The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 068, kill the small palace broken treasure

Time flies quickly. In the morning, I was finished with the nagging of teacher Mao Mu. In the afternoon, I let the students familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment of Yanghai Academy.

"Nie Jun, do you want to go out for a walk together?" Just announcing the end of get out of class, Chi Ye Mengxiang came to Nie Kong's desk and happily took Nie Kong's arm.

"Okay, I just feel that I am not familiar with the environment of this school!" Nie Kong also wanted to look for a house in the school to see if there are any vacant houses, so that he can easily settle his harem in the future.

"If I were not accompanied by Jun Nie, I would be really worried that I would not be able to join this school. Before I came here, I was studying in a human school. When those people heard that I was a vampire, If you don't believe me, everyone laughed at me and thought I was weird! So now I only have Nie Jun as a friend. "Walking on the way to the academy, Mengxiang talked about her previous life in the human world.

"Humans are very annoying, they fill up our living space. I was forced by them to come to this school to study." Nie Kong's heart brightened, and he continued to mislead Mengxiang with his own thoughts.

Mengxiang is the key to breaking this world. Only if her inner thoughts change, this world will also change.As long as she firmly believes that humans hate this most, she will never have any idea of ​​saving humanity.

"Jun Nie, you are as pitiful as I am. You were forced to come to this school by humans. But it's great to be able to meet Jun Nie in Yanghai Academy." Mengxiang who was walking in front suddenly stopped and turned around. Gently glanced at Nie Kong behind him.

"Don't worry, I will help you find many good friends in the future." Looking at Mengxiang's shiny eyes, Nie Kong felt that Mengxiang had regarded him as the most important friend in his heart.

But he has to make persistent efforts to conquer Chi Ye Mengxiang and establish his own harem before Heonai Hu Meng appears!

As Nie Kong and Chi Ye Mengxiang walked intimately in the school, a beautiful scenery appeared in Yanghai Academy.Countless male monsters saw Nie Kong monopolizing such a cute girl, with murderous in their eyes.For a while, all the male monsters in the school knew that a very kawaii girl had appeared in the school.

Although most of his attention was on Mengxiang, Nie Kong still found a dilapidated room in a remote part of the school.Few people come here, but Nie Kong thinks it is best.

The two of them strolled around and came to the dry woods in front of the school. At this time, Mengxiang's face looked pale and weak, and she was a little erratic.

Nie Kong was about to take action, when there was a rustle of footsteps in the woods.Nie Kong was awakened immediately and couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat. If he was seen in this field battle, he would not lose his life.

"Your name is Nie Kong, right?" At this moment, an unsuitable voice broke the atmosphere. As soon as the voice fell, I saw a figure slowly walking out of the woods.

Hearing this voice, Nie Kong and Mengxiang fell into his arms and looked at it at the same time, only to see that it was the Xiaogong Xizang who had spoken wild words in the class.

"Can you tell me why a cute girl like Mengxiang is so good with your little white face? Ms. Mengxiang, what do you think?" The moment Xiaogong Suizang spoke, her body changed upside down!

The body was not originally strong, but at this moment it suddenly resembled an inflatable doll, with a large muscle bulged and turned into a giant more than three meters tall!In his mouth, there was a very long and disgusting tongue sticking out.

In the small palace, there are countless monsters' blood, which means that they are hybrid monsters, called wandering monsters in the world of the cross!

"It's really unforgivable to be able to play so happily with such cute Mengxiang, what are you! Show your true shape, I'm going to swallow you alive!" Xiaomiyazang's red eyes carried Looking at Nie Kong cruelly bloodthirsty, wishing to smash him into pieces!!

"Nie Jun is my friend, I don't allow you to hurt Nie Jun and him." Mengxiang didn't know where the power came from, stretched out his hands and stopped in front of Nie Kong.

Nie Kong knew that most of the vampire power in Mengxiang's body was sealed by the cross on her chest. Although there was still some power, this power could defeat her even with ordinary monsters.

"Do you want to know my true shape? Then you can keep your dog's eyes open and see clearly." Nie Kong forcefully hugged the cute fragrance in front of him with his left hand, letting her lean against his own.

"Nie Jun, I'm sorry. The power on my body is sealed and I can't help you!" Mengxiang lay in Nie Kong's arms, with pitiful tears on her face.If Moexiang is a weak type, then Moexiang is the opposite queen type!

"It's okay, I will protect Mengxiang from now on!" Nie Kong looked forward to the future performance of Mengxiang.

"Looking for death!" Seeing that the two people in front of him were in love with their concubines in front of him, Xiao Gong Xuan Zang roared, and his huge arms slammed at Nie Kong.The fists coming from the impact seemed to be a bit bigger than Nie Kong's head.

"Huh, I didn't need to change my body to deal with you. But if you want to see, I will satisfy your dying wish." As Nie Kong's voice just fell, Nie Kong's body began to change.

The silver hair, the scarlet pupils and the fangs that cannot be covered by the lips are not a vampire.Nie Kong gently raised his right hand, and the huge fist hidden in the small palace was firmly stopped by him.

"This huge monster energy, is your true body the legendary power monster vampire?" Feeling the huge "dark power" (demon energy) from Nie Kong, the small palace is hidden in the shreds. There was a slight tremor in his tone.

"Jun Nie...he turned out to be a vampire like me. I thought he used to comfort me and lied." Nie Kong's evil and noble temperament made Mengxiang feel cordial and blurred.

"The bastard must have a bastard's consciousness!" Nie Kong lightly lifted his right hand, and Xiao Gong's body flew into the sky like a kite with a broken thread.

"Disappear." A long bloody dragon attached to the scorching heat flashed in the air, and the small palace in the air evaporated completely under the power of the blood whip of sin, as if it had never appeared before.

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