The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0704, kill

MR·BIG's expression changed drastically as he saw the entire army in front of him disappear.No wonder he can beat Jace, he is so strong, but why should he be against himself?With strong ambitions, it is impossible for him to give up the dream that is about to be realized.


MR·BIG lifted his foot and kicked out towards the table in front of him, and the sandalwood table rushed towards Nie Kong at a very fast speed.And he grabbed the two black sticks next to him with his right hand, and Setsuna was ready to fight.If Sakazaki Takuma's combat power is 100, then his strength is estimated to be more than 50.Even if Sakazaki takes a shot, he can beat MR·BIG with his strength.

"Earth Explosive Bombs!" His stick set off a red wave, and accompanied Nie Kong behind the table.The battle is inevitable, and he can only preemptively gain the advantage.

Nie Kong snorted coldly, waved his hand and punched.The huge fist pressure smashed the table in mid-air and dispelled the air wave from behind.

"So strong."

MR·BIG expected that Nie Kong could not be defeated so easily, so he placed two sticks on top of his head to form two horns, and rotated his body towards Nie Kong.

"Spin the spear."

In response to his blow, Nie Kong threw his right leg into his stomach very quickly before his attack came.MR·BIG felt that the internal organs in his stomach were all mixed up, and there was an unbearable pain.And his body rushed directly into the sky like fireworks.If it wasn't for his physical strength, a simple move might kill him.What kind of power and reaction speed are that? If you don't use your real ability, I'm afraid today will be like Jace.No, he must dominate South Town.

"Don't be smug, brat, I'll give you a taste of my power, cross impact." The two short sticks crossed into a cross, and he fell from the sky and slammed into Nie Kong.The principle is similar to Nan Wu in Dragon Ball, and the power is equivalent.

Just when Nie Kong grabbed his two sticks, he finally activated the finishing technique, the super must-kill Flying Dragon Ascension Stick!The two consecutive skills were accomplished in one go, with a terrifying aura trying to crush Nie Kong.With that trick, he once defeated many enemies.

Only when the stick slashed at Nie Kong, he was suddenly stunned.Because the stick he clenched with both hands was actually flattened into two pieces.And he seemed to be able to see his back, but how could his head on his neck disappear?The strange dimensional knife cut his head and stick into two pieces, and he didn't even notice the pain.

After seeing MR·BIG die, King's eyes flashed with extreme excitement.Now she finally got rid of his control, feeling relieved, and her whole body became extremely relaxed.

"MR·BIG is over. I won't let South Town be occupied by gangsters again. King, since you like that bar, let me give it to you." Nie Kong said.

"I really don't know how to thank you." Looking at Nie Kong King's eyes were full of touch, thanking him for saving his life.Being a tiger is really uncomfortable, let alone worrying about the danger of his brother.

"If I can, I would love to see King wearing a dress once, it must be beautiful. However, let's wait for those words to save the hostages..." Nie Kong said with a light smile.

"Ah...well, if you want to watch it, but only once..." Since she started training Muay Thai, she hasn't worn women's clothing to show people.Sometimes she thought that she was almost a boy.Upon hearing Nie Kong's wish for the first time, a beautiful blush appeared on her pretty face.With a very low voice, she agreed to Nie Kong's unreasonable request.Do you want to wear women's clothing, she is a little expectant and a little scared.Is he really as beautiful as he said?

The heartbeat started to speed up, and a strange emotion spread in her heart.

When leaving the yard, Nie Kong used the angry blood whip to conjure flames, turning the garden full of corpses into ashes.So far, Nanzhen has restored peace due to Nie Kong's suppression.

After the hostages guarded the rugged garden, they dealt with many guards along the way.With such a layout, if you change it to Sakazaki Takuma, they probably will die here.After passing through a garden, Nie Kong and King came to a sealed room.There were a few bodyguards outside defending, preventing her from escaping.

"Help, help..."

The girl hurriedly shouted from the room, her voice was very crisp, it seemed that she should be about the same age as Lianna.But the black-clothed bodyguards on guard outside ignored them, and laughed instead.

"Just scream, no one will come to rescue you even if you break your throat."

"That's not right, please come in and save me, I'm so uncomfortable now..." The girl pleaded pitifully without giving up.

"You stay in there obediently, we can't disturb you without the consent of the boss." Although she is a prisoner, the bodyguards obeyed MR·BIG's instructions and were very kind to her.

After all, she is a princess of the extreme stream, and if you slack her, you will definitely get revenge from them.MR·BIG just used them and didn't intend to make them an enemy.

Nie Kong is a little strange, people with Extreme Stream shouldn't be caught so easily.In the King of Fighters, although Yuri Sakazaki's strength is relatively weak, it is much stronger than those of MR·BIG.

It’s just that Nie Kong didn’t know that Takuma Sakazaki didn’t let Yuri Sakazaki learn Extreme Karate from the beginning.So now Sakazaki Yuri is just an ordinary girl.

"Who..." Seemingly seeing someone break in, the bodyguards clenched their pistols.But when they saw that it was the boss's powerful subordinate King, their expressions were a little relieved.

"It turned out to be King, is there something?"

"I want to see the hostages, please get away." King said with a straight face.

"Sorry, the boss has already ordered that no one can go inside without his personal consent..." one of the bodyguards said, blocking their way.

"Huh..." King was not talking nonsense, his body started to attack.The fierce Muay Thai kicked out, and the sound of broken bones could be heard everywhere.King's legs are like butterflies dancing in the flowers.

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