The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0658, the controlled spring vegetables

"Huh, is it Xiaoan?" In the park in the evening, Chunca holding Ma Long saw a beautiful figure in Cainan's school uniform.The long golden hair has revealed her identity.

"Xilian Temple Haruna, would you take Ma Long out for a walk?" Xiao An turned around, her tone as calm as usual.

"Well, how about you, Xiaoanchan."

"I just bought food at a convenience store. Do you want to eat it?" Xiao An took out the taiyaki from the bag and handed it to the spring vegetables.Although there is no influence of Yuki Rido, she still likes that sweet food.

Haruna smiled and shook her head.

"It's the same as usual, I feel very warm when I see you, but..." Xiaoan whispered.

"Could it be that there is a problem?"

"It’s just that somewhere in my heart I’m still resisting, yelling no. Before I came here, I lived alone in the dark world. The hands that had been stained were not cleaned no matter how they were washed. I...I don't think I deserve to be happy, it really doesn't match me." Xiaoan was depressed, and told Haruna about her true feelings.

"Don't think too much about that kind of thing, it's best to do what you think you like. At least after Xiao An came to Cainan, his attitude towards others is very gentle. We are all very happy to have friends like Xiao An Well. As long as you are happy, don't think so much." Chun Na comforted.

"Friends, thank you Chuncai." Xiaoan showed a smile, eliminating the trouble that Yaya had caused her.She may be her sister, but she is no longer who she was before.Although I don't know how long I can stay here, as long as they are there, I can definitely get happiness.

While the two women were talking, they had already passed through the park and were preparing to return to their homes.However, something unexpected happened, and the electric car that no one was driving rushed towards them strangely.

"Be careful." Xiaoan hurriedly took Haruna's arm and dragged her to avoid the coming attack.Although the plain life has caused Xiaoan to lose most of her vigilance, her instinct is still there.

"Boom..." The electric car hit the big tree behind, causing a huge explosion.Haruna is a little scared, if there is no Xiaoan, she must be dead.

"Hey...even if you are unsuspecting, an attack of that level still won't hit you. It's been a long time, golden shadow." A woman dressed as a violent man stood among the branches of the tall tree.She has a very good figure, but the look on her face is very annoying.

"Are you... the tyrannical Yaqinda?" Xiaoan frowned while looking at the familiar figure.

"Wow haha...I'm so happy, you remember it so clearly. In this way, I can take revenge with peace of mind." She laughed wildly, and the whip in her hand threw out several phantoms.

"Xiaoan, who is she?" Chunca asked in a panic.

"The killers who have been defeated before, the users of high-speed whip and Nianlibo." Xiaoan said with caution.

"Nian Libo, is it like Xiaojing?"

"Yes. But there is no Xiao Jing's strength. Her tactics are to attack with a whip from start to finish. She won't be my opponent. Haruna, stay away. I'm afraid I won't take you into consideration during the battle." Xiao An Whispered.

Haruna ordered her head and pulled Malone into hiding more than ten meters away.

"Hehe...Do you really think that way, what I am proud of is not power but accuracy." After she finished speaking, her body shot towards Xiaoan from mid-air.

Xiaoan's hair became many sharp weapons, covering Yaqinda who came.But unexpectedly, Yaqinda turned in midair and rushed to the back of Haruna.

Before Haruna could react, Yaqinda's hand knife had already hit her neck.Haruna's eyes turned black, and she immediately lost consciousness.

Xiao secretly screamed bad, she didn't expect that she would shoot her friend..

"Damn it, let her go quickly." Xiaoan said angrily.

"Oh, don't worry. Let me show you the power of my thought wave. You can simply manipulate the unconscious earthlings as dolls. My precious friends, come and help perform the torture show of golden shadows. ."

After she finished speaking, the unconscious Chuncai's eyes slowly opened.But the inside is empty and without color, just like a machine.She released Malone and looked at the golden shadow.

Seeing Haruna's appearance, the small dark pupils shrank.As she said, Haruna shook her body and charged towards herself.Although the movements are very jerky, but the speed is much faster than the weak spring vegetables before.

Xiao An avoided Haruna's attack, and didn't mean to hurt Haruna.She knew that it was all her own reasons, so she involved Haruna.Only by knocking down Yaqinda, the controlled Haruna can be rescued.

Thinking of this, Xiaoan rushed to Yaqinda after avoiding Haruna's attack.Her right hand has turned into a killing blade, as if to split Yaqinda in half.

"Haha... I expected you to do this, but do you think it is useful?" Yaqinda actually controlled Haruna as her shield with a wild smile.

Xiaoan's sharp blade stopped in front of Haruna.

"Why are you stopping, counterattack. Could it be that Golden Shadow, you only have to parry." The sharp whip twitched frantically at Xiaoan.With a crackling sound, Xiaoan's clothes were broken in half.

The fair skin can still see the bright red blood.Her whip slammed Xiaoan frantically in a despicable way.

She was wounded all over, but her expression did not fluctuate at all.

"Ahaha, I'm so surprised. When you used to fight, you were like a machine with no emotions, but now you are giggling while playing with the house. Thanks to you, I can repay the previous insults well. Because of you, my credibility as a killer has fallen to the bottom. Apart from killing you, there is no hatred that can solve my heart." She looked at the opponent who was now allowed to bully with her eyes proud.

"Wow..." Malone yelled from behind, he was a little confused about how his master suddenly changed.Only seeing that Haruna could not be awakened, it ran back and forth for a few laps before leaving the scene.Seeing that its owner is in danger, it can only call for help like others.And the only person who could understand it was the master's friend named Nana's mother.

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