The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 069, Hei Nai Hu Meng pk Chi Ye Meng Xiang!

After killing Xiaogong Xiaozang, Nie Kong returned the dizzy Mengxiang back to his dormitory.

Early the next morning, Nie Kong had just walked out of the dormitory and had just appeared on the only way to the school gate to Yanghai Academy. He had already seen a lovely girl waiting there.

With her signature pink hair, Nie Kong was able to guess who she was just by looking at the background.

"Good morning, Jun Nie!" Mengxiang, who was waiting for a long time, immediately hugged Nie Kong's arm when she saw Nie Kong's appearance, her face full of joy.

"Good morning, Mengxiang!" Although Mengxiang's face was still a little sickly and delicate, her complexion was much better than last night.Nie Kong knew that he had to speed up and pushed Mengxiang as soon as possible today.

"I'm so glad to be able to go to school with Jun Nie." The smile on Mengxiang's face this morning has never broken.

"Wow, Mengxiang actually treats men like this? Why is it you again? What is his relationship with Mengxiang." At the gate of Yanghai Academy, all the male compatriots present looked at Nie Kong with anger with their eyes. .

"Cut, this Mengxiang again! What's so good about her that she robbed me of the limelight. Hu Meng is the cutest girl in Yanghai Academy! I don't believe it, she can't be better than her." Heina Hu Meng, who was left in the cold, gritted his teeth and moved his graceful and beautiful figure to proudly in front of Nie Kong and Mengxiang.

"Wow, what a cute girl!"

There are such lovely girls."The boys around were once again attracted most of their eyes by Kurino Hu Meng who came out.

"Hmph, I am the dream witch Heino Hu Meng, who is here to clean up you!" Heino Hu Meng's small mouth was gently pressed to Mengxiang's ear, and she said her true body.

"Uh... wait, it's against the school rules to expose your real body. Besides, I have never seen you before, why do you want to clean up me?" Mengxiang looked at Hu Meng with puzzled eyes.

"Can't bear it, you woman is the biggest obstacle to my plan!" Hu Meng pointed out Mengxiang's cute cheeks and said angrily.

"Plan?" Several question marks popped out of Mengxiang's head.

"Yes, that is to turn all the boys in the academy into my captives-Yanghai Academy Harem Project! It is a perfect plan. I should have captured all the boys. But after you appeared, all the boys It's you who are obsessed with, not me! I will never forgive you, my charm is definitely not worse than you!" Hu Meng's eyes stared at Mengxiang, and even Nie Kong next to him felt the huge resentment.

"So, I want to defeat you and prove to be better than you! I want to take Nie Jun away from you!" At this point, Hu Meng cast his eyes on Nie Kong beside him.Then, to everyone's surprise, he pressed the plump figure into Nie Kong's arms.

"Of course, Nie Jun likes me more than you of course! You will abandon Mengxiang for me, right Nie Jun." Hu Meng looked at Nie Kong's evil and handsome face, for some reason. It was a little bit shy.

"Nie Jun..." Mengxiang next to him looked at Nie Kong nervously, hoping that he could immediately reject Hu Meng.

"Sorry, I don't want to be one of your harems. I like Mengxiang better than you who are so slutty!" Although Nie Kong enjoyed the touch of Hu Meng's chest, he couldn't stand it and wanted to have more. Many men's ideas.

"Nie Jun, he said he likes me, is it true?" And Mengxiang next to him, hearing Nie Kong's words, all the anger in his heart was turned into bubbles, and his face burst into unprecedented joy.

"In this case, use my ability to turn you into me alone!" Hu Meng raised his watery pupils and looked at Nie Kong's eyes like a affectionate wife staring at her husband.

A strange wave passed from Hu Meng's beautiful eyes into Nie Kong's eyes and shot into Nie Kong's spiritual space.

Hu Meng only felt that he had come to a strange space with his spiritual power.Just as Dashe Maru entered Sasuke's soul space and wanted to swallow Sasuke's body, Hu Meng saw Nie Kong's soul body in Nie Kong's soul space.

Hu Meng had never encountered such a situation before. At this time, Nie Kong stared at her in an unfamiliar space in a daze.Hu Meng touched the eyes of Nie Kong, the soul body, and couldn't help but shudder, and there was a trace of admiration. There was such a domineering look in the sky and the earth.

Too strong, Nie Kong's soul power that has condensed into liquid is many times stronger than Hu Meng's little fairy!

"Huh, I really don't know how to live or die! If others dared to enter my space, I would have killed her! Just do it for yourself, I hope your behavior can converge a little." Almost in an instant, Hu Meng felt his head trance.When she reacted, Nie Kong was no longer visible in front of her.

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