The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0693Destroy the Tower of Jace

If there is one word to describe Nanzhen, it is the weak and the strong, and the people who are not strong will only be oppressed here.

There are many masters in the South Town of the United States, and various schools of martial arts have developed well.Numerous evil parties and gangs began to run rampant, but the ruler of South Town was called Jace’s gang leader.He bought local officials and raised a lot of powerful thugs, no one can shake his position.Although he is very bad, in his era, he completely dominated South Town by means of an iron fist and a huge force.Although Nanzhen was under one person's control at this time, the various underworld forces were afraid of Guice, so they did not dare to harm the society unscrupulously.

At this moment, two strangers finally stepped into the chaotic city.

The trip of two or three days originally took a month, and Nie Kong finally came to South Town in the United States with little Lori Liana.Because of Lianna's strong request, Nie Kong would use that time to train her.

Nie Kong knew that she had a deep hatred, so she needed to strengthen her strength to avenge her.During that time, Nie Kong taught her to guide the Qi out of her body as the basis for her practice.

But Lianna's talent is indeed high, and she quickly mastered the use of Qi.Nie Kong didn't teach the moves, but she actually mimicked the assassination technique used by Hadillon that day.But if Nie Kong found out, she would pretend to be a good baby to hide Nie Kong.

Seeing her cute look, how could Nie Kong feel angry.

Nie Kong touched her pale blue hair, but did not scold her.With the specific use of the Qi that she gave her, I believe that with her efforts, she will soon become a strong one.Moreover, my own skill moves are only suitable for myself, not for others.

Although the assassination technique is bloody and cold, its lethality is indeed strong.Usually all the vital points of the human body are targeted, and the opponent can be killed with just one blow.With her introverted character, she might be really suitable for that kind of assassination.

When I first came here, the first thing I saw was the tall tower standing in the middle of the town.It is much higher than ordinary floors, and you can see the whole city as long as you stand at the top.Nie Kong's Spiritual Consciousness scanned the entire South Town, and sure enough, there were many strong people here, and they were not weaker than Hadilun.

Many fighting genres opened the dojo here, and masters gathered.There are familiar Taekwondo, Karate, Aikido, Chinese Bajiquan...

Nie Kong just took Lianna to the streets of the city, and soon attracted the attention of many wanderers.For them, Nie Kong with a child is a big fat sheep.

"Jie Jie... boy, obediently hand over all the money you have." Finally someone couldn't help it, and three or five people stopped in front of Nie Kong Road.They played with various weapons with both hands and looked at Nie Kong with greedy eyes.

Dealing with those people can only cause Lianna a little trouble, and it doesn't require Nie Kong to act.In half a moment, those gangsters fell to the ground under Lianna's attack.Although Lianna's attack was fierce, there was no blood.

Nie Kong stepped on the lead bully with his foot and asked nonchalantly: "You should understand the situation in Nanzhen, tell me who is the strongest person in Nanzhen."

"Ah, I...I only...I only know that there are people who can be called strong... There are our ruler Jace Lord of South Town, the owner of Xtreme Current, and Tang Fulu of Bajimen. The three of them can say You can be called the strong in Nanzhen, but I don't know which of them is stronger." Trampled by Nie Kong, his face was distorted due to pain.Originally thought it was a big fat sheep, but who would have expected it to be wolves in sheep's clothing, they kicked the iron plate.

"Where are the three people you mentioned?" Nie Kong asked.

"Master Jace's headquarters is in the tallest tower in South Town, and the owner of Xtreme Stream is in Xtreme Stream Dojo. Tang Fulu is said to have retired."

Nie Kong was confused when he heard the names of the three people.Actually, I only have some impression of the limit current. Is it really a two-dimensional world that I didn't understand?

"Okay, you can get out of here." Nie Kong didn't bother to care about them, killing them for dirtying his hands.He grabbed Lianna, and the first target was the most conspicuous tower-the headquarters of Jace.

Building that tall tower obviously meant to look down on others. How could Nie Kong tolerate that kind of thing.

Appearing in front of the tall building, Nie Kong found that there were many bodyguards in black suits guarding the so-called Jess base at the door.

"Tell Jace to get out."

Nie Kong didn't talk nonsense, and directly provoked them wildly.Hearing what Nie Kong said, the bodyguards rushed towards Nie Kong with batons in hand.

"I'm looking for death, I dare to come to Master Jace's site to make trouble." They grinned grimly, and the baton in their hands swung to Nie Kong unceremoniously.

Although his strength is slightly higher than that of a bully, how could he be Nie Kong's opponent.With a simple kick to the ground, all the bodyguards surrounding him were shocked into the air by the reaction force.

But the Earth Snake was different. In less than two minutes, Nie Kong was surrounded by a group of dozens of gangsters.However, their fate was the same as the ones just now, Nie Kong cleaned up all with one move.

Nie Kong asked one of them, and he learned that Jace was not on the tower at this time.

However, Nie Kong didn't intend to stop there. His fingers glowed faintly, and then he said to Liana: "Little Liana, you are optimistic, that is the use of Qi." After that, his fingers were facing the Tower of Jess. A white light beam was shot.

With the dazzling white light, only a loud explosion was heard.A mushroom cloud appeared on the ground, and the entire tower was razed to the ground.


Everyone stared blankly in the direction that the sound came from. After the explosion, the famous Jess Tower disappeared completely.Who was so bold to destroy Jace's base?

"Jace...Jace's base was destroyed, who did it?" The young man wearing a red and white hat looked in the direction of the explosion, his eyes flashing in shock.

"It's so strong. Unexpectedly, it will be stronger than the qi gathered by our Xtreme Flow Overlord Xianghouquan. Who will it be?" A teenage boy stared into the distance at the Xtreme Flow Dojo.

After ruining it, Nie Kong moved the spare castle in the Dingtian Ring to replace the Tower of Jess, as if to explain that it belongs to his territory from now on.Nie Kong's actions in this way will surely cause Nanzhen to be overwhelmed.

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