The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0720, bullying you, how about

"Well, as long as Mary do to me one thing your pet Anton usually likes to do to you, it's ok, it's easy." Nie Kong pulled her in front of him, and then chuckled.

"Ah... do what Anton did to me?" Mary took a deep breath, staring at Nie Kong stupidly with wide eyes.Speaking of my pet dog, I usually like to be intimate with* my face.But in the face of Nie Kong's endless bad ideas teasing her, can Mary object?If you object, maybe Nie Kong bullied her to do something more humiliating.

"Yes, otherwise I won't follow it." Nie Kong said naughty.

"That's what you said, if Anton usually does...what he does, that's lick...lick my fingers." Mary chose an acceptable thing and said in a hesitation.

"Mary, do you want to lie? I often see An Dong. I obviously like * your face." Nie Kong looked at the beautiful woman in front of him tightly, with a thick smile on his mouth.

Mary's face was flushed, although she was bold by nature, but that kind of shame was an unprecedented challenge for her.

Seeing her silence, Nie Kong gestured to her right cheek to start moving.

Mary gritted her teeth and closed her eyes and moved closer like Nie Kong's face.The soft tip of his tongue moved back and forth on the skin of his face with fresh mouth pressure, causing Nie Kong to shiver, so refreshing.

Seeing her cute look with her eyes closed, Nie Kong couldn't help it anymore.

Mary was shocked, but she opened her eyes to see Nie Kong's enlarged handsome face. The two mouths were tightly pressed together, and even merged together.

"Woo..." The first kiss was snatched by Nie Kong, and she never even thought that such an accident would happen.With Nie Kong's breath, her bones softened into noodles.As the two of them swallowed each other's perfume, she seemed to have fallen into the whirlpool.

It doesn't matter whether he kissed him unintentionally or he kissed himself deliberately.

"Oh, why do you bully me like this." Mary said with a cry.

"Because I am bad, and I will always bully you from now on."

Mary is in her early twenties and is in the most beautiful age group for girls.Hearing that Nie Kong had announced her ownership, she was stunned and determined to look at Nie Kong, and all the resistance was gone.

"Ah..." She choked, gasping to breathe the air outside.

"Pain is just fine, then you will remember me forever." Nie Kong did not stop, but slowly moved his lower abdomen.

Nie Kong grabbed the chain around her neck and waited for her return.Within an hour, Mary's eyes slowly became clear.She was still blushing when she thought of what had just happened.

"It's over, I will be bullied by him for a lifetime now." Thinking like that, the pretty face was full of happiness.After all of her family members died, she felt for the first time that she was dependent and a sense of belonging.

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