The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0705, rescue Sakazaki Yuri

"Help..." Sakazaki Yuri still yelled tirelessly after King killed his opponent.The voice sounds very energetic and cute, not like being kidnapped.

"It looks like she's okay." King smiled lightly.

"Well, it's really hard for her to keep screaming at that level for a long time." Nie Kong said amusedly.

"Maybe I'm scared, no matter who encounters that kind of thing, he will panic." King kicked the chain-locked door and led Nie Kong into it.

When the three of them saw the scene of the house, their expressions all became very surprised.She is dressed in a white robes and pants are tight cropped trousers with strong stretch.Waist-length brown braids are tied behind the waist, giving people a very playful feeling.About twelve or thirteen years old, a little older than Lianna.

And because her back was facing Nie Kong, she couldn't see her pretty face.Now she is standing on a raised stool, wringing her ass there.The tight leggings showed the outline of her two round butts.

Looking up along the body, she only saw her head sticking out of the window blocked by the iron railing, and she was shrinking in a hurry.It looked like she was going to get out of the window, but she didn't expect to get stuck there.

Although her body is small and exquisite, the gap exposed by the iron railing is still too big for her body.

It's no wonder she calls so badly, that's how it is.With a flop, King covered his mouth and laughed.The corner of Nie Kong's mouth is also smiling, you are too cute.

"You...what are you doing there."

"Hey, has anyone finally arrived? Hurry up and help me. head can't be retracted, what should I do." Sakazaki Yuri said stupidly.

"If you dare to run away, it will be a punishment for you. From now on, you will stay like that for a lifetime." Nie Kong pretended to be angry and said.

"Woo... I don't dare anymore, please help me out." Nie Kong's words made Yuri Sakazaki cry in fright.

"Huh, now I have to cut off my head." Lianna added another fire and almost made her pee.

"Well, Nie Kong looked at you and scared her to tears." King gave Nie Kong angrily.

"Haha... just tease her. King, you can go and help her." Nie Kong chuckled.

King grumbled, came behind her and hugged her slender waist.

"Ah... I hate it, don't touch me." Thinking King was the bodyguard of those men in black clothes, Yuri resisted and twisted her body.If someone violated her now, she couldn't resist at all.It's easy to unfasten her belt, then separate her legs and aim at the girl's tenderness to stab to the end.

"How can I help you without touching you? Don't move, I'm about to start pulling." King's hands pressed hard, but Yuri's painful cry came.If the violence could be resolved, she would have already escaped.

"Don't pull it, my head is about to be squeezed." Yuli said in a weeping voice.

King frowned, using her own strength to break the horizontal iron fence, she must do her best to kick it.But if you are not careful, you will definitely accidentally hurt Sakazaki Yuri.

"The card is too tight, I really don't know how she got out. Nie Jun, it's your turn." King was helpless.

"I just give it a try. Who knows that the nasty window is only allowed to go out, not to enter." Sakazaki Yuri whispered.

"Well, let me give it a try." Nie Kong nodded.

"But you... don't pull it anymore, it hurts." Yuri Sakazaki said.

"Stretch your neck forward a little, let me break the two iron pillars near you." Nie Kong said.

"Yeah." She craned her neck to make room for Nie Kong to hold a hand.

Nie Kong put his hands through her delicate neck and held Tie Zhu and squeezed it lightly.Only heard a crackling sound, the solid iron pillar broke into two forcibly.

Sakazaki Yuri backed away forcefully, and her whole body completely hit Nie Kong's arms.The tender body carries the fragrance that a girl should have, and the breasts on her chest are only the size of an egg.

At this time, Nie Kong finally saw the true face of Yuri Sakazaki.Her facial features are exquisite like a doll, full of vitality.Lianna's introversion, her liveliness, the two loli's personalities seem to be two extremes.

"Yeah, I'm finally saved." After regaining her freedom, she cheered and took the initiative to hold Nie Kong's neck.

"Hmph, you should thank Brother Nie Kong." Liana said sternly.

Yuli noticed her movement, blushing, hurriedly let go of her hands, and looked at the three Nie Kong with some curiosity: "Thank you, but you don't seem to be with the bad guys. Are you kidnapped like me? Yet?"

"How should I put it, it was your father Takuma Sakazaki who asked me to rescue you. Now the bad guy has been defeated by us." Nie Kong said.

"Thank you very much for your help. My name is Yuri Sakazaki. Please take care of me from now on." After listening to Nie Kong's words, her eyes flashed with gratitude.Sensible, she bowed to Nie Kong and the others, and Yuli looked very decent and generous.Through the kidnapping, she learned that she must become stronger.Even if fathers look down on girls and refuse to teach themselves, they have to learn from others.

"Really lovely sister, please give me your advice. My name is King." King also likes the cute, lively and beautiful little girl in front of him.

"My name is Nie Kong. She is my righteous sister Lianna." Nie Kong introduced himself and Lianna to her.

"Hello." Yuli said obediently.

Lianna seemed to be at odds with her, and snorted.

"Now that the hostages are rescued, let's get out of here." Everyone is safe and sound, of course they are very happy.King hates this place, it's better to leave.

"I want to send Yuri Sakazaki back to the dojo of Xtreme Stream. King, you go home and rest by yourself. If you have anything, you can come to my castle anytime to find me." Nie Kong nodded.

"Well, I...I will remember what I promised you..."

King clutched Nie Kong's clothes around his waist tightly, watching their back disappear into her eyes.Do you want to wear women's clothing in front of him? I don't know if I will be ugly.

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