The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0670, want to control me?

Half of the strap of the black cute suspender dress came off, revealing the cute body inside., Because the little feet stretched out towards Nie Kong, the beautiful scenery inside was completely presented to him.She was indeed a loli, such a loli, she did have the capital to attract Nie Kong's attention.

Seeing her super S smirk, Nie Kong already knew that it must be a bad idea to tease people.Out of curiosity, Nie Kong couldn't help asking: "What plan?"

"Nie Kong, do you know that there are two types of damage-physical damage and psychological damage. I like both of them very much, especially the latter. Let me teach you." She stepped on her foot. Nie Kong's abdomen was sliding, full of excitement.

"That's your so-called plan?" Nie Kong frowned.

"Yes! I will give you happiness and pain, and make you a slave who will be excited even if you are trampled by me. Then let your sister and friends see your posture...Ah, just think about it, let me Excited." She showed a look of enjoyment, her pretty face full of red.If you succeed in teaching Nie Air Conditioning well, it would be tantamount to indirectly keeping Yaya and Xiaoan by your side.The two of them will inevitably return to darkness and realize their great dreams.Perhaps she would show that expression after thinking of that scene.

"I think you should have made a mistake about our position. It should be me who will tune you..." Nie Kong said with a light smile.

"Ah...Is that right? Let's see who is better at it. Teacher Nie Kong, you are very valuable to play with. It seems that you can enjoy it." She sighed slightly and looked at Nie Kong like Is looking at the prey.

Nie Kong couldn't laugh or cry when he wanted to compete with himself.Although you don't take the body that can change arbitrarily seriously, you still have a reaction.

"Oh, then I have to deal with you the same way I deal with Yaya." Nie Kong stretched out his hands and grabbed the little feet that were moving around his body.

"Hee hee, are you going to start, but I am not as good as a lie like Ya Ya." My nature is to play pranks on others, to see how you change me?With absolute confidence, Nemesis took the initiative to welcome Nie Kong's attack.

Nie Kong rubbed her green feet,

It's no longer one or two to push Lolita, but Lolita who shakes S like her is the first one.Do you like to tease others? Then teach you yourself.

It was different from the pleasure of teasing others. For the first time, she felt that her body was not a meaningless existence.Even if she can transform, the senses of the body will still exist.

"Nemesis, you are so cute."

"Huh...who...who cares about the body?" she stammered, panting.It's just her H expression that has betrayed her.

"Really, let's start the real training."

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