The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0696, all parties are moving

"MR.BIG, is there anything I need to investigate when hiring me?" And after Nie Kong killed Jace, the various forces in South Town began to move around.In the dark bar, a blonde girl in a sleeveless red blouse sat opposite a terrifying man.The girl is very beautiful, she is only 17 or 18 years old.Dressed in sexy, she showed her slender snake waist, including her lovely belly button.Her cuteness and beauty make it so cool to be able to hold her in her arms.

His name is MR.BIG, and he is one of the leaders of the former South Town.He holds great power in the South Town, but because of the appearance of Guise, he replaced his position.Although he fought with Jace many times, but the guy Jace held a fighting contest by his side and attracted many master fighters.And MR.BIG is very monotonous over there, there is only one master of Muay Thai, KING.

The blonde girl Mary in front of her is a master fighter, and his enemy is his enemy Jace.But it is very regrettable that Mary did not intend to take refuge in him. At most, she paid for her to do simple things.On the one hand, Mary wants to investigate Jace in South Town, and she must shelter behind someone.MR.BIG, who is the enemy of Jace, is her best choice.

"Mary, you should have heard the news that your enemy Jace has been killed." MR.BIG exhaled a cloud of smoke and said to the girl in front.

"Yes, it's a pity that I didn't see that battle with my own eyes last night, and failed to defeat Jace to avenge my grandfather." Mary said with regret.

"His name is Nie Kong. He is like someone who suddenly appeared. I don't have the slightest information about him. But no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for him to take over Jace's power alone. Jace's era is over, now It's my turn to rule the entire South Town. Mary, I want you to help me defeat him and restore my position as the overlord of South Town..." MR.BIG exclaimed.

"I'm very sorry, those things are not in my business scope..." Mary refused.

Mary's refusal once again made MR.BIG's mood bad again.Had it not been for Mary to be a master of fighting, he might have already let someone kill her secretly.

"In that case, can you please help me investigate some of his information, right?"

"Okay, I accept your request." Mary nodded with a pretty smile on her face.She was also very curious about how Nie Kong who killed Jace would be alone.

"It's a pity, KING alone may not be able to defeat him. If you are there, there will be a bit more chance of winning." MR.BIG smiled bitterly.To completely rule South Town, he must defeat Nie Kong's blocking stone.

"That's nothing to do with me, you can think of other ways." Mary smiled playfully and pulled her pet dog away from MR.BIG's bar.She has been in a good mood since she heard that Jess died.

"Is it necessary to carry out the plan that was used to deal with Jace before? It is a bit risky. But there is only that way to deal with an enemy who can defeat Jace..." MR.BIG muttered, not understanding the plan he was talking about. What is it.However, that plan may be a double-edged sword for him, with pros and cons.

In Japan, the lonely Shiranui Dojo.

"Andy, there is news from Southtown in the United States. Would you like to listen to Jess?" an old man over 60 said to a blond young man who is training hard.

Andy, who was practicing, heard the word Jace, and his body immediately stiffened.He turned around and hurriedly asked, "Master, what happened to Nanzhen? Where is Terry, is he okay?"

"Regardless of Terry's matter, Tang Fulu just called. It is said that your enemy Jace has died in the hands of others." Shiranui Hanzo said, and when he heard the news from his friend Tang Fulu, he was also very surprised.

Speaking of Jace, strength is definitely a super strong existence, the famous master Zhou Fangchen in his country has already died in his hands.

"Really?" Andy glared, his eyes were pleasantly surprised for a while, and then there was an inexplicable sense of loss.After working hard to the present, he is now confused about the future direction.

"Well, that's true. Andy, are you sure you still stay in our dojo to learn bone art." After three or four months of guidance, Shiranui Hanzo still liked this disciple of his own.If he works hard for two or three years, he will definitely integrate his Shiranui Ninjutsu and bone techniques to become the backbone of the revitalization of Shiranui.

"I...I don't know, I want to go back to South Town and see Terry before talking." Andy whispered.He wanted to ask Terry what his plans for the future, and then he was thinking about his future.

The enemy was dead, and his goal of trying to become stronger fell in an instant.Unlike Terry, the hatred in his heart after seeing Nie Kong's toughness immediately shifted to a desire to surpass the powerful.

"Haha, if Andy you are willing to stay here and inherit my mantle, I can introduce my own lovely 14-year-old granddaughter to you." Shiranui Hanzo said badly.

"Master, please don't make that kind of joke. I am not in the mood now." Andy was caught off guard, and said with a wry smile.

"Well, your future must be determined by yourself. But since you are going back to South Town, then I'm just going there to visit old friends, so I just drop by." Shiranui Hanzo laughed.

Shiranui Hanzo was very curious about the ninjutsu that Tang Fulu said that Nie Kong used similar to Shiranuiyu, and wanted to ask for advice like Nie Kong.

Then the next day, Hanzo brought a girl who was exposed but very cute and appeared in front of the confused Andy.Seeing Andy's decadence, the little girl curled her lips directly.

The two introduced each other, but Andy still didn't seem to think about it.

Nie Kong didn't know that he accidentally destroyed the beautiful relationship that originally belonged to Andy.

And because he unscrupulously killed Jace, all directions were moved.The powerhouses of the world began to pay attention to him who suddenly appeared.In terms of Nie Kong's strength, being famous is really simple.

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