The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0694, Jess is here

In a luxurious villa in Nanzhen, a middle-aged blond man sat on the sofa with his eyes closed and rested, and beside him stood a man holding a red stick.

"Foster father, according to the news, someone just destroyed our base." The man holding a stick gritted his teeth and said.

"Billy, who is it?" The blond opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed.Someone dared to make trouble in his own turf, and he simply didn't take him seriously.That tall tower, but he made it with great pains and money.

"It's a young man with a little girl. He doesn't know where he got such a powerful weapon. Stepfather, please let me do it." Billy said angrily.If he knew that Nie Kong's destruction of Jace's Tower was just a trick, I am afraid it would not be so arrogant.

"Being able to know me Jace and dare to do that kind of thing, it seems that the other party is not easy. This time, I will do it myself." His voice was hoarse and full of murderous intent.I originally thought it would be done by the Berg brothers, but it seemed that I had expected it wrong.He has many enemies, and they all covet Nanzhen.

"I see, I will be with the foster father." Billy said loyally.

"Yeah." Jace nodded his head, he could use Billy to test the enemy's true strength.If the enemy is stronger than him, will he be able to beat the combination of himself and Billy?He knows Billy's strength and can be ranked in the top ten in South Town.

Sitting in the luxurious bulletproof car, Jess led his son towards Nie Kong, leaving a phantom in the street.

Nie Kong's big moves not only attracted Jace.The large and small forces in the South Town all gathered to the location of Jace Tower.Only when they saw the magnificent castle replaced with a tall tower, they were all dumbfounded.

It doesn't matter if you can destroy the Tower of Jace, but it's weird to build such a castle in such a short time.

"Jace is here." I don't know who said a word, and everyone's eyes turned to the rushing car.Terry, wearing a red and white hat, narrowed his eyes and shot two cold beams at Jace.

The car saw the gate in front of it, and instead of slowing down, it accelerated and hit the stone gate.

Only heard a loud bang, the front of the car twisted into a twist, only to see Jess and Billy jump out of the car griefly.If it were not for their own strength, they would be killed directly in the car.

"Shit, what kind of door is that? It's stronger than my car that can resist missile shooting." Jace whispered.His original plan was to drove straight into it, and he didn't expect such a result.

"Punch..." I don't know who laughed first, which caused everyone to roar in laughter.The embarrassed Jace turned into anger, and transferred the anger to Nie Kong, the owner of the castle.

There was a loud noise at the door, and they knew that someone who dared to offend Jace was finally about to appear.When the stone gate was fully opened, what appeared in front of them was a handsome man holding a cute girl.

Lianna saw so many people and was a little afraid to hide behind Nie Kong.

"Who are you, and what is the purpose of breaking into my territory?" Nie Kong coldly stared at the people around him.

Upon hearing Nie Kong's words, the crowd watching the excitement backed more than a dozen steps, revealing Jace and Billy who were really provoking, leaving a lot of space.

"Don't be kidding, it's you who broke into our territory privately and wiped out our companions first. You who made this provocative behavior are already my enemies of Jace." Jace looked at Nie Kong full of anger. .

Nie Kong looked at the legendary South Town boss Jace, but it was a pity that he didn't seem to have any impression of him.

"Foster father, stop talking nonsense with him, let me kill him." Billy didn't ask for Jace's consent, and the stick in his hand turned a few times and then stab Nie Kong ten meters away.

"Three-section stick in the middle!" It's hard to imagine how the original one-meter long stick would stretch to Nie Kong's eyes.And the top of the stick contained very terrifying power.

"The moves are good, but the speed is a little slow." Nie Kong was not nervous when facing Billy's powerful blow, but stood in a leisurely manner and judged his performance.But seeing Billy's appearance, he felt that the truth was slowly coming to the surface.

"How is it possible?" The eyes of the people present suddenly shrank, and the stick collided with Nie Kong's index finger.Instead, the stick flew away and rolled back towards Billy.

Seeing how simple his move was broken, Billy was stunned.When the stick was about to hit his head, Jace shot and held it tightly.

"You are not his opponent, retreat to me." Jace said coldly.It was just a trick, Jace already knew that Billy could not help him.

"Yes, adoptive father." Billy replied regretfully, and he had blind worship to his adoptive father who had always hated other people's orders.He felt very disappointed that his strength could not help Jace.

"You are very strong, but if you provoke me Jace, it will be your end." Jace's aura exuded soaring, and Nie Kong realized that he was stronger than Hadillon.He put aside his clothes outside, and Billy took his coat obediently.

Billy worshipped his foster father blindly.

At the same time, Jace took the shot, with Bajiquan and Brumarie's grandfather Zhou Fangqisi as a teacher to learn ancient martial arts. His strength should not be underestimated.

"Cracking Wind Fist!" Jess, who rushed to Nie Kong's front, flashed a sharp blue light blade towards Nie Kong and Lianna with his right hand.Nie Kong's expression was getting colder and colder, and he didn't expect that he would actually attack Lianna out of the range.

Seeing Jace's performance, Terry clenched his fist.

"His strength has become stronger, damn it, when can I get revenge."

It's just that Terry didn't know that he had no chance of revenge.Pulling Lianna to flash, Nie Kong stood on the roof of the castle a hundred meters away.The shining of the moonlit night set off Nie Kong like a god.

"Ok... so fast." All the strong people present had their pupils shrunk, and they couldn't see Nie Kong's movements.

Jace narrowed his eyes, and he became more and more alert.Nie Kong's strength was beyond his expectations.

"Little Lianna, you have to stay here." Nie Kong didn't want to let Lianna see the bloody scene, so he placed her on the top of the castle, blocking the sight of her short body.

To deal with the boss of the gang, it must be done away with.

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