The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0668, Nie Kong's strategy

The class bell rang, Lala and the others had to suppress their curiosity and return to the Class A classroom of the second year.

Nie Kong pushed open the door of the health room and found Tia wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.After several years of venting guilt tightly in her heart, her pretty face was full of relief.

"Don't be sad, Tia, things are already going well. I believe that after the recovery of time, you can change back to the original appearance." Ryoko comforted.

"Yes...Is that so, thank you Ryoko." She sniffed and smiled shyly at Ryoko.Tia's personality is somewhat similar to Haruna, a bit uncomfortable and shy, and will not express her feelings.

"It's just to wait until the matter develops and it will take place. I am afraid it will take a long time. Unless..." Nie Kong compared the two women's personalities and came to a conclusion.

"Eh, really? Please teach me how to do it. Ahhhhhh, having said that I haven't officially known you yet." Tia's eyes flashed shyly, looking eagerly at Nie Kong.

"Hehe, it's my fault, I didn't introduce you to Nie Jun's origin." Liangzi smiled.

"My name is Nie Kong. Like Ryoko, I am a teacher at Cainan College, but I am a teacher of physical education." Nie Kong introduced himself.

"I...My name is Tiayo Lunatic, a bioscientist from the universe. Nie Jun, please tell me what to do." After the incident just now, she has deeply remembered Nie Kong’s difficulty. forget.She held Nie Kong's right hand tightly, and pleaded.

"Tia, you want to mend the relationship between you. You can only take the initiative to infect her with enthusiasm. A serious illness requires strong medicine." Nie Kong knows the characteristics of the tsundere girl's character-a dead duck with a hard mouth, but in fact, his heart is very soft.If you stalk her with a gentle and strong strategy, it should be easy to get her approval.In this regard, Nie Kong is already half an expert.

"Then... what about the specific implementation plan steps, Nie Jun asks me." Tia said excitedly.

"First of all, when you are alone again, as long as..." Nie Kong said his plan, but Tia's pretty face flashed with embarrassment.

"Really... do you really want to do that?" Tia hesitated.

"Well, unless you are willing to spend a long time repairing it. But now the owner of Xiaoan's sister Heisaki Mea is waiting for the opportunity to plan the clothes to restore the original darkness, so they have to take time." Nie Kong encouraged.

"Tia, you know, about Kurosaki Mea and her master." Ryoko asked strangely.

"When I was organizing, I didn't understand the plans of all organizations, but what Gu Ryoko said must be based on the second generation developed by Xiaoan. Yes, the mass production of transformed weapons is the ultimate goal to prevent. As for her The owner of, at this stage, I can only speculate whether it is a survivor among the researchers or..." She didn't say the following words, it may be that the chances of the latter are very small.After learning about the threat of Heisaki Mea, Tia gritted his teeth and decided to go all out.

"As far as I know, Heisaki Mea's owner is Nemetheus." Nie Kong said casually.

"Is she actually called that name? As far as I know, the organization's another plan to transform into weapons is also called this name. But because of failure, the organization should have been cancelled halfway through." Tia said in confusion.

"That's it." Nie Kong suddenly realized that she was a weapon manufactured by another plan.

"Then how do you decide, Tia." Ryoko smiled.

"I...I will try to do what Nie Jun said, hoping to succeed in getting Xiaoan's forgiveness." Tia blushed.

I have just done something more shameful than what he said, so what is it that I am afraid of.

So after school between classes, Tia waited for Xiaoan to come out in front of the school gate.What Nie Kong taught was just four words, stalking.And when necessary, take the initiative to attack.

After Xiaoan saw Tia, the expression on her pretty face flashed slightly.

When Xiaoan was about to ask what happened to Tia, Tia came to her and stretched out her hands and hugged Xiaoan.The two look alike, one big and the other small, and the picture of a royal sister and a loli holding them is really beautiful.

"Ti...Tia, you...what are you...what are you doing." Xiao An Qiao blushed and stammered.Her unexpected intimacy made Xiaoan feel warm and happy.

Once upon a time, she clearly remembered that many years ago, Tia was hugging herself like now.Like a lifetime, the beautiful memory touched the memory of Xiaoan's heart.

"Okay... I like it, I miss the feeling of hugging Xiaoan. I'm sorry, I couldn't control it and hugged you privately..." Tia whispered.

Xiao An didn't speak, but slowly stretched out his hand.After hesitating for a while, he took the initiative to hold Tia's waist.The two daughters embraced each other like mother and daughter, attracting the attention of many people.

"Nah... Xiaoan, I... I just came here and there is no place to live. Ben... originally Nie Jun invited me to live with him, I want to hear your suggestions." Tia followed Nie Kong's words , Said to her without missing a word.

"No." Sure enough, as Nie Kong expected, Xiao An refused directly.

"But... but where do I live?" Tia said pitifully.

"If... If you don't mind, you can move in and live with me. You... Don't think about it, I just sympathize with you..." Xiaoan blushed and turned around and said.

"Thank you, Xiaoan." Tia's pretty face burst into an unprecedented smile, which was the smile that got her wish.It was exactly the same development as Nie Jun said, step by step closer to Xiaoan.

While happy, Tia was moved to Nie Kong indescribably.The two held hands, leaving an intimate shadow in the setting sun.

"Oh, oh, the two have reconciled. But Jun Nie, it's hard for you to do something H to Tia with a small dark side. I wanted to match up with you." Watching the two women leave. Open, Ryoko muttered.

"It's okay, I didn't care about that little thing." Nie Kong smiled lightly.

He felt that it was easier now. As long as Xiaoan was attacked, the mother and daughter could be killed. It would be more correct to say that it was sisters.

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