The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0686, come

Nie Kong stretched out the tip of his tongue and bit Tia's vermilion lips. Tia softened and just wanted to open his mouth to say something.For the first time, Tia was as shy as a girl.In response to Nie Kong jerky, he had no skills at all.

At this point, how could Nie Kong care so much.Looking at the two pretty faces on the left and right of the bed, Nie Kong's unsatisfied heart burst out.

Could it be said that it was the reproduction of nature, which shocked her heart.

Shuang Xiu is already proficient, even if Nie Kong accidentally starts it, it can run automatically.Pure energy circulates in the two of them, although it is not much, it can speed up the operation to refine the faith and warm the soul.

No wonder Ryoko likes doing that with Teacher Nie Kong so much. It turns out that I feel so happy doing it with him!

"Nie Kong, why would you treat Tia..." While Nie Kong and Tia were enjoying the happy aftertaste, Xiaoan, who had recovered, propped up and stammered at them.

"Xiaoan, we'll be together forever in that way, isn't it okay?" Nie Kong hugged left and right, forcibly holding the two women in his arms.

"Eve, I didn't mean to blame Teacher Nie Kong, I was so comfortable just now." Tia smiled at Xiao An with the charm of a mature woman.

"Is that so?" Xiaoan's arrogant shell had peeled off after Nie Kong got it.In the past, she had a good impression of Nie Kong. After the incident, her feelings slowly settled, and she developed strange feelings towards Nie Kong.

"Well, we will live happily together forever." Nie Kong hugged the two girls and spent an unforgettable night with them.

The second day of getting double Shu was Valentine's Day, which happened to be the Saturday of the weekend.In the early morning, Nie Kong returned to the villa with a comfortable mood, but what was waiting for him was the energetic questioning of his daughter Bla.

I know the absurdity of my father very well, so I will definitely give Xiaoan and the others to that.

Lala and their three sisters pulled Bula to the side, and several mouths persuaded Bula at the same time.Then Bula was defeated, defeated by a few women's besieged preaching.It's not a big deal, it's just a malfunction of Lala's invention.

"Nah...Nie Jun, I can already make chocolate by myself, you must finish eating it." After Lala persuaded Bra's forgiveness, Xianbao gave the chocolate box he made proudly to Nie Kong.

"Brother-in-law, I also made chocolate for you." Mengmeng stretched out his head from the back of Lala, smiling and giving her thoughts to Nie Kong.

"Huh...I watched Mengmeng and they do it, so stay with them, don't get me wrong." Nana's pretty face was blushing, and she gave her chocolate to Nie Kong.

Nie Kong did not expect that even his daughter Bra made chocolates, and several gift boxes, large and small, filled his arms.

"Ding Dong..." The doorbell rang, and the girls who made chocolate gathered in Nie Kong's villa.Nie Kong's Lingshen glance was also dumbfounded.There are Meigan, Lun, Ryoko, Xiaojing, Wei, Haruna, Risa... The girls who have a good impression of Nie Kong, all should come.

In a blink of an eye, the originally spacious villa ushered in more than a dozen beautiful girls. They look at me and I look at you, and they dare not be the first to make a move.Later, Lun couldn't help it, and took the lead and threw himself into Nie Kong's arms and handed the chocolate he made to Nie Kong.

Seeing Lun's bold moves, the girls followed suit.Although Bula had expected her father to be very popular, she did not expect to be so popular that she didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

With a little bit of tweaking, Mei Kan was not pushed, she was somewhat shy of a normal girl.While hesitating whether to send it, Nie Kong came to her and looked at her with longing eyes.

Mei Gan Qiao's face blushed, and she obediently presented the heart-shaped chocolate that she had worked so hard for a long time yesterday.

More than a dozen chocolates, containing the girls' own hearts.Nie Kong didn't waste it, he could only eat them all one by one.Each has its own flavor, but the super spicy flavor is definitely made by Lala.Tasting the dishes she made before, she found that she likes to add so-called dark substances to it to create a very spicy effect.

Lala suggested that it's rare for everyone to get together and hold a party like Christmas.Their pretty faces flushed with excitement, and they shouted for agreement in unison.

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