The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0721, kof opening

"What, Brother Nie Kong has already selected his teammates?" The next day, when Nie Kong held the energetic Mary and showed up to tell them they had decided, the three girls were pretty angry.In order to form a team with Nie Kong, they had a private fight last night.It's not bad now, their efforts are all in vain.

"Brother Nie Kong, who the hell is it?" Shiranhuo Wu was the most annoyed. She had already emerged from the three women, so she could just form a team with Nie Kong.

"I didn't choose who to form a team, but to participate in the British team represented by King. As for the three of you, let's take the place of me as the American team in KOF." Nie Kong said.

"Yeah, great."

Yuli and Lianna's eyes lit up with disappointed and regretful expressions. They were able to compete with Nie Kong, although not with Nie Kong.

Xiao Wu muttered, only a few obeyed and the majority reluctantly agreed to Nie Kong's arrangement.

"Then it's settled. We must work hard to let Brother Nie Kong know our strength!" Shiranuiwu squeezed her little hand, trying to fight for her breath.

"Yeah, watch me teach the dumb brother and dumb dad in the game, and make them look down on people." Yuli hummed.

Although the new female fighter team composed of Mai Shiranui three women has twists and turns, it still appears.However, the current female fighters are many times stronger than the original.Without Nie Kong, he would definitely be the champion.

I feel that the happiest person is Mary. I didn't expect Nie Kong to choose her and King to form a team for the competition. It was a shocking turnaround.

Time flies, and the opening ceremony of the 94kof contest finally kicked off.And in the regional competitions of various countries, the qualifiers for you and me have finally begun.As long as you stand out, you can enter the finals.

Unlike the competition held by Jess, the KOF94 fighting competition is held in a formal manner.Whether in the venue or in the fighting arena, they are all carefully prepared.This time, the King of Fighters Contest has gathered master fighters from all over the world, and the fighting method is based on the challenge mode.Each team will be assigned a ring for the challenge, and there, the duel selects the team eligible to participate in the final.It seems that only eight teams will be selected in the finals.

Various countries began to choose their opponents in the finals, and the three of Nie Kong went to England to play.Xiao Wu and the others are very lucky and can stay in the United States without traveling long distances.However, Nie Kong and the three of them are very strong, and basically don't need him to shoot.Just relying on King alone can be the first to easily qualify for the finals.

The three Mai Shiranui girls in the United States also began to fight against the team they competed in the finals-they are the representative team of three famous American stars.

The first person to jump to the ring was a burly white man like a bull-Bayern Butler. He is said to be a famous American football player. He once crashed a car without any injuries.

"Haha, those three ladies, no matter any one of us can take care of them!" The man patted the iron helmet on his body, and looked at the three Mai Shiranui girls with disdain.

"That's what we are going to say, you three fighting laymen." Xiao Wu flashed to the ring and shook her hand fan at him.

"I am a layman, now I am going to fix you. Don't think you are a woman, I will be merciful. I will tell people in the United States by action that ninjas are only great on TV."

His words were very arrogant, and his indifferent expression almost ignored Xiao Wu and the others.

Xiao Wu stomped her feet with anger, and decided to teach him a severe lesson.After the referee announced the start of the game, Bayern Butler came down like a tiger and slammed his shoulder against Xiao Wu, in exactly the same posture as grabbing a football.

"Heavyweight collision!"

That mighty power, it looks like it can definitely crash a car.

With a scream, Bayern Butler's body passed through Xiao Wu.No, that is a phantom formed at high speed.

"Hehe, can you catch me?" Five or six avatars appeared around him, each with a different posture.

Audiences all over the United States exclaimed: "Japanese ninja clone art?"

Bayern is like a mad bison, slamming into the Phantom frantically, but failed to touch Xiao Wu's clothes.

"Let you see our Shiranui's ninjutsu, ninjutsu-flying squirrel dance!" Xiao Wu's real body appeared in midair. She held two fans in her hand to form a cross, and hit his abdomen hard.

Bayern directly rushed out of the ring for twenty meters, with a thick blood mist sprayed from its mouth.Everyone was taken aback, I didn't expect such a beautiful girl to be so powerful!

The remaining two people no longer looked down on them in their eyes, they were all full of caution.The second player to appear is the famous American NBA star Rocky Guloba.

"Xiao Wu, come down quickly and let me have a fun." Yuli yelled.

"Well, let's play it alone." Shiranui Mai stretched lazily, showing no interest in them at all.After this war, Shiranui's reputation will surely resound all over the world.

Rocky Guloba used all his strength as soon as he shot, and the basketball with both hands was strong and powerful and hit Yuri.

A light was shot from Yuli's fingers, easily shattering the incoming basketball.

"Hell bounce." Rocky, who was startled in his heart, immediately resorted to a kill, jumping high into the air and rushing towards Yuli.

"Hu Huangquan!" Yuli sprayed a blue wave of air from her right hand and slammed into the lunging Rocky.With only a loud explosion, Rocky floated out of the ring like being hit by a truck.Even the people who watched the battle from behind were unable to stand firm because of the qi emission.

"Yeah..." Yuri made a lovely pose.

Then Harvey D, the world's strongest boxer, appeared on the stage. He calmly looked at the beautiful blue-haired girl squatting and tying her shoelaces.He didn't know that a girl who looked so weak could actually have power beyond them.

"Explosive uppercut!" The fierce punch was full of heat, making his whole set glow red.

Lianna calmly opened her body slightly, and then clenched her right hand and slammed into another fist from behind him.The frontal collision of force and force made a loud noise.And Harvey's boxing gloves, little by little, turned into powder in the sight of the audience.

He stepped back with heavy steps, and with each step back, the hard stone slab was cracked.When finally taking the fifth step back, Harvey knelt down in front of them.

"Female fighter team, advance!" the referee announced.

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