here.

"I think about it..." Tia was shocked after hearing the development of the matter.But she didn't think about how to face Eve, so she hesitated.

"Be at ease, there are many friends there who will help us. And I believe that hearing your explanation, Eve will definitely forgive you and restore a normal girl's life." Ryoko encouraged.

With Nie Kong and the others accompanied by Eve's side, a happy life can definitely bring her warmth, and now only Tia's support is needed.The cold darkness will always melt.

"I... I promise you." Tia focused his head.

"Hehe... awesome, I believe you will like the environment there." Ryoko was very happy to hear Tia's response.It's conceivable to be able to reunite with friends I haven't seen in many years and live together.

It took six days to get out of the universe, and now the mission has been successfully completed.It's just that after leaving Jun Nie for six days, Ryoko feels really difficult.She couldn't imagine if Nie Kong left her, she would go crazy.

Anxiously holding Tia, Ryoko turned on his spaceship and set off toward the earth at the fastest speed.Coming soon, the royal sister who looks exactly like Xiaoan.

"Naya, you have been too close to Debby Luke's second prince recently, you have had enough. Don't waste time there for those superfluous things." The rooftop of a tall building in Cainan Town is hidden in the dark. The silhouette of said to the girl with a long crimson single ponytail in front.

"Master, I didn't play, I have always fulfilled my duty of monitoring." Ya Ya pouted. She really likes her friend Nana, and she can monitor Nie Kong and the others by the way.

"Anyway, please give me enough. Don't forget our purpose." The shadow said lightly.

"But Master, Sister Xiaoan, will she really...return to her original state? To kill Teacher Nie Kong, I...I think I hope to smile." Yaya whispered.

After seeing Nie Kong's powerful primordial spirit, she had already developed an unmatched feeling towards Nie Kong, as if Nie Kong could easily kill herself with her fingers.

"Although I didn't know his true strength, I just got close to him as if he could have spotted me. The Golden Shadow's mission to kill him has really become more difficult. It is estimated that only she will restore the darkness and initiate the ultimate forbidden change. The body can have a chance to defeat him. But I have made the second plan and it is time to greet her right away-residents living in the dark world like me, guests from the Milky Way." Gave a slight smile.

"Are you a guest from Yinhe? Who is the host?" Ya Ya asked curiously.

"The tyrannical Yaqinda used to be a killer galloping in the galaxy of Talha. However, after the end of the war, she was defeated by her opponent Golden Shadow in the battle between the opposing organizations. Yaqinda's reputation has been hereafter The world of darkness has plummeted. Her strong vengeance is very suitable as a pawn to awaken the fighting instinct of the golden shadow." She let out a trembling S laugh.

"Eh...So, does the master tell her whereabouts of sister Xiaoan?" Yaya asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I really want to know how Golden Shadow should do it. If the fighting instinct is retrieved, I must be able to return to the dark world. Whether it is you or her, it is a weapon born for battle. So, we The world of survival can only be in darkness." She gave Ya Ya a little bit of brainwashing, lest she would be affected by Nie Kong and the others.

"I see, Master." Ya Ya smiled.

"Well, you prepare to welcome the coming guests instead of me. It's not convenient for me to show up, so you can only show up for me." The figure disappeared in front of Ya Ya after saying this.

"The tyrannical Yaqinda's purpose is to kill Xiaoan's shame, the two will have a life-and-death battle. Little sister, you can't avoid it." Yaya chuckled lightly, looking forward to Xiaoan's sister. which performed.

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