The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0698, Brumari's love?

"You should have defeated Jace and saved our hero Nie Kong in South Town."

Nie Kong turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.Rao is that his resistance to beautiful women has strengthened a lot recently, and he was stunned when he saw the girl behind.He is about seventeen or eighteen years old, with short refined blonde hair scattered.The flawless pretty face, the Yao nose is slightly straight, and the pair of flying crescent eyebrows is the most delicate.With those eyes that are as quiet as a bright moon, and the tender cherry-like lips slightly open, a beautiful and pretty person, which conceals the femininity and innocence to the extreme.

She is wearing a red tank top and short shirt, with pretty arms and cute belly showing out, which is especially sexy.Originally brought Lianna out to buy cooking ingredients, Nie Kong did not expect to meet such a beautiful woman.

Among all the women Nie Kong has seen in the months since he came here, I am afraid she is the most beautiful.What was even more surprising was that when the girl saw Nie Kong's smiling face, she was a little surprised, some surprise, and some weird.The child jumped up innocently and said with a charming voice: "It's really you, I finally found you."

Nie Kong came back to his senses and asked with doubts: "Excuse me, are you?"

"Hehe, forgot that I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Brumari, an ordinary girl living in South Town. I am a fighting fan. I heard your heroic deeds the day before yesterday. I think you are great. Originally, I I feel Tightened Jace is already so amazing, I can't think you are better than him." She blinked at Nie Kong with curiosity in her eyes.

Lianna's face turned cold and looked at Mary, her attention was drawn to her, and she couldn't help holding Nie Kong's hand tightly.Nie Kong felt she was a little familiar, as if he had heard her name from nowhere.

Nie Kong felt that if one or two key figures were shown to him, he would be able to guess the background of the world before him.The more and more familiar characters gradually dissipated the fog.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Nie Kong said aloud.

"Don't say that, you are my idol, and I will likely become your girlfriend in the future. Since I learned about your deeds, I have become more and more kind to you." As soon as the words came out, Nie Kong almost fell. Broken eyes.Is such a beautiful girl really admiring and liking him?However, Nie Kong's appearance might indeed attract the attention of young girls.

"Don't stand in the way, we have something to do." Lianna, who couldn't bear Mary's harassment, finally spoke out, and she looked at Mary coldly.

"Oh, what about the cute little sister, is she your sister Nie Kong?" Mary seemed to have finally noticed the existence of Lianna, and suddenly uttered a girlish cheer.

"Well, I'm planning to take Lianna to buy the ingredients for tonight's cooking." Nie Kong replied.

"Really, I'll stay with you, OK?" She seemed to stick to Nie Kong like a brown candy.And seeing that she didn't mean to leave at all, she might be staying at Nie Kong's house for dinner.

She accompanied Nie Kong to the store. One man and two women attracted the attention of many people, but most of the gangsters looked at the beautiful Mary.

Bring her back to the castle. When Nie Kong was ready for a sumptuous dinner, Mary stared at Nie Kong with gleaming eyes: "That's amazing, you have such a superb cooking skill. If you are lucky enough to be your girlfriend, then I Really happy."

"It's nothing, hurry up and eat." Nie Kong reached out to help dry the oil stains on Lianna's mouth, and then smiled at Mary who was opposite.

Lianna raised her head and looked at Nie Kong, her eyes flashing with warmth.Nie Kong's gentle care surpassed her relatives and gradually eased her pain of losing her relatives.

"Hmm..." With a sweet smile, Mary enjoyed the delicious dishes Nie Kong brought her.The squeaking Mary talked left and right, surrounding the topic of Nie Kong.

"By the way, I heard that you easily defeated Jace. From my point of view, Nie Kong, you didn't use all your strength?" Mary, with infinite curiosity, just asked about the background of Nie Kong's life, and then broke out about Nie. Doubts about air strength.

"Haha...what do you think." Nie Kong originally thought that Mary would be an ordinary girl who admired him, but when she heard Mary's random questions, his brows frowned slightly.He had noticed it, and Mary seemed to be investigating his intelligence.

Although he maintained his innocent and pure worship appearance, the questions asked gradually became sensitive.For example, Nie Kong's hometown, relatives... just like a police investigating household registration.Nie Kong smiled and did not answer her question without saying anything.

"How could I guess it, can you tell me, OK?" Mary said nonchalantly.

"I'll talk about that later, it's already so late, you should go home." Nie Kong said.

"No, if you don't tell me, then I will live with you tonight." Mary looked slightly startled, but she reacted quickly and smiled like a flower.

"Whatever you want, aren't you afraid that I will do excessive things to you." Nie Kong's mouth has a playful smile. Since he wants to play, I will accompany you.It seemed that she seemed to admire herself, but Nie Kong knew that it was just her acting.

"Hee hee, Nie Kong, are you kidding me, how can a gentleman like you do that kind of thing?" Blumarie chuckled.

"Then I'll take you to the guest room, Little Liana, remember to take a shower and sleep quickly." Before Nie Kong left, he did not forget to tell Liana.

"I see, Brother Nie Kong, go to bed earlier, too." Lianna didn't have any doubts, she was obedient to what Nie Kong said.

Before the two came to a row of fresh and elegant bedrooms, Nie Kong took a set of keys from his body and opened one of them.The inside is very tidy, and the strange thing is that the room has only one big bed.The decoration is luxurious and the furniture is very complete.

Mary's voice sounded: "Nie Kong and Lianna live in such a big house. Would you feel lonely?"

"No, we are used to it." Nie Kong walked to the door of the room and closed the door. Mary looked at him strangely, but didn't say anything.Only Nie Kong and Mary were in the room, and the atmosphere of loneliness began to spread.

"Well, I also live by myself, but I don't have any brothers or sisters, so I have a pet dog." Mary nodded, seeming to feel sentimental.

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