The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0671, gather together Cainan

Nie Kong tossed her hard for half an hour, until her body fell into Nie Kong's arms like mud.The swarthy pretty face was red with satisfaction.Nie Kong stroked her jade back lightly, recalling H's comfort.

"Nemesis, are you comfortable."

"Hmph, if you think you have successfully trained me, then you are very wrong." Nemesis hummed, but there is no strength to oppose it.

"It's a pity, since I didn't succeed, I will try to train a few times in the future." Nie Kong said with a playful smile.

"No matter how many times it is the same, I...I said that the body is right... it doesn't make sense to me." Nemesis' eyes lit up when Nie Kong said that he would "train several times".Although the tone was pretending to be natural, she actually had some inexplicable expectations in her heart.

"Nemesis, stay here and experience it-living friendly with humans." Nie Kong said.

Her eyes were lost, and the warmth Nie Kong gave her overturned her dark life.The whole body is warm, and the body feels like sustenance, full of safety and comfort.No wonder Xiao An and the others choose to live here, the special warmth is really hard to give up.The meaning of weapon survival, she has shaken the concept of just fighting.

"How could I leave here without training you to become my slave. Just wait for me, but I will appear in front of you at any time." She rounded the corners and did not answer Nie Kong's words directly, but said in this way come out.

"Yes...Yes, I am waiting for you. If you can, you can transfer here like Ya Ya, and I will introduce Xiao An to you." Nie Kong said something she could not refuse. .

"Well, it is true that my plan can be completed quickly here." Nemesis nodded.Most of the matter has finally been resolved, and the situation has become cheerful.If you insist on making weapons, please make weapons that belong only to me.

After warming up, Nemesis dressed up and changed into Yaya and left.After the second day, Cainan University ushered in the Nth transfer student-Nemesis.Moreover, Ge Ya was by her side, regaining her freedom.

The principal was sitting in his office with a serious face, and when he saw Nemesis was about to transfer to his school, his eyes appeared peachy.Just as he was about to rush to her, Nemesis, who was super S, severely abused the principal.However, the principal was obsessed with enjoyment, and the perversion of shaking M really deserves its reputation.

"Let me introduce someone to you. She is Nemesis, the master of Ya Ya. Now she intends to stay with Ya Ya in Cainan temporarily to experience life with humans." When Nie Kong said her When the background came out, Lala and the others were all stunned.Could Ya Ya's hidden master be such a lovely loli?

Tia hesitated to speak and stopped, maybe he was a little confused.After all, it happened too suddenly for them.Nana was the most shocked, she didn't expect her friend to have that identity.However, many of her friends are non-human-animals, which is not unacceptable.

"I'm just here to say hello to you, let's get along well, Golden Shadow and the people around." She smiled and scanned the girls around.

"You have hidden your whereabouts so far. Why do you do that now?" Xiao Didian asked.

"Hiding my whereabouts is not a big deal. I don't have the confidence to get along with others without getting into trouble. Because, I have that kind of personality. But seeing that Ya Ya has become a human mind with the golden shadow, so I plucked up the courage to take the first step." Nemesis said.

Her current power has surpassed the golden shadow a lot, and her combat power has reached more than five thousand.In the past, Xiaoan needed to transform into darkness, but now he can do it easily.But now her mentality has changed, and it is difficult to part with the warmth and happiness Nie Kong has given her.

"I can't accept it, isn't your purpose to turn me into a weapon and obliterate Nie Kong?" Xiao An frowned.

"I did think about that, but there was too little information about him at that time. My purpose now has changed. I want to teach Nie Air Conditioning who changed you into my slave, hehe..." She glanced at Nie Kong. There was a grunting laughter in his mouth.

"Come on, Master, Ya Ya will help you." Ya Ya rushed excitedly.If the master really taught Nie Air Conditioning successfully, wouldn't he be able to enjoy the H with Nie Kong at any time?Thinking of this, Ya Ya's mouth was drooling.

Upon hearing their answers, all the girls were shocked.

"No." Almost in unison, a large group of girls yelled at their masters and servants.How can that kind of thing happen?

"Oh, oh, things are getting more and more interesting." Ryoko saw Nemesis's expression, and had already guessed something in his heart.Nie Jun is really amazing, and he can change the master of Ya Ya.

"Hey... if you can stop it, try to stop it. I transferred here based on that great plan. If I feel bored, I will come to you to play. Please take care of you in the future, Nie Kong and Xiaoan ..." She smiled triumphantly and left with Naya.

"Ms. Nie Kong, do we want to believe what she said?" Tia asked worriedly.

"No problem, I will pay attention to her behavior." Nie Kong believed.How could her own training fail, not to mention her nature is not very bad, just with a little S.

"Hmph... Brother-in-law, you should stop contacting her. I'm afraid that someone who is super S will do rude things to you." Originally promoting the dream of the harem, I felt the threat of Nemesis.

"I agree with Princess Mengmeng, we must observe her for a while and make a conclusion." Xiaoan was afraid that she would do something to harm Tia, after all, Tia contradicted her point of view.

Nie Kong missed Nemesis' body very much. The kind of loli who was wild like a wild cat was very emotional.

After the incident, Nie Kong and the others gradually returned to their original lives, but Mengmeng and them both monitored Nemesis' every move with vigilance.But after a long time, she really lived like an ordinary student.But because of her personality, she often teased her classmates so no one dared to be her friend.Only Nana and Nana are in the class, who can treat her normally.

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