The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0667, Xiaoan and Tia's meeting

She was shy and flustered, and her plump elder sister pressed Nie Kong tightly.She didn't dare to move, she was curious about the original reproduction of the biological world that she was about to come.And as an innocent girl, she also has an inexplicable desire for impulse.She whimpered, as if let Nie Kong kill her.

But since Tia You can appear out of "emptiness", it must be Lala's props to jump to Wap Jun to make a ghost.

Lala and the others must be looking for Tiayo now, obviously it was not the time to appear.

"Stop making trouble, Lala and the others are ready to come." With spiritual sense covering, Nie Kong found that Lala and their daughters were coming to the health room with Xiao An.


Tia You shyly shy away from Nie Kong, hurriedly pulled the sheets to cover her body, her face blushing brilliantly.

Things have been out of her accident, how could she suddenly run out if she knew she was making love to Nie Jun.

After Nie Kong and Liangzi got dressed, there was a loud clanging noise at the door.Before anyone arrives, Lala's voice has been heard, and there will always be no worries.

"Nah... Mikado-san, have you seen the new teacher Tiayo? Hey, she is here." After seeing Tiayo on the bed, her eyes lit up and she hid in the door The outside look brought an awkward little secret to the room.

"Xiaoan, come quickly." Chuncai and the other women followed closely, and the narrow health room was suddenly filled with people.

When they saw Nie Kong there, they let out an ah.Could it be said that Teacher Tiayou passed to Nie Kong's side, but... but she didn't wear any clothes.

"Eve..." After Tiayo found Xiaoan hiding behind, he uttered two trembling characters with excitement.

"Hurry up and get your clothes on." She threw the clothes to Tiayo, turned her head and said lightly.

Nie Kong quietly grabbed Lala and motioned to the girls to give them space to talk alone.After many years, they must have a lot to tell each other.

Lala's innocent and pretty face was confused, and she might not understand what Nie Kong meant.Lala hardly understands the world's human sentiments.

Quietly, the slightly narrow health room began to widen.After leaving the house, Lisha's ears were close to the door, as if trying to secretly listen to them.

Nie Kong patted Li Sha's ass, her pretty face blushed and pouting her mouth and scratched Nie Kong.Ryoko at the back also chuckled, learning the way of lining.The women looked at them, crowded tightly in front of the door.

"Okay... It's been a long time. It's great that you are very energetic, Eve." After getting dressed, Tiayo's voice broke the silence of the two in the health room.

"I am the little dark of the golden shadow now. I am no longer the me I used to be." She turned around without letting Tia see her expression, and replied calmly.

"Sure enough, you are angry because I left you alone. At that time... I was about to be obliterated by the organization, and thought about taking you away with you. But they saw through, I tried my best to survive... On various planets, I heard that the organization has been destroyed. I also looked for you at that time, but I couldn’t find it. It’s been a few years since I learned about the golden shadow that everyone feared in the universe, and I soon knew It's you, but I don't believe it..." As he said, Tia's eyes couldn't help but burst into tears.

She was very guilty, and it was all due to her inability to protect Eve.

Xiao An quietly listened to Tia's words, her lowered pretty face slowly softened.

"You are cheerful and gentle, what kind of despair will you choose such a cruel path of survival." She pushed away her glasses and wiped the tears that came out vigorously.

Xiao An turned around and fixedly looked at her: "These things don't matter anymore. Even if you apologize to me, my path of survival will not change. I am not going to deny Golden Shadow's self, what I think now. There is only one-it's great that you can live, Tia." After speaking, her pretty face flushed slightly.She was relieved to be able to get Tia's explanation.

Hearing Xiaoan's caring words, Tia's tears burst out like a fountain.

"If it's okay, I'm leaving." She didn't know how to face such an atmosphere, so she chose to escape.She opened the door gently, but countless girls fell.

"Wow, are you finished?" Haruna smiled awkwardly, her pretty face slightly red.It's too embarrassing to be discovered by eavesdropping.

"Huh..." Xiaoan buried his head and disappeared in front of everyone at the fastest speed.

"It's not frank enough," Risa said in a general sense.

"It seems that they both feel guilty to each other. It is not that simple to shorten the distance between the hearts of one degree of principle." Ryoko became a psychologist and began to analyze the two.

"Well, you are right. But with our help, things will become much easier." Nie Kong believed.

"Hehe...Is it? If Nie Jun helps Tia realize her wish, maybe Tia will meet Nie Jun..." Ryoko looked at Nie Kong with an ambiguous look and smiled.

"What is it to Jun Nie?" the women asked in unison, their eyes flashing vigilantly.

"Haha, nothing." Ryoko smiled mysteriously.

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