The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0703, king

She smiled bitterly, as if she knew what she was doing was wrong, but she still did it.

"Do you have any difficulties?" Nie Kong asked curiously.

"Well, because my brother suffers from a disease, it is inconvenient to move and the operation fee is extremely expensive. And I failed to participate in the Muay Thai competition, so I needed money urgently. Originally, my purpose was to bring my brother to Nanzhen, hoping to stay in Nanzhen. Winning in the fighting competition earned a bonus as the operating fee for the younger brother. Later, after arriving in Nanzhen, because he took action to teach them the local gang, how did they know that they were threatened by their younger brother to stop them. It didn't take long before they succumbed to them. Mr.BIG, and I went to work under Mr.BIG to take care of the bar business in the organization." On the one hand, he is treating his brother for money, but on the other hand, his brother is threatened.That was not the job she hoped to do, but the situation forced her to be very helpless.But now MR·BIG is doing more and more excessive, playing with the despicable means of kidnapping.

No matter what the reason, he is indeed a member of the gang, even if he has a clear conscience, it does not mean that everyone thinks that way.He was able to listen to his own explanation, and he had a good temper.

"Leave MR·BIG, you are not a bad person at all, don't continue to do things for bad people." Nie Kong said.

"No, you don't understand, I can't leave. If I leave his organization, then his brother will..." She said with a wry smile, and she would spend a lot of money to treat her brother.

"If I kill him, then you will be free, and then do what you like to do." Nie Kong chuckled as he looked at the pretty lady in front of him.

"But his power..."

"If we are afraid of his power, then we won't be here today. Moreover, Jace, who used to dominate South Town, was the first to be killed by me." Nie Kong snorted coldly.

"No, he... is he the one who defeated Jace?" She suddenly realized, no wonder she would be defeated so badly: "I understand, I will take you to him. But the hostages are deep in his manor. The place is heavily guarded, and it is difficult to rescue it. If the other party takes her hostage, it will be troublesome." She said with worry.

"Don't worry, he should know that the hostages can't threaten me. Because I don't know the hostages at all, saving her is only entrusted by others. So as long as you kill MR·BIG, and then save the hostages, it will not be too late." Not to mention that he took advantage of the hostages. , He couldn't play tricks with his own strength.As long as Nie Kong thought, he would die if he wanted to die.

"In that case, please come with me." She is also very much looking forward to being able to completely escape the arrival of the gang.

"Wait a minute, your trousers are torn, please tie my shirt on your waist." Nie Kong took off his shirt and stuffed it into her hand.She blushed and hurriedly surrounded the exposed white complexion.Thanks to her reminder, otherwise I really didn't notice the pants.But he had already seen it there, it was really shameful.Having said that, he is really gentle.

She has been worrying about her brother's affairs since she was young, and she felt the warmth of others for the first time.

"By the way, my name is Nie Kong, what's your name?" Nie Kong asked suddenly.

"You can call me King, I am French." She replied in a low voice.

Hearing her answer, Nie Kong was stunned.She was actually the famous King in the King of Fighters. It was really Nie Kong's surprise.Well, how come there are so many famous people in the small South Town.

"You... why are you looking at me that way?" King stammered, she felt a sense of inexplicable tension.

"It's okay, I'm happy to be friends with you." Nie Kong smiled.

"Is it...I agree that I am very happy." Her pretty face was blushing, she didn't dare to look at Nie Kong.

With King's lead, Nie Kong can be said to be unimpeded.After passing through the bar, they came to a luxurious manor.When the guards and bodyguards saw King, they saluted her instead.

Upon arriving in the courtyard of the manor, the guards began to become strict.Standing many bodyguards in black suits and sunglasses.And their waist and abdomen are obviously carrying guns.While guarding by the bodyguard, a burly man appeared in Nie Kong's line of sight. Nie Kong knew that he was the target of this trip.

MR·BIG can be described as a nouveau riche with a shiny bald head.He is stuck in black sunglasses and has a short beard on his rough chin.Wearing an expensive cashmere coat and a gold chain around his neck.Standing on his right hand was a black stick, which seemed to be his weapon.As long as someone threatens him, he can instantly counterattack with the stick back.

"Hurry up and block them for me." After seeing Nie Kong's arrival, MR·BIG's face changed drastically.Upon hearing the boss's order, the bodyguards began to surround Nie Kong and King with their pistols.

"We finally met, you should understand the purpose of coming here. You hired Mary to investigate me, and then arranged for Sakazaki to deal with me, but all failed. Now it is my turn to settle accounts with you." Nie Kong said coldly. .

With sweat on MR·BIG's forehead, Takuma Sakazaki, who was stronger than Jess, was also defeated.A strong sense of crisis struck him, and he almost suffocated.

"King, why did you bring him here?" he roared angrily.

"From now on, I will officially announce that I am leaving your organization. Please forgive me for calling you the boss last." King said.

"Okay, very good... Since you don't know how to praise, kill them for me." MR·BIG ordered.

Seeing that dozens of bodyguards around acted in unison, they drew their guns at Nie Kong and King and started shooting.

Although he couldn't hurt Nie Kong, he was afraid that Lianna and King would be hurt by mistake.The mental power spread out, and countless bullets stopped strangely two meters away.

Before they could react, the bullet shot backwards and turned them back, several times faster than the pistol shot.

"Ah..." The screams resounded through the yard, and all his hands fell to the ground.

"Ok... so strong." King said blankly.

Killed all his subordinates with one move, it turned out that he just played with him just now.

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