The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0712, humiliation

Krausa's strength belonged to the strongest King of Fighters Nie Kong had encountered. If he burst out with all his strength, not many could stop him, and he could indeed dominate the current world of King of Fighters.

He narrowed his eyes and flashed away from his original position.The body is very strong, but the speed is actually faster than the monkey.

Nie Kong didn't evade, as if he couldn't do anything against Krausa's speed.The violent right fist rushed straight to Nie Kong's front door, a simple and powerful punch.Nie Kong's black hair was blown backward by the deep fist wind.

"Said to use one finger, then I will use my index finger to beat you." Nie Kong simply stretched out the index finger of his left hand to block his face.With a bang, in Krauss's surprised sight, his fist fell and stopped quietly in front of the index finger.

It was terrifying that even Nie Kong's fingers couldn't even move even a bit of his huge power.

"How can someone be more powerful than me, I am the Emperor Clausa." His eyes were horrified and humiliated, and Nie Kong's movements smashed his pride.Klautha was angry, he tightened his teeth, and he used his greatest strength.

The dust blew by, and the blurry afterimage of Clausa crashed into Nie Kong.In an instant, he launched a stormy offensive.Because of his fast speed, Yuri who was watching the game was a little dazzled.

Only Mai Shiranui and Liana, who had practiced, could barely keep up with Krausa's speed.

"Xiao Wu, you just tell me, what's the situation?" Yuli grabbed the ass curtain behind Shiranuiwu and asked anxiously.

"Don't pull, the clothes are about to fall off." With Yuri's simple tugging, the two round meatballs behind Shiranui Mai were completely exposed.The red cloth strips on the body, such as thongs, can only cover her chrysanthemum.Mai Shiranui's clothes are one-piece, and the coat and underwear are a set.It is estimated that as soon as you untie the white belt on the lower abdomen, you will see her body completely.

I do not know that Huo Wu pulled back the fart curtain, and said without turning his eyes: "Nie Kong, Nie Kong is really...too powerful. He calmly faced Krausa's onslaught. Every time he attacked, he failed to touch Nie Kong. A piece of clothing." Brother Nie Kong's calm and calm demeanor is really handsome.I yearned for him more and more, and pulled him back to our Shiranui Gymnasium.

Klautha's face grew greener, because he knew how powerful it would be to achieve this level.Own pride, completely trampled to pieces.

"Asshole, I must kill you. Unwilling, how can I admit defeat here?" There has not been a single failure in his life, which led to his current arrogant character.If he is a few years later, he will certainly not be so gaffe.Because in two or three years, he will meet people who can defeat him one after another-Lucar, Terry...

A cold light suddenly appeared in Nie Kong's eyes, and with the rapid flashing of the figure, he appeared in front of Krausa in an instant.With a light touch of the finger, Klau Shaman's forehead was stunned.

Bang... Krausa, who was utterly speaking out, didn't have time to react, and was attacked by Nie Kong and knocked out more than ten meters away.Blood spurted out of his mouth.A simple gesture of flexion can bring him serious injuries.

"Although I'm already vigilant, how could it... how could I not see his speed!" At this moment, where Krausa still had just put on a prestige, lying on the ground extremely embarrassed.

He struggled to get up, with a bit of horror in his eyes.After Nie Kong's blow, his bones seemed to fall apart.

"Damn it, if that's the case, then you can taste my super killer-Emperor Caesar." He pulled his hands back, his arrogance boiling fiercely.The hands that were close behind the waist glowed dark blue.

It is several times larger than the one I just used, and it looks like a blue sun from a distance.The power of that move is probably much stronger than the Overlord Xianghouquan of Extreme Current.

A few meters of air wave was like a sapphire, dragging a blue tail, and bombing Nie Kong.


It's just that Nie Kong's attack also started, and his finger shone with milky white light.With a bang, the energy light speed hit the Emperor Caesar wave.

A terrifying arrogance radiated, and Krausa's qi wave evaporated into powder after encountering Nie Kong's cave wave.

Krausa's eyes were full of panic.He had never thought that there would be such a strong human being in the world, and he didn't want to be possessed by human beings with a terrifying air!!Can human limits really reach that level?

There was a lot of sweat coming out of his forehead, but he couldn't escape the speed of energy.Inevitable, the milky white hole wave shot through his right chest and pierced the mountain behind.

There was a loud bang, and there was a super explosion ahead.The shaking mountains aroused mushroom clouds hundreds of meters high and swept out in all directions.If it wasn't because of Krausa's weak body and energy only penetrating, Dongdongbo would have shot him on the spot.

Klausa, who was lucky enough to survive, covered his wound and fell to the ground, facing the emergence of the super strong, he finally lost his arrogance.

He was defeated, completely defeated.The other party just used an index finger to beat him completely.

"I... I lost, you can do it." He wowed and vomited a lot of blood.

Lianna was terrified and hurriedly hid behind Nie Kong.She hates seeing blood problems, and it seems that she hasn't gotten rid of it.

"Go ahead, kill you and dirty my hands."

Nie Kong didn't intend to kill people in front of Lianna and the others, so just like Sakazaki Takuma, he made a cross-shaped wound on his chest.

Klautha looked at his scar, feeling a hundred times worse than death.Self-proclaimed emperor, never thought that he would end up like this.He dragged his tired body and left South Town in a daze.As for his three subordinates, they don't care anymore.

Seeing Nie Kong's strength, Yuli's eyes sparkled.She shook Nie Kong's hands, coquettishly asking Nie Kong to teach her martial arts.

Nie Kong smiled, he was going to teach Lianna anyway, so he smiled and nodded.

However, he said, it would take several years to follow the practice.

"No problem at all, as long as Brother Nie Kong agrees to let me live here..."

"No..." Liana looked at Nie Kong pitifully, hoping that he would stop it.That Yuli, why should she snatch Brother Nie Kong from herself? She is the only relative.

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