The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0687, the wedding begins?

But just as they were preparing for the party, something unexpected happened to everyone.

A huge spaceship appeared in the sky and cast a circle of light on the flowerbed in front of the villa.The illusory figure slowly appeared, slowly descending to Nie Kong's villa along the light circle.

With the familiar spaceship logo, Nie Kong recognized that it was a spaceship dedicated to Deb Luke's battle, and it was the spaceship that Cheetah had used to hunt down Lara.

Two figures dressed in black suits like bodyguards appeared, surrounded by a white-haired warrior in white armor.How could Sustin, who was guarding outer space, suddenly appear?

"Sassin, what are you doing here to interrupt our party?" Lara pouted at him..

"Lala Satalin Debiro, the first daughter of Debiruk, I am here to announce the order of Lord Chetto. According to the performance of your husband and son-in-law, Cheetor has officially recognized him as yours Legal husband-in-law. From now on, I will take you to Debbie Luke for a wedding, and then declare that the husband-in-law of the universe will inherit the position of King Debbie Luke..." He solemnly looked at Nie Kong and the others announced.

"Congratulations, Master Lala." Pei Kai said excitedly.

"Hehe...I am so happy, I can finally marry Nie Jun." Lala's pretty face burst into infinite surprise.

But Sustin's words detonated Yui them like a fuse.They have fallen physically and mentally, how can they simply agree to Nie Kong's wedding.Also with anger is Bra, how could it be so simple to let Lala become his father's wife.

"" The women objected in unison. The only one who didn't say anything was the women who had learned about the Mengmeng harem plan—Haruna, Ren, Ryoko, and Saji.

"I have time to explain clearly with you, now I can only go back to Debbie Luxor to hold the ceremony. Master Cheetah has already cut and played, and has sent out invitations to VIP guests from all planets." Sustin said.

"My husband-in-law, what do you mean?" Seeing Nie Kong thinking silently, Sustin asked respectfully.

"Well, if that's the case, then I will take them to Debbie Luxin. Chunca, are you willing?" Nie Kong's meaning is very simple, since it is a marriage, then he will marry everything.

"Only, Meigan...I will explain the incident to you later. Come together and visit the scenery of our hometown by the way. Maybe after you arrive at Debbie Luke, something absolutely pleasant to you will happen." Mengmeng Said with interest.The harem plan is finally about to come true, and the moment he is ready to become a brother-in-law and woman.

"Well, I will give you an explanation." Although Nie Kong is passionate, he is not abusive.Since it is a wedding that has attracted worldwide attention, we must marry them all.Cheetah, you chop first and then play, then I can give you a huge surprise.Not only your eldest daughter, but even your second and third daughters, I will all be married together.Qiduo was easy to deal with. Nie Kong felt that it was difficult for Lala's mother to help Qiduo manage the cosmic politics.

"Well, we are willing to accompany the teacher." They lightened their heads, but they were going home to prepare.After talking about gathering for an hour, everyone disappeared in the villa.

They each carried large and small bags, as if they were about to start a long journey.To Nie Kong's surprise, Chunca unexpectedly brought her sister Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple, and I heard that she wanted to see an alien planet.

On the other hand, Lara told Ren to invite his idol Kyoko Kizaki.Ren didn't disappoint Lala, she brought Kyoko to Lala.

Nie Kong counted, and he had all the girls who had been ambiguous with him.Take it in one pot, and then accompany them to a happy life.Nie Kong has already made plans. Anyway, the girls have already pushed most of them. If he gets bored, he can choose to leave the world of Love-Ru at any time.

The bustling Debby Luke capital, the streets and lanes can be described as busy.There are suspended vehicles in mid-air, and there are cars that keep honking their horns, bringing a bit of excitement in the noise.The technology of Debby Luke is very advanced, much stronger than Dragon Ball.

Debby Luke's guards began to rectify the city's morals, because today there will be many important guests coming for fear of trouble.That's right, the city has already started preparing for the wedding of Nie Kong and Lala.It is much more guarded than before, because there are often spaceships in outer space.

"It's hateful, there are so many people." Near Deb Luke's palace, a strong man in strange clothes drove a truck, poked his head out of the window, looked at the long car ahead, and cursed viciously.

In the nearby car, a well-dressed mature man stretched out his head and nodded in agreement: "That's a normal thing. Have you forgotten today? It's a happy day to celebrate the whole world, the main lesbian Married. Today this road is so congested, in fact, part of the reason is that many alien nobles are planning to attend the wedding of the two of them."

The strong man nodded and looked at the gentle man and said, "I don't know who will be the blessing to be favored by the princess. If I am qualified, I really want to visit."

"According to the news revealed by a friend of mine, he is an ordinary human on the planet called Earth. Not to mention other advantages, but no one can compare in appearance. No wonder it attracts us, Lala, the first queen of Debby Luke. Princess. If you want to know his specific situation, watch the live broadcast when the wedding begins."

"Oh, I'm so envious. Married to Princess Lala, it means that he can inherit the throne of Debiro." The strong man said with jealousy.

"Haha, it seems that you must have participated in King Debby Luke's blind date before." The gentleman teased.

"Yes, it's a pity that I was brushed off in the first round." The strong man said embarrassingly.

"It's normal. At your age, is it to be the father of Princess Lara?" The gentle man laughed.

When the two talked eagerly, in the clouds and sky of Debby Luke.The huge spaceship quickly broke through the atmosphere and descended, swiftly across the sky, and came towards Deb Luke's palace!

The spaceship carrying Nie Kong finally came from the earth to Debby Luxstar, which is several million light-years away, with Nie Kong's many confidantes.

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