The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0672, the complete exchange

"Slow down Malone, don't run around!" In the evening, Haruna took Malone for a walk in the nearby park as usual.But it didn't take long before she noticed the same strangeness as a few days ago-it seemed that someone was following her specifically.When she turned around, she found that there was no half figure.

"Here again?" She had a pretty face with a panic, for fear that she would encounter an idiot like the principal.Looking around, Haruna hurriedly grabbed Ma Long and slipped out of the park.The seriousness of the matter was a little bit beyond her expectation. She thought it was just her own hallucinations, but that strange feeling had appeared for a few days.Chunca can only ask Nie Kong for help now, so she is heading towards Nie Kong's villa.

After knocking on the door, Haruna did not find the teacher.I asked Lala, knowing that he happened to take Nana out to buy cooking ingredients.There is no way, Haruna can only tell Lala the matter.

"Eh, I don't know who is following?" Lala said in surprise after hearing what Haruna said.

"That's it. I often feel that way when I walk with Malone recently. I don't know why, I always feel weird." Haruna explained.

"Is it a stalker, who is looking at Haruna?" Sai Ji said.

"Will it be the principal?" Blass thought for a while and listed the key objects.

"Very likely!" The women said in unison, seeming to have a deep understanding of the principal's abnormality.

"Anyway, let's catch him together. The kind of guy who causes troubles for friends can't be forgiven." Nana said loudly.

"Wow..." Ma Long also called out.

"Look at Ma Long who agreed with me." Nana said proudly, but Mengmeng rolled her eyes at her only if you understood what it said.

"Yes, in that case, I would have a good idea. Design a search and turn me into a spring vegetable to catch the criminal instead of you." Lala Qiao's face was full of extreme excitement, and it was time for her turn to appear.

"Did Lala become me? What do you mean?" A series of question marks popped out of Haruna's head.

"Could it be that..." Bra was full of bad feelings.

"Hehe... it's time for my invention to show off again, let's come out and exchange it completely." She pressed the space phone and a huge machine with two hatches appeared out of thin air.

"It's called the complete exchange monarch, which can help us exchange bodies with each other. With it, I can become a Haruna and catch a stalker pervert."

"My elder sister, I think you should learn how to use the invention after Sister Bra's transformation is perfect." Nana stubbornly said.

"Absolutely no problem, Chuncai, you get in there." Lala smiled and pushed Chuncai to the hatch on the left, and went to the right by herself.With the rumbling sound, the two women finally appeared.

"I... I became a Lara?" Haruna turned her body, incredible.The huge breasts are the best proof.

"It succeeded." Haruna's pretty face showed Lallana's unique cheerful smile, which really exchanged her body.

"My sister, as usual, has invented an invention that is completely unreasonable. But...if you can use it" Mengmeng looked at the complete exchange, her eyes brightened.

"Let's do this first, I went for a walk with Malone." Lala hummed a brisk song, pulling the dog leash and waved goodbye to Bra and the others.

"Be careful, Lara," Blah ordered.

"Lara classmate shouldn't matter, I'm a little scared." Haruna worried.

"Let's stay away and follow her. I am also a little worried about Lala's character." Sister Bularu said to them like her head.

"Well, I agree." The women all agreed, and then quietly followed Lara.

I took Malone for nearly ten minutes, but still no suspicious person was found.

"He didn't show up, it's better to stop here." Haruna said with fear.

"Don't be afraid, there are us." A stalker, Bra didn't pay attention to it.

"Hush... Attention, someone is coming." Mengmeng whispered.

Behind Lala, a swollen figure appeared.She is wearing a black coat and a western hat.The whole person was hidden in the clothes, unable to see her true face.

She slowly approached the back of Lala, and Lala didn't seem to notice her.But when she stretched out her claws towards Lala, Lala suddenly grabbed her arm.

"I caught you, see how good I am." Just as Lala was about to throw her away, Ke Lala was immediately stunned.She found that her strength had become so small that the people in front of her were as heavy as pounds.

"Get out of the way." The people behind waved vigorously and threw the pull pull out.

"Why did Biqi lose? By the way, this is Haruna's body." Lala dumbfounded at the weird person in front of her.

"Hurry up and stop." Bla and the others finally appeared, and Nana anxiously threw the huge wild boar that was raised in the space.The wild boar heard Nana's command, and launched a savage collision at the weird.

Seeing someone appear, she was so scared that she was ready to escape.But the speed was a little slower, and the wild boar in the back caught up.

"Woo..." Four pig feet trampled on the ground, causing a slight vibration.The frightened strange person pissed off, but unfortunately he didn't escape the trampling of the wild boar.

The women surrounded the weird man, as if trying to criminals.

"Well, you hurry up and confess your guilt, why do you want to follow Haruna?" Lala asked her.

"How could I spend so much effort for an earthling? It's not the woman I'm interested in. It's her love at first sight." She pulled off the mask, blushing and pointed at the squatting Malone.

Haruna and the others finally saw her appearance, she was actually a weird person with a dog's head.She cried her face and said to Chun Nai: "Please, give him to me."

Bula and the others are all petrified, and they have not counted this result.The weird person who tracks Haruna is the Saturnian of the universe, and fell in love with the pet dog Malone at first sight.

"Haruna, what do you think?" Lala asked in confusion.

"I...I don't know, I need to ask Ma Long's own opinion." Chuncai Liushen Wuzhu said.

"Well, Malone, would you like to live with her?" Nana pointed to the female kobold, communicating with Malone in words.

"Wow..." Malone yelled a few times and answered Nana's words.

"I'm very sorry, Ma Long said he didn't want to leave the master's side." Nana smiled.

"Ah..." The kobold howled sadly like a broken love.

Fortunately, Xiaojing didn't let Xiaojing see it, otherwise she would definitely go crazy with fear.

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