The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0713, teach the three women

Although Billy and the three of them failed to complete Krauss's mission to kill Shiranui Hanzo, they were seriously wounded, and within a few months it would not be better.Therefore, their grandchildren are expected to stay in Nanzhen for a long time.And where can Huo Wu live?Can only continue to stay in Nie Kong's castle, doing similar work as a maid.Cleaned the house and helped Nie Kong cook.But the first time she saw Nie Kong cooking, her eyes widened and she looked very surprised.With a lively life, Mai Shiranui and Liana, who had lost their parents since childhood, felt the warmth of family.

In the castle training hall in the early morning, Yuri is doing simple warm-up movements of raising her legs and twisting her waist.She was wearing an orange and yellow mini tight-fitting blouse, underneath a tight-fitting black hot pants, and her legs were very slender.Beside her, Lianna was also doing physical exercises.Because to detect and control the qi in the body, of course a strong physique is necessary.

Little Lianna was wearing a light green short shirt, and her lower body was a pair of three-quarter pants that just covered her hips.Simple training moves reveal a fresh and sweet landscape.As the youngest Lianna, she has only one cute attribute.

Shiranui Wu carried a broom and wore the flaming red "clothes" she usually wore.The flawless slender legs and the curvy waist are better than two women.She looked at the training of Yuli and the others, wondering how Nie Kong taught.

"Now let me teach you the little skills of Qi, first of all, the basic dance technique." Nie Kong explained to them the specific application of Qi. In short, it is to continuously control the Qi on the feet and emit it to break through the gravity float. air.

Nie Kong demonstrated to them two or three times, and then asked them to try for themselves.Seeing that Nie Kong could actually float in the sky, Yuli's eyes became almost like stars.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" She couldn't wait, and immediately jumped out.Learning Nie Kong closed his eyes, and then controlled the slightest cyclone in his body.It's just that Yuri just started to practice, so even if she blushed, she still failed.

"Huh... it's still far away if you have to learn the tricks of your brother." Liana didn't forget to hit Yuri, and then she stood up obediently.Gently closing her eyes, she slowly hit her feet with her breath.

Shiranuiwu's eyes widened, she found Lianna's legs floated one centimeter off the ground, but soon fell off again.After practicing with Nie Kong for two months, Liana will certainly be better than Yuli.

"I... I actually succeeded in learning it, so it means I can do it too?" Compared to Shiranui's mid-air leaping, Wukongshu is really a magical skill.

She immediately threw away the broom, hugged Nie Kong's arm tightly, and said sweetly, "Brother Nie Kong, can Xiao Wu study?"

"It's okay, but..." Nie Kong glanced at her, his tone changed.

"But what." Shiranui Wu asked Bu Yi Bu Rao.

"But your clothes are your obstacle. To learn my fighting, you need to change into a suit. Anyway, your suit is harmful to fighting." Nie Kong had already planned, Xiao Wu's posture can only Watch it alone.

"Eh, why didn't I find out?" Shiranuiwu asked stupidly.

"As long as the enemy pulls your ass curtain, how can you get rid of it?" Nie Kong said with a light smile.

"Well, I was defeated by you like this last time." She suddenly realized.

"Since you found out, come and study after changing your clothes." Nie Kong was very satisfied.

So she hurried to her bedroom and changed her clothes two or three times.The lower body is like the sports boxer shorts of the girls in the college, and the upper body is a red short shirt. The wild temperament has changed, and the whole person exudes youthful charm.

I don't know that Huo Wu saw Nie Kong lost for a while, she couldn't help laughing out loud, her pretty face flashing a little smug.

"Okay, now start to do what's said."

Nie Kong patted her head and hummed.

Shiranui Wu was speechless, and then studied hard.Compared with Lianna and Yuli, Xiao Wu's cultivation is much stronger.So after trying more than a dozen times, she successfully floated half a meter in the air.But it was unstable and fell off at once, but she couldn't sleep with excitement.

"Brother Nie Kong, after learning your fighting genre, will it affect my original Shiranui genre?" Xiao Wu hurriedly asked.

"There should be no problem, you can try it yourself." Nie Kong didn't know the specific use of Qi of the Shiranui school, but he felt that Wukong was the basic use of Qi and had no effect.

"Hmm..." She briskly jumped to the wall of the training ground, and stepped on her whole person and began to shuttle quickly in mid-air, strangely without using any foothold.

"Shiranuiyu Profound Meaning-Ninja Bee!" Seeing Nie Kong not paying attention to her, Shiranuiwu's mouth flashed a smirk in the air, trying to tease Nie Kong.She pointed her elbow at Nie Kong and launched her kill.

A flaming sun appeared in the air, slamming towards Nie Kong.It’s just that Shiranuiwu didn’t notice that her clothes were no longer those made of fire-resistant special materials.

"Brother Nie Kong, be careful, Xiao Wu is about to attack you." Yuli shouted.

Nie Kong hurriedly looked towards Midair, only to see Xiao Wu appeared in front of him, he was completely stunned.

Xiao Wu's strength is not enough to make him lose consciousness, but the charming white body in the flame.The clothes have completely melted.

When she came to Nie Kong, Xiao Wu immediately withdrew the kill, she just wanted to scare Nie Kong.

She looked at Nie Kong, who was staring at her blankly, and shook Qianqianyu's hand proudly in front of him: "Well, I was scared, hehe..."

", Xiao Wu...Xiao Wu your clothes..." Yu Li stammered and pointed at her.

Xiao Wu followed Yuli's finger, and at first sight was white.

"Wow...Brother Nie Kong, can't watch it." Xiao Wu's proud expression froze, turning from white to red completely.She threw herself into Nie Kong's arms in a panic, and stupidly covered Nie Kong's eyes with her hands.As everyone knows, Nie Kong can experience the beauty of her body better.

With Wen Xiang Nuan Yu in her arms, the girl's unique fragrance came over her face, and Nie Kong felt a little drunk.He actually saw with his own eyes the scene of Shiranui Wu naked when he was killing her.

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