The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 072, Hu Meng join! !

After posting the notice the next day after school, Nie Kong and Mengxiang once again came to the activity room of the Friends Department.

"Finally, we are about to start the real club activities today." Nie Kong relaxed on the new tatami, feeling relaxed all over.

"It is estimated that someone will come to join today, because when I posted the announcement yesterday, there were still a few people talking there. There was also a man who looked at me with my uncomfortable eyes." Mengxiang was a little annoyed. typical.

"Don’t worry, Mengxiang, it’s not easy to enter our Friends Department, and I have to go through a difficult test. After all, our goal is to find a true close friend." Nie Kong didn’t have any worries, men or something, which one would Let them enter the club they created for the harem.

At this moment, I only heard a rapid knock on the door.

"Nie Jun, it seems that not long after the announcement was posted, new recruits appeared early." Mengxiang shot two gleaming eyes and cheered happily.

But a truly intimate friend."Meng Xiang said in a huff.

"As long as I can be with Jun Nie, I am not afraid of any difficulties!" Since invading Nie Kong's soul space, Hu Meng has been completely obsessed with Nie Kong, and his soul has been branded with his shadow.

"Then, Hu Meng, you really want to join the club?" Nie Kong's purpose was to attract those lonely beauties, and as the protagonist of the cross, Hu Meng would naturally not let it go.

"I want to join, and I have brought the application for joining the company." Hu Meng took out a piece of paper from somewhere and placed it on the table, looking at Nie Kong with expectant eyes.

"OK, your interview has passed! I will observe for a few days before considering whether you can join our Friends Department!" Although I observed for a few days, Nie Kong has accepted her application for joining the group.

"Nie Jun is right, let's first observe and see if you have any bad motives for joining our Friends Department!" Mengxiang didn't understand the hidden information in the announcement, and thought that Nie Kong's purpose in establishing the club was to really want to make friends. It,

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