The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 071, recruit friends?

"Hey Jun Nie, the audit of the club has been passed. The activity classroom, by the way, take me to confirm it, lest I, as a consultant, don't know where the club classroom is." With the help of teacher Mao Mujing, he founded the club. The application was passed easily.

"Well, come with me, I will take you to the club classroom!" Nie Kong didn't talk nonsense, and directly grabbed Mao Mujing's little hand, wishing to rush there all at once.

"Nie Jun is really, why are you so anxious, and holding on to the teacher's hand, it's annoying." Meng Xiang stomped her feet, a little worry on her cute face.But Moexiang, who is angry, looks so cute.

Going through the office corridor to the first floor, then walked into another building, then climbed the stairs, and then walked in the dim corridor Nie Kong and Mao Mujing finally came to a dilapidated door.

"It's here!" Nie Kong opened the door and walked in unceremoniously.

Announcement of Recruitment of the Friends Department

Head: Nie Kong, three classes a year

Based on the concept of building a harmonious society.

Establish a harmonious relationship with others!

Respond to the call to exercise your soul

Come and gather together on the day of departure.

Inspire each other with the idea of ​​fearless artillery.

Welcome a new friendship.

Become a demon who enjoys trust in school!!

"En, Nie Jun's literary talent is really good! Even when I see these contents, I will feel like joining the group." Mengxiang did not notice the bright spots in the text, and gazed at Nie Kong with joy.

"That's good, please post Mengxiang on the school notice board." Nie Kong resisted the urge to laugh and said to Mengxiang solemnly.

"Give it to Mengxiang, and promise that tomorrow we will make our true friends!" Mengxiang grabbed the cardboard eagerly and ran out.

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