The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 073, the method of not sucking blood

"Chi Ye Mengxiang, then you just wait and see. I believe Jun Nie will be moved by my sincerity." Hearing Mengxiang's words, Hu Meng suddenly became a little dissatisfied.

"As long as I'm there, I won't allow you to approach Nie Jun." Meng Xiang glared at Hu Meng and said firmly.

"Huh! Nie Jun, let's ignore her and go back to the dormitory together." Hu Meng took Nie Kong's right arm and pressed her soft chest on Nie Kong's arm.

"Wait..." Meng Xiang just wanted to stop Hu Meng, but a dizzy feeling came through her head.She shook her body a few times and fell onto the tatami on the floor.

Seeing Mengxiang's pale face, Nie Kong knew that Mengxiang was anemic again.It's no wonder that Mengxiang will behave like this. He hasn't drunk a drop of blood in the past few days at Yanghai Academy, and even Nie Kong himself felt the emptiness and hunger in his body.

"What's the matter? Is it anemia again?" Nie Kong took out the right hand that Hu Meng was holding, and came to Mengxiang and hugged Mengxiang's fallen Wenxiang Nuanyu.

"Nie Jun, I'm sorry, I've caused you trouble again." Mengxiang stretched out her hand to wrap Nie Kong's neck, her pale face smiled at Nie Kong slightly.

Nie Kong looked at Mengxiang's pretty sickly appearance, and his heart moved slightly. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to push Mengxiang before Hu Meng joined. Now the opportunity is right in front of him.

"Hu Meng, I'm sending Mengxiang back to the dormitory today. I can't accompany you for the time being. You can leave by yourself." In short, everything is easy to handle Hu Meng first.

"Chi Ye Mengxiang, you really deserve to be the opponent of my Heina Hu Meng's life. You are so cunning that you can pretend to be sick. But listen, I won't give up Nie Jun so easily!" Hu Meng glared angrily. Meng Xiang in Nie Kong's arms turned around and rushed out of the room without saying a word.

"Jun Nie, I'm going to trouble you to send me back again." Although Mengxiang's face was pale and bloodless, there was a hint of successful cunning in her eyes.

How could Nie Jun be so stupid to send Mengxiang back so quickly? For him, this is simply a good opportunity given by God.If you are not sure, then there will be no chance for Hu Meng to be present.

"If you continue to have such anemia, how can I rest assured to let you go back like this now." Nie Kong shook his head and said.

"I can't help it. I used to study in the human world and I can buy plasma, but since I came to Yanghai College I have never had the opportunity to come into contact with human blood." Judging from the current situation of Mengxiang, maybe Meng Xiang really lasted three days.

Blood is the source of energy for the vampire's body, just like humans have to eat food, even too much.

"If this is the case, then I will teach you a way to avoid anemia without sucking blood." Nie Kong smiled in his heart, this soft girl Mengxiang finally couldn't escape from her palm.

"Is there really such a way?" Mengxiang was puzzled, but when she saw that Nie Kong didn't seem to suck blood, but never looked dizzy and anemic, she believed it seven or eight.

"Then trouble Nie Jun, teach me the way to not suck blood." Meng Xiang blinked her lovely eyes and stared at Nie Kong hopefully.

"Mengxiang, close your eyes first!" Even Nie Kong, whose face is comparable to a city wall, was embarrassed to take off her clothes on the spot while watching Mengxiang's cute eyes.

"Really." Meng Xiang listened to Nie Kong obediently, and closed her eyes staring at Nie Kong.But for some reason, Mengxiang's heart beat faster and faster.

"Nie Jun, what on earth do you want to do?" Nie Kong moves like this, and Mengxiang doesn't know what happened.She suddenly opened her eyes, staring at Nie Kong with annoyance and shame.

Just as he tried to put Fat Ci on with his hands, Nie Kong grabbed her hands and pressed her body on the tatami on the floor.

"Does Nie Jun like me too?" The panic in Mengxiang's heart gradually faded in these words, and her eyes stared at Nie Kong's cheek blankly.

But then a strong storm-like feeling hit Mengxiang's sensitive and delicate heart. The only thing she could do was to silently respond to bear all this.

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