The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0685, successively

She said she wanted to prevent Nie Kong from doing something H to Tia, so Xiao An slept between them.And the two tightly holding hands were behind Xiaoan.

It was nothing at first, but after a long time Tia felt the power of his arm tingling.Xiao An's body almost slept in her arms, no wonder it was like that.

"You... are you thinking about something H, if... if you dare to mess around..." She seemed to perceive Nie Kong's movements, and she pushed Nie Kong and their hands away with a blushing face.

"Yeah... I'm sorry, Xiaoan. It's all my tumultuous relationship." Tia said in a panic.

"It's okay, I didn't blame Tia." Xiaoan whispered.

He turned to Xiaoan, his eyes scanned her body.As if perceiving Nie Kong's strange gaze, Xiaoan was in a panic. She hurriedly turned and left Nie Kong with a jade back.Looking at her current posture, she was completely retracted into Tia's arms.

Nie Kong and Tia are like sandwiches, sandwiching her between them.

She couldn't bear it and hurriedly turned to Nie Kong.When she was about to scold Nie Kong,

"Woo..." She pushed Nie Kong with her soft body, but she didn't have the slightest strength.

"Shhh, Xiaoan, don't talk, be careful to find out for Tia."

"I...I have warned you not to move your mind, don't you think I dare not kill you." Xiaoan whispered in a trembling voice.Don't use that cute face to say these threatening words, the lethality is not enough.

"Don't be afraid! As long as Xiaoan's target is me, you will always be by our side before killing me." Nie Kong also whispered in her ear.

"Stupid..." Xiao An was already speechless, and Nie Kong's words directly hit the softest part of her heart.

"Xiao Anchan, let's do something very intimate without telling Tia." Nie Kong turned Xiao An's body over and let her face Tia with her back to him.

"Eve, you...your body is so hot, do you have a fever?" Tia caresed and touched her forehead.

"'s okay, it's just a little...a little hot, ah..." As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao An only felt a tearing pain.

The intense pain made Xiaoan gritted her teeth, preventing Tia from discovering it.

Cool energy penetrated into Nie Kong's body, representing her pure Yuan Yin power.Although it is an artificial human, the strength of possible quantity is much stronger than that of Yaya.It seems that Xiaoan's own strength was definitely stronger than Yaya before.

After the energy flowed to Xiaoan, Nie Kong began the conquest.

Time seemed to stop, and her breathing became very urgent.The squeaking cry finally came out.

Originally thought Xiaoduan was ill, but when Tia Qiao blushed to death when he noticed the actions of the latter two.

"Xiaoan...Xiaoan actually did that kind of happy thing with Teacher Nie Kong, so...too much." As a biologist, she was even more curious about the reproduction behavior of creatures after that peak.

"Nie Kong... Teacher Nie Kong, please... please teach me the primitive reproduction behavior in the biological world." Tia passed Xiaoan and entered Nie Kong's arms.

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