The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0697, Lianna's madness

Although Nie Kong tried to avoid it, Lianna still saw the scene where he killed Jace.Seeing Nie Kong's blood-red whip, her eyes flashed with silent fear, and she lost her look in an instant.

"Ah... No more! Nie Kong brother, hurry up and leave Lianna! Wow..." Back to the castle, Lianna's anxious words came from behind Nie Kong.

Seeing Lianna whose hair turned red and howling constantly before him, Nie Kong's eyes flashed in surprise.What's the matter, what happened, is she going to transform like a Saiyan?

"Roar..." Lianna's eyes were pale and godless, and her body exuded a strong breath of death.Her small body was trembling slightly, and her mouth made some vague sounds from time to time.The red hair smelled of blood, revealing the creepy weirdness.As the "swish" sounded, Lianna had already rushed towards Nie Kong...

Nie Kong's spiritual sense sensed that Lianna's spirit was very unstable at this time, as if she was controlled by some mysterious force.She has no reason and can only use her instinct to perform her actions.

She madly launched a fierce attack on Nie Kong, speed and strength increased more than ten times than before, almost surpassing Jace.

Nie Kong avoided her claws, but Lianna's attack did not stop, like a mad beast.Nie Kong knew that in order to understand Lianna's situation, he had to knock her down.

"What's wrong with you, Little Lianna."

Easily avoiding Lori's claws, Nie Kong grabbed her hands and prevented her from moving.Nie Kong shook her body, trying to wake her up.

"Wow..." Lianna was howling like a beast, trying to get away from Nie Kong's embrace.But Nie Kong's power was so great that Lianna opened her mouth and bit Nie Kong's shoulder without any other means.But no matter how Lianna bites, she still can't hurt him.

Seeing her crazy appearance, she lost her mind as if she received Nie Kong's angry blood whip, only knowing how to kill and fight.

Nie Kong didn't know how to awaken her sanity, now he can only restrain her actions.With the power of God Killer, Nie Kong made a slender iron chain to lock her limbs and neck.

She crawled on the ground of the castle like a dog raised by Nie Kong.Nie Kong grabbed the other end of the chain, as if walking with a puppy, but Lianna was moving around.

Sometimes she would pounce on Nie Kong fiercely in her eyes.Nie Kong's right hand will turn into a bleeding whip, and slap her body fiercely, shouting: "Please be good." After Nie Kong's repeated training, her eyes finally showed a little fear.

Nie Kong was curious as to why Lianna had become like that. Through spiritual observation, she found that there was no problem with her soul.The only difference in the body is the boiling blood in her body.

There are two strands of blood in Lianna, one is the same as the humans here, and the other contains powerful dark power.It seems that Liana lost her sanity due to its riot.

The two bloodlines exist in a person's body, and they will definitely bring her hidden dangers in the future.There are two ways for this. One is to take her into the Ding Tian Ring and let Bouma once again experiment with blood fusion, and the other is to use powerful force to remove the blood with dark power in her body.

Nie Kong naturally didn't appreciate the power of that bloodline inheritance, because the hidden dangers that it brought when it ran away can be imagined, and it can only cut off its connection with Lianna.

"Little Lianna, Brother Nie Kong, force the blood out of your body." Nie Kong pulled the chain that locked Lianna, Lianna whimpered and was dragged forward by Nie Kong.As if she knew she was in danger, she fought hard.

Nie Kong slapped her severely, and she whimpered on all fours under Nie Kong's feet.If anyone saw this scene, they would definitely curse Nie Kong for being abnormal, Lolicon, and shaking S.Actually treat such a cute little loli like a dog, ghost boy.

She waited until she looked at Nie Kong fiercely, but after she stopped resisting.Nie Kong stretched out his hand and gently stroked her wrist, and in an instant bright red blood spurted out.Seeing her own blood, Lianna became even crazier than just now.

Nie Kong held her shoulders and began to use his own powerful soul power to pull away her hidden dangerous crazy blood.As Nie Kong pulled away, Lianna's scarlet eyes gradually disappeared, and her bloody hair slowly returned to a pale blue color."Woo..." She whimpered softly, getting smaller and smaller.The strength of the body is getting smaller and smaller.

When Nie Kong was finished, a ball of blood the size of a football floated quietly in front of Nie Kong.A void of soul fire appeared in his hands, directly burning it into void.

At the same time, Lianna's hollow eyes slowly began to show radiance.After the blood of madness was drawn from the body, she would not worry about running away in the future, and became an ordinary human girl.

She looked at herself, then looked at Nie Kong again, blushing and whispered, "Brother Nie Kong, it's a pervert." It turned out that Nie Kong didn't have time to unlock the chains, but Lianna was chained to her limbs and neck. Lie in front of Nie Kong.

Lianna didn't remember the memory of the runaway.Nie Kong violently sweated, and quickly explained: "Little Lianna, you misunderstood, there is a reason why brother did that..." Besides, Lianna, you really looked like a she-wolf just now.

"Well, if... occasionally, Lianna can satisfy Brother Nie Kong's strange interest." Lianna interjected in a low voice.

"Only occasionally, if I do it often, I'm afraid I can't stand it..."

It's over, it seems that I was really misunderstood by Lianna.Do you think I am shaking S? I was just saving you.If you want to continue to do things like that in the future, I'm afraid you will definitely be shaking when you grow up.

"Stop thinking about it, hurry home and eat."

He hurriedly untied Lianna's chains and set her free.She looked at her blue knee, then stared at Nie Kong's cheek without complaining.Maybe if I did that, I could bring brother Nie Kong happiness.

Not daring to look at Lianna's pure gaze again, Nie Kong quickly turned around and took her little hand to the restaurant.Despite this, Nie Kong's heart still couldn't settle down.

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