The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0706, first met Shiranui Mai

King's clothes were already torn and it was not suitable to accompany Nie Kong, so Nie Kong told her to go home obediently.

Accompanied Yuri Sakazaki to the gymnasium of Xtreme Flow in South Town, and as soon as they arrived at the door, bursts of noise reached Nie Kong and their ears.

And in the dojo of the extreme current, two young people are competing.It can be seen that one of the two people uses Xtreme Karate, while the other uses Bajiquan similar to Jess.After understanding the background of the world, Nie Kong could recognize the identities of the two of them at a glance-the unfamous invincible dragon Sakazaki Ryo and Hungry Wolf Terry.

In addition to the extreme stream students who watched and competed, several people attracted Nie Kong's attention.Not talking about the familiar Sakazaki Takuma, but four people sitting cross-legged around him and talking.

Two old men, one in Tang suit and one in kimono.Xiang Xiang, who was sane and calm, was almost stunned when he saw the two young men next to the old man.It all lies in the girl sitting in the first row, a very beautiful girl.The black hair is tied back into a bunch and is slightly puckered, in a cute ponytail shape.

The bright eyes like autumn water look radiant, the willow leaves thin eyebrows, and the slightly raised cherry mouth pursed with a smile, giving people infinite associations, and I can't wait to take a bite.The most brilliant "clothes".Outline the gracefulness of the girl's body.There are two fans in the loose belt.Because he was sitting on his knees, he continued to look down, but showed a piece of jade-like soft calf and small feet wrapped in wooden shoes.It can be seen from the whole that her future is unlimited.

In the years since he came to the second element, Nie Kong can be said to have seen all kinds of girls, from which he developed a very poisonous eye.The resistance to beautiful women has risen sharply, three words, very picky.Being beautiful is not the key to making Nie Kong lost in an instant. The key is that she was so famous when Nie Kong was more than ten years old-Shiranui Mai, a popular and beautiful girl in the King of Fighters.When he was in the arcade room before, there was a King of Fighters 97, Shiranui Mai MM used a scene where she would take off her clothes.

"Ultimate flow karate is really amazing, but Terry is going to give my full strength!" In the dojo's arena, Terry's momentum is quite high.And because of Nie Kong's change, Hungry Wolf and Invincible Dragon met in advance.Both of them have the mentality of a strong man, and when they are strong, they are strong.

"Stop talking nonsense, how can I lose to you in the home court of Extreme Stream, and ruin our reputation of Extreme Stream!"

It can be seen that Terry and Sakazaki are of equal strength, and they are already so powerful at a young age.

"What's the matter? Has anyone come to kick the gym?" The young Yuli didn't know Terry, so she could only ask a disciple over here.

"He seems to be the apprentice of a former friend of the master, so the master suggested that he should learn from each other." The white guy who was grabbing had an impatient tone, but when he saw Yuli, he shouted in surprise: "Ah...Master, sister Yuli It was rescued.” Until this time, the disciple was considered to have reacted, and it was the master's biological daughter who was dragging him.

After hearing his voice, Takuma Sakazaki finally moved his eyes from the battle to Yuri's side.

"Yuri, you're back." The tone was very plain, but that was due to his staid personality, and he could not express his true feelings.Instead, he bowed to Nie Kong, with a grateful tone: "Thank you very much for saving my daughter." The young man who saved his daughter, he responded with a considerable favor.

From the words of Takuma Sakazaki, the surrounding audience learned that the man was Nie Kong who defeated the master of Takuma Sakazaki.Fortunately, the owner of the museum took the initiative to challenge, otherwise the reputation of Extreme Stream would be ruined if he kicked the stadium.

"Don't mind, let's watch the competition now."

The battle has reached a white-hot stage, and the super kills of both sides have been revealed. In this battle, one person will surely fall.In the end result of the fighting and fighting between the two sides, Bawang Xianghouquan had the upper hand and Terry was defeated.Terry did not integrate his own street fighting, so his moves and combat experience did not reach the highest level. It is normal to lose to Sakazaki Ryo, who has been immersed in extreme current fighting all day long.

Andy, the fair-haired son, quickly supported Terry, and Terry's expression was strongly unwilling to fail, which strengthened his idea of ​​going out for practice.

"Haha...Terry, you have tasted the extreme current, right? You have to work harder in the future." The old man in Tang suit smiled and didn't mind his failure.

"I see, wait until I go out to practice." Terry was unwilling to say.

After the game, Yuli quickly grabbed Nie Kong and came to her father's face and introduced with interest.

"Dad, his name is Nie Kong. I rescued my benefactor from the bad guys, and he is a very powerful fighter."

"You don't need to introduce me, I was defeated in his hands early in the morning, so I didn't know each other." Takuma Sakazaki said embarrassedly.

"Oh? It's really a hero to let Takuma Sakazaki, who is stiff and as hard as cowhide, give up." Shiranui Hanzo laughed.Shiranui Mai looked at him curiously.A moment of surprise flashed in his eyes, with a slightly provocative taste.Nie Kong was very strange. It was the first time he saw her.

"We Xtreme Stream will always be your friends. If you have any trouble in the future, you can try to come here to find us." Ji Qi Takumo said sincerely.

"Hehe, you can also come to Yuri." She smiled lively.

"Very good young people, much more powerful than when we were young." Tang Fulu praised the white beard, touching it.

Andy understands that the person in front of him killed his enemy, but he feels ashamed to face him.If you have learned Shiranui's forbearance thoroughly, can you defeat him? The answer is very uncertain.

"Will Xtreme Current admit to losing to him? If you defeat him, then Shiranui Current is stronger than Xtreme Current..." Shiranui Mai grumbled her eyes, eagerly hoping to show her power here and promote Shiranui Current Reputation.

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